Star Trek Builders Unite 3 “Runtime Amok” - Page 7 (2024)


  • patience55 Posts: 7,006

    January 2013 edited December 1969

  • Ptrope Posts: 679

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Cool! I need to make a pic with it 'installed' on my helm ;)

  • patience55 Posts: 7,006

    January 2013 edited January 2013


    Few more found homes tonight too.

    These are all 're-ups' so far. I may have added a few promo pics into the zips, and a readme or two ... but the actual files are all the same. Flag01

    Post edited by patience55 on

  • PDSmith Posts: 712

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    Catherine, your toy has been added to the list. Thank you for sharing.

    (for the rest of you get your mind out of the wasn't meant like that!)

    (Her toy...


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    Post edited by PDSmith on

  • patience55 Posts: 7,006

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    PDSmith said:

    Catherine, your toy has been added to the list. Thank you for sharing.

    (for the rest of you get your mind out of the wasn't meant like that!)

    (Her toy...


    You're welcome. Have a few more for the list now ... and more later.

  • shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,186

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    PDSmith said:

    Catherine, your toy has been added to the list. Thank you for sharing.

    (for the rest of you get your mind out of the wasn't meant like that!)

    (Her toy...


    Great looking image Paul, and why can't it ever be Klingon's or Tholian's or even those evil Vulcans?

  • bluto Posts: 828

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    my attempt at the interior of a tholian webb spinner

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  • Thalek Posts: 318

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Very nice! I like the electrical discharge. Many crystals are piezoelectric, and might be capable of generating such sparks.

  • mdbruffy Posts: 2,345

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    mdbruffy said:

    bluto said:

    madd, now that i think about it archie sent me a file that had the tholian model in it . at the time he told me if i change or improve it in any way i could share the results if credit for the base model were given to him as is his due

    That works for me. You know I have no problem giving credit where it's due. I'd gladly give you both credit.

    Can you send a zip my way?

    Ummm Bluto.....?

  • bluto Posts: 828

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    ok, sorry madd , i will send it to you tomorrow. i just want to make sure i have all the textures i the same file

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  • mdbruffy Posts: 2,345

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    bluto said:

    ok, sorry madd , i will send it to you tomorrow. i just want to make sure i have all the textures i the same file

    Okay. I understand.

  • TheCastellan Posts: 700

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    Now that I finally got the male version of the uniform I wanted to use, that's one less obstacle to deal with. Here's a quick image of Captain Laguna, Chief Engineer Walter Hartford, and Chief Medical officer Huld Ester of the newly refurbished Stargazer . There's going to be several variations of the uniforms, as you'll soon see. :D

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  • patience55 Posts: 7,006

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Steam Pirate for M4 is on sale ... and in going through the purchase process there may be a further discount given. [didn't get the email so don't know the particulars]

  • Ptrope Posts: 679

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    You know, after all these years, I still don't know what font to use for the hull IDs on the TOS 1701!

    I've been working on a favor for a friend; I downloaded Mattymanx's conversion of Raul Mamoru's 1701 model which has the ID modeled as 'decals,' but he's wanting to use other IDs. Since the model is already UV-mapped, I've split up the existing dozen or so materials into 67 (so far), so there's a lot more flexibility, and nothing overlaps anything any more. But now to make IDs, I don't know what font to use ...

    Incidentally, I've moved all the bump maps over to use as the specular maps, instead - the ones included with the model are too 'TMP' for my taste ;). And I made a grid bump map for the saucer ....

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  • wancow Posts: 2,708

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Ghastly made this dress, and he's tossing the Geometries into the public domain... might be something useful to make a TOS outfit...

  • Ptrope Posts: 679

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    ssgbryan said:

    Ptrope said:

    You know, after all these years, I still don't know what font to use for the hull IDs on the TOS 1701!


    I use airborne:

    Perfect! Thanks, man! :coolsmile:

    Post edited by Ptrope on

  • MotoTsume Posts: 520

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    i use the actual font - Federation Starfleet Hull 23rd

    and the Tal Shiar has a ton of star trek fonts

    or download all the fonts at tal shier in one zip -

    Post edited by MotoTsume on

  • jaguarry3 Posts: 230

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Latest up date on the Bridge for the ISS Immortal modelled by me in Hexagon

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  • prydonian_96d3f0dd8a Posts: 79

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    This is for Matty, or anyone who has had this issue,

    I seem to be having a weird rendering issue with the MM JJ-USS Federation.

    When it is pre-rendered, everything looks okay and nice, but when you try and render it, somehow, the top saucer image changes to that of the USS Enterprise-reimagined texture, but turned 180 degrees.
    Tried it in Poser 9 and Poser Pro 2012, and it keeps happening.
    I go into materials, and set it to the correct image texture, yet somehow in the rendering, it reverts to the incorrect texture.

    Any idea what is causing this?

    Also, my first render, messing with Daz Studio 4 and Matty's NX-01 Enterprise conversion, with a few little light tweaks in Photoshop CS6.

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  • prydonian_96d3f0dd8a Posts: 79

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    And, here's another of Matty's conversions, the MFK Enterprise, breaking orbit. Again, playing with Daz, and touching up in Photoshop CS6.

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  • Redfern Posts: 1,580

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Finally got around to trying BlueBeetle's Spock face pose (.FC2).

    I must say it is, by far, the best likeness of Nimoy for Mike 4 I've encountered, easily rivaling the one Werts created.

    For the ears, I used the DAZ creature morphs. there's one labeled "EarElfIn" that looks like it was modeled on the iconic Fred Phillips makeup sculpt. I applied Mylochka's M4 Vulcan textures and gave the skin's base color channel an RGB setting of 225,255,225.

    I always thought Nimoy looked better when he wore a higher collar (and his costume varied slightly throughout the series), so I made the collar material zone of the Valiant tunic visible by giving it a velvet shader. I would reduce the black band in the existing tunic texture to a thin line with a subtle point at the front, but I'd just botch the beautiful fabric effect of the existing design.

    Anyway, I just wanted to praise BlueBeetle's efforts.

    I hope you do more of the "classic" crew.



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  • blubeetle3_c656fcc6f5 Posts: 137

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Redfern said:

    Finally got around to trying BlueBeetle's Spock face pose (.FC2).

    I must say it is, by far, the best likeness of Nimoy for Mike 4 I've encountered, easily rivaling the one Werts created.

    For the ears, I used the DAZ creature morphs. there's one labeled "EarElfIn" that looks like it was modeled on the iconic Fred Phillips makeup sculpt. I applied Mylochka's M4 Vulcan textures and gave the skin's base color channel an RGB setting of 225,255,225.

    I always thought Nimoy looked better when he wore a higher collar (and his costume varied slightly throughout the series), so I made the collar material zone of the Valiant tunic visible by giving it a velvet shader. I would reduce the black band in the existing tunic texture to a thin line with a subtle point at the front, but I'd just botch the beautiful fabric effect of the existing design.

    Anyway, I just wanted to praise BlueBeetle's efforts.

    I hope you do more of the "classic" crew.



    And blubeetle3 thanks you for the praise.

  • Redfern Posts: 1,580

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    It's well deserved!



  • patience55 Posts: 7,006

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    And today I turned some rocks into a .cr2 file. [MotoTsume's asteroid field]

    And I figured out how to turn a .duf pose into a .dsf pose that works :-)

  • PDSmith Posts: 712

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    I just posted your three other freebies to the list. bowl, chin guard, and flag to the list. Sorry it took so long.

    Beetle thank you for the Spock've caused me to go back and rewrite a future issue of the mirror trek issues to include our beloved 'Emperor or traitorous Vulcan' how ever you see a pending plot twist. thank you!


  • nitehawk_ltd Posts: 387

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Render drop.

    I was working on another project when I saw that the WoolOneP for A3 dress by Tentman would make a great uniform.
    That led to this render on the most excellent ST:TOS bridge by Ptrope.

    Yukinojo's new bridge.

    When the Kimba girls found out that Tennyo's new ship could easily reconfigure itself into different forms, and since it has a full load of fuel, they wanted to enlarge the control room. What better than a ST:TOS bridge? With new uniforms, of course.

    We got Cpt. Tennyo, with yeoman Jade.
    Nicki & Toni on Nav & Weapons.
    Bunny on Science & Ayla on Comms. (Though Ayla hates wearing a skirt.)
    And look, Hank got stuck as a 'Red Shirt'.

    Now most of the buttons don't actually work, they just beep when you push them.
    The ship's AI is controlled from the Cpt.’s chair.

    :) :)

    Yes this is another joke render of the Kimba girls of Whateley Academy.

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  • TheCastellan Posts: 700

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    Playing with my own characters.

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  • TheCastellan Posts: 700

    January 2013 edited January 2013

    Ok, now for some shameless, gratuitous fan service :D

    Image removed

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on

  • Ptrope Posts: 679

    January 2013 edited December 1969

    "Ample nacelles," as that Scotty would say!


This discussion has been closed.

Star Trek Builders Unite 3 “Runtime Amok”  - Page 7 (2024)


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