Shadowed Truths - subzeroflame1216 - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Echoes of the Past

Chapter Text

Sunbeams blind his view as Castiel swerves to avoid a cat in the road. For what has to be the tenth time this week, he makes a mental note to replace his missing sunglasses, the previous pair lost forever at the bottom of a lake. He shakes his head at the memory, chuckling as he recalls his best friends, Sam and Balthazar, attempting to devise a rescue mission that failed completely.

Everyone else took it as their chance to tease one of the big bosses of Novak, Winchester, & Roche without the risk of being fired. Castiel took the ribbing good-naturedly, enjoying one of the best networking events they’ve had to date too much to spoil the fun. Still, sans sunglasses the late evening rays are hitting him right in his eyeballs and causing a significant hazard. Luckily, the GPS kindly informs him he’s right around the corner from the restaurant.

Pulling his Prius smoothly into a parking space in the crowded lot, Castiel grabs his last minute gift from the backseat and hastily climbs out of the car. He spends a moment scanning the parking lot hoping he isn’t underdressed in ratty jeans, an old comic book tee, and leather jacket. He can deal with having to dress to the nines for workdays, it’s expected in his line of work, but off days are for relaxation.

However now that he's arrived, he realizes Sam never offered a dress code for his mom’s birthday party. Castiel wasn’t even going to make it, having an out of town client meeting the day of, but it was cancelled so here he is. Thankfully, most of the couples and families he sees wandering into the restaurant are dressed casually like himself.

Castiel walks confidently inside, only to be met with the most beautiful omega he’s ever set his gaze upon. The view makes him stumble upon entry, causing the person behind him to run into his back. Castiel manages to mumble, “My apologies,” before straightening and fixing his gaze back on the gorgeous man. He’s speaking with the hostess as a light brown haired, freckle faced little girl clings to his leg.

In profile, Castiel records the dips and curves of his pink pout, the fanning of his lashes. He gleefully notes the lack of a mating mark or wedding band, buoying his interest. The man is tall and broad for an omega but Castiel’s not one of those traditionalists that insists on the false image of omegas all being meek and small.

Castiel begins to move forward, intent on introducing himself when the most delicious smell smacks him in the face, almost bowling him over once again. He’s gone the moment the omega's scent reaches his nose, tart oranges and smooth cream flood his senses. Looking up, he witnesses the moment the man catches his scent as well. Disappointingly, he looks away to the ground though Castiel catches a brief glimmer of omega gold before its swiftly snuffed out.

Moments later, a hard body brushes past him roughly. Castiel’s about to protest the rude gesture, eyes trained on the suited back of another dark haired man when he’s clued into the issue. The alpha wraps an arm around the omega’s back, leading him and the child away and sending an icy blue glare back at Castiel. Moldy oranges and curdled cream invade his nostrils, briefly watering his eyes before dissipating as though the omega was never there.

Never even got to see his face…

It’s just as well, clearly the man is taken and by a very possessive alpha. Not a situation he chooses to put himself in the middle of, especially for a complete stranger. Shaking himself out of his sudden morose mood, Castiel approaches the hostess and asks for the Winchester party. She directs him to a private room in the back of the restaurant, unease growing in his stomach as the sad omega scent gets stronger the closer he gets to the door.

Castiel can hear multiple voices talking over each other excitedly as the door swings open to reveal the party. The restaurant has everyone seated at a long table with Italian food being served family style. Castiel spots Sam standing to his mother’s right and hightails it over that way, refusing to look in the direction of the mystery omega. His scent brightened marginally when Castiel walked in but not by much and he needs something else to focus on if he’s going to make it hours in close quarters like this.

“Happy Birthday, Mary. It’s been awhile,” Castiel greets, pulling the Winchester matriarch into a warm hug.

Mary pulls back, green eyes filled with warmth, “Thank you, honey. It’s been too long…”

She pins him with the typical ‘we’ll talk about this later’ motherly glare before releasing him back to Sam’s care. Almost ten years later and he still doesn’t understand what made Mary want to take him under her wing, even after he and Sam got their own places Mary still calls him once a month to chat and he pops by to visit when he can. That’s been less often lately with how busy the firm has gotten but, Castiel’s hoping to have more free time soon for his second mother.

His attention is pulled back to his friend and the party when Sam nudges him in the side, pointing towards the mystery omega on the other side of the room.

“Guess who finally showed up to a family function? It’s stupid we’ve known each other for so long and this is gonna be your first time actually meeting Dean in person,” Sam scoffs, well worn anger soaking his tone.

The puzzle pieces fall into a very complicated image as he processes Sam’s words.

The absolutely stunning omega now facing him, is Sam’s older brother Dean. The omega, Dean, has his bottle green gaze fixed on Castiel and Sam as he darts his vision between them and the floor. Castiel can’t reconcile the man in front of him with the one he was told left the family home to pursue modeling, never to return. Dean that sent money and gifts home on occasion but never bothered to actually show his face. Hauntingly beautiful, though he is.

It’s no wonder Castiel didn’t recognize him, even now he sees no traces of the smiling, eye crinkled, freckle faced, jovial youth Sam had in photos splashed around their apartment back in the day. This Dean has a haunted look behind his tight smiles, eyes only truly going soft when his gaze falls on the little girl, who must be Kara his daughter.

The proverbial straw in Sam’s eyes was finding out about his niece, Kara, through a social media post five years ago. Dean had just met his new boyfriend, now fiancé, Michael Milton and he wanted to make a big show of throwing Dean an extravagant pup shower with all of his industry friends in attendance. None of the Winchesters were invited and Sam damn near broke his phone after he threw it at the wall when he saw the video.

Attempts at getting the identity of Kara’s alpha father out of Dean were useless, even John tried before he died a few years back, if only to bond over being omega fathers, but Dean wouldn’t budge.

“God, why even come here if they’re going to sit in the corner, refusing to interact with us peasants,” Sam rolls his eyes, shuffling off to complain to his girlfriend Jess.

He’s sure to get an earful when she brings him his coffee at work tomorrow. Hazards of your best friend dating your secretary. Castiel can understand Sam’s anger and frustration, but there’s something familiar in Dean’s posture and demeanor, it sparks the thought that maybe they’re only getting part of the story here.

For the rest of the party, Castiel struggles to keep his eyes to himself but they always manage to land back on Dean. He’s dressed simply in a pink and purple plaid flannel, plain black tee, form fitting dark wash jeans, and leather boots but you can tell from a mile away these aren’t your standard Walmart flannels and jeans. Many times he catches the omega subtly watching him as well, always looking away as soon as eye contact is made. It’s a dangerous game, one they both abandon once the scent of angry alpha begins to roll off of Michael in waves.

In a perfect world, Dean and Kara would be sliding into Castiel’s car, on their way home where they would put Kara to bed and simply enjoy each others company. Instead, the night ends abruptly with Michael rushing Dean through goodbyes and out the door with Kara sobbing relentlessly in his arms.

“Sorry, it’s past this ones bedtime,” Dean apologizes, shifting Kara to his left hip as he leans in to hug Mary. “S-see you soon, Ma.”

Mary’s eyes are brimming with tears, “Don’t make me go another five years without seeing you or my grand baby,” she warns thickly as she returns the hug, pulling back to run a finger down Kara’s tear soaked cheek. “Grandma loves you so much, baby girl.”

“Love y-you, too G-gamma,” Kara stutters out through renewed tears.

The sight shatters Castiel but he remains a silent observer. He may be an honorary Winchester in Sam and Mary’s eyes but this is none of his business.

Dean responds haltingly, “I-I won’t, promise. I’ll call, soon.”

And with that the omega brushes past Castiel leaving a rotten fog in his wake. Dean’s heartbroken moss green eyes land on Castiel only for a moment before he’s out the door and gone, on his way back to his life in Miami.

The party winds down dramatically after that with most making their excuses and leaving within ten minutes. Castiel stays long enough to make sure no help is needed to load Mary’s gifts into Sam’s car. After promising to meet Sam for lunch the following day, he makes the short drive home feeling more alone than he did when he left that morning and hating that there wasn’t more he could do for Dean and Kara.

Five Years Later

Castiel looks up at the knock on his office door, it’s pushed in slightly to reveal his secretary Meg. Clad in a mid thigh length leather skirt, semi sheer black blouse, and leather corset, the alpha appears more BDSM ready than office ready but Castiel gave up the idea of dress codes around here long ago. She slides a loose strand of her dark waves behind her ear as she speaks, “Winchester just called, you still on for lunch today?”

Castiel nods absentmindedly as he turns his attentions back to his computer, “Yes, can you also make sure Balthazar knows that meeting was pushed up to this afternoon?”

His friend just got back from heat leave and he always forgets to check his emails in the morning. Castiel has a sneaking suspicion that isn't as accidental as he tries to make it seem.

“You got it, Clarence,” Meg smirks, winking as she pulls the door shut behind her.

Castiel shakes his head, huffing a laugh at the young woman. Meg gets the job done and they’ve become tentative friends over the past few months but she’s no Jess. Alas, Jess couldn’t be his secretary forever, she’s much happier now practicing right alongside the ‘big three’ as Bal lovingly calls them instead of fetching his coffee.

He finishes up the email he’s sending off to his client about their case before grabbing his phone and heading down to the parking garage. Sliding into his Tesla, Castiel points the car towards his and Sam’s usual lunch spot, The Roadhouse.

Fifteen minutes later finds him scooting into their favored booth towards the back of the diner, inclining his head in hello to the owner Ellen and her daughter Jo.

“The usual?” Jo yells from her position over at the register, tapping something in at his nod and heading into the kitchen.

Sam comes sweeping in moments later, happily sipping his fresh lemonade when Jo places the drink in front of him, “Mmmm, perfect as always. Thanks, Jo.”

“You’re welcome, Jolly Green,” Jo snorts at Sam’s grimace, reaching out to hand Castiel his drink.

Castiel accepts it, nodding in thanks as Jo goes to check on their food.

“Sorry, I got stuck in a meeting,” Sam apologizes, slumping in the seat across from Castiel as his shaggy hair flops into his eyes.

“No worries, Sam,” he assures, sipping his drink as he waits for his bacon burger and fries.

“Did you…” Sam begins to ask something but his phone trills, interrupting the alpha mid sentence. “Sorry, one sec…” he frowns down at the display as though he doesn’t recognize the number, not uncommon in their line of work. “Hello, Sam Winchester speaking…”

Castiel hears a garble of words coming through the phone but he can’t decipher any of it. Wishing it were on speaker, a cold chill sweeps through his body as he watches Sam’s face go pale and his hands begin to tremble.

The last time Sam looked this shaken they'd gotten the call that John had passed.

Something’s wrong.

Chapter 2: A Desperate Call

Chapter Text

“Look, Daddy,” Kara shouts, beaming smile like sunshine in a cloudless baby blue sky, “Feels like I’m flying!”

Dean’s mood instantly brightens watching his baby girl’s excitement as she swings. Her dirty blonde hair sweeps behind her as she kicks her denim clad legs up in the air, pumping them backwards to gain more momentum as she goes.

“Higher, further, faster, baby!” Dean shouts back playfully, quoting her latest obsession. He’s got Charlie to thank for that but he won’t begrudge her making sure Kara has tons of strong omega's to look up to, including her. Dean smirks as Kara whoops in agreement. “Ten more minutes, then we gotta go. Papa will be home soon…”

“‘Kay,” Kara answers in the way of a pup who didn’t hear a word that was just said, “Can I go visit Aunt Charlie again soon?”

Dean levels Kara with a look, crossing his arms as he asks, “Do you actually want to see Aunt Charlie or all the movies Papa won’t let us watch at home?”

Kara has the decency to blush as she backtracks, “No, I wanted to work on my halloween costume, silly.”

“Nice save, rugrat,” Dean chuckles, motioning for her to get down, “Time to go, I still gotta cook dinner.”

Kara doesn’t know that Charlie isn’t exactly speaking to Dean right now. His refusal to leave Michael finally jammed a wedge between he and his friend, just like his deceit separates him from his family back home. Grateful to evade the Charlie conversation for now, Dean waits patiently as Kara disembarks the swings with a jump, landing expertly in her hot pink chucks.

The park isn’t far from the house, still within the gated community he and Michael call home, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. He’s cutting things close as it is but Kara begged to stay a little longer and Dean couldn’t say no to his little sunshine. Benny left with Melody and Ariana almost an hour ago wanting to beat Andrea home, it’s time for them to do the same.

Kara comes bouncing to his side obediently, well aware of what can happen if she doesn’t do what’s asked right away. Dean hates that her good manners come from a place of fear and not from his own parenting. Michael wouldn’t lay a hand on her, but she’s seen what he’s capable of even though Dean tries to shield her as much as he can.

They reach the house in less than five minutes, but Dean’s heart falls into his gut when he notices the time. Dinner is going to be late anyway despite his best efforts, his only hope is Michael being in a better mood than usual. Not likely.

Crossing his fingers internally, Dean gets ready to prep dinner hoping he can have it close enough to done when Michael walks through the door in half an hour.

“Go change out of your clothes and get your homework done,” Dean directs, hanging his jacket up along with Kara’s by the front door.

Dean never had lofty ideas for his future, but he could never fathom ending up here. Broken, aged out of the only job he was ever good at, and chained to an alpha he despises.

Looking back, Dean never prayed to present as alpha like all his friends in school. Never idolized any designation over another, really. Still, when the time came he was proud to be an omega, like his dad. John was living proof that there was nothing wrong with being an omega, despite what asshole knot heads might try to convince people of his father showed him different.

Dean wishes things had been better between them towards the end, that he’d been able to tell John how much he inspired him as a kid and even more now as a parent. But, he couldn’t bring himself to reach out knowing how much of a disappointment he’d become.

Nothing for his family to be proud of that’s for sure.

Dean gets carried away with his maudlin thoughts as he pulls out the makings of spaghetti, the fastest thing he can put together in less than thirty minutes. It’s not what he had planned for tonight, but it’ll have to do.

From the pages of Vogue to domestic despair in five years flat.

Instead of watching the pot, Dean distracts himself from his thoughts tidying up the mess he made so far and readying Kara’s lunch for the next day. He drops the pasta in once the water’s at a steady, rolling boil and checks on the garlic bread in the oven. Just as he’s pulling the bread out the garage door sounds, alerting him to Michael’s return home from work.

“Kara, Papa’s home!” Dean shouts up the back stairs leading off of the kitchen.

Knowing Kara will come down and handle setting the table, Dean makes a mad dash to the finish line. He’s just straining the pasta and dumping it into a serving bowl minutes before the door to the garage opens, revealing his husband.

There was a time, long long ago, that Dean found Michael to be handsome, attractive, even sexy. Presently, he can’t stand to look at the alpha. Sure, the package is still the same. Neatly styled dark hair, muscular build, ice blue eyes, and model like features but that’s just the mask that reels you in.

Dean knows that now, all too well.

Michael saunters over, pecking a kiss on Dean’s forehead as he breezes past him into the dining room, “So glad to be home and away from those incompetent idiots at the office,” he begins his usual after work complaints until his eyes land on the table, perfectly set by Kara thank god.

She’s seated in her spot, hands folded in front of her and posture ramrod straight.

“Hi, Papa,” Kara greets Michael as he sits at the head of the table.

“How was school today, Kara?” He asks distractedly, attention glued to the pasta bowl and garlic bread in front of him.

Dean can see it now, rising behind those frostbite eyes and aimed directly at him. The first tendrils of alpha anger filter across the table as Dean takes his seat next to Michael.

“Boring, but Daddy and Uncle Benny took us to the park and that was fun. How was your day, Papa?” She asks innocently, her un-presented nose is spared as she digs delightedly into the food on her plate.

Michael responds, "Wonderful, sweetie,” shooting Dean a pointed glare, “I thought we were having pot roast for dinner, Dean.”

Dean deflates, watching that telltale eyebrow twitch, “Our afternoon at the park kinda got away from me so I only had time for spaghetti,” he explains with the knowledge the excuse will do nothing to change what’s coming.

The remainder of the meal is passed in uncomfortable and loaded silence. The big lead up to a blowout he wishes wouldn’t come. By the time they’ve finished eating, Dean's been unable to think of any way to soothe Michael’s ire.

So, after Michael’s plate is scraped clean and Kara’s eaten her fill, Dean wraps Kara back up in her jacket. Making sure she has her house key and her go bag, Dean sends her up the street to Benny’s. The other couple’s used to Kara popping up, they’ll keep her safe until he can go get her.

Hopefully it’ll just be a few hours.

So many people, complicit in his lies without even knowing. It urges on the guilt brewing inside him, at allowing his daughter to live in an environment like this. f*ck saving himself, he should be trying to save Kara. But, the few times he’s tried to run, Dean freezes and all he can hear are Michael’s words in his ear.

It’s hopeless.

“Listen to your Uncle Benny and Aunt Andrea,” Dean advises, hands shaking as he pulls up the zipper on her jacket, “And don’t instigate anymore fights between the twins.” He waits until she nods, wrapping her in one last hug before pushing her out the door. It closes behind her with a loud snick he swears echoes throughout the house.

Dean watches her pink hoodie get smaller until it disappears entering Benny’s home. He hears the clap of Michael’s designer loafers across the hardwood behind him moments before a punch tosses him roughly into the wall.

“Useless omega,” Michael taunts, spitting on his limp form.

Dean stays still, ears ringing from the impact but not fighting back for fear of Michael’s hits getting harder.It already hurts like a bitch to inhale, he's sure to come out of Michael's latest outburst with at least a broken rib. Or worse.

“Can’t give me pups, can’t take my bite, can’t cook the goddamn meal I told you to cook…” Michael mutters, punctuating each grievance with a kick to Dean’s ribs and stomach.

Dean whimpers, moldy oranges and sour cream clouding the air around him as Michael’s usually tolerable apple and whiskey scent goes rancid with rage. He curls in on himself, trying to protect what he can as Michael continues on.

The tirade is familiar, hitting all the golden oldies along the way. No matter the fact Dean tries every heat with Michael but so far, nothing. Just another crime against Michael's ego to add to the list. Dean wasn't even trying when he conceived Kara with her real Papa yet he can't do the same for his husband. Worthless.

“Embarrassment, that’s what you are,” Michael spits out the usual insults, “Your family didn’t want you and what did I do? Took in a pregnant omega on his own and this is the thanks I get…”

Biology seems to have screwed Dean the worst, his body rejecting Michael's bite at every turn. Eventually the alpha just stopped trying, that's when the beatings got ten times worse. Michael's hatred spews forth in a stream of slurred words and bloodied violence as Dean tries to make himself smaller, and smaller.

Blessedly, the next kick lands to the back of Dean’s head, knocking him out and blocking out the rest of Michael’s vitriol. As he allows himself to be swallowed up by blackness, Dean does something he hasn’t done in years. He prays.

Please, God, save us. Save me…


“Did you…” Sam begins to ask something but his phone trills, interrupting the alpha mid sentence. “Sorry, one sec…” he frowns down at the display as though he doesn’t recognize the number, not uncommon in their line of work. “Hello, Sam Winchester speaking…”

Castiel hears a garble of words coming through the phone but he can’t decipher a word of it. Wishing it were on speaker, a cold chill sweeps through his body as he watches Sam’s face go pale and his hands begin to shake.

The last time Sam looked this shaken they’d gotten the call that John had passed.

Something’s wrong.

Sam quickly takes the phone from his ear, hands shaking as he presses speaker and places the phone on the table between them, “I’m sorry repeat that again,” Sam asks, voice wavering with fear.

“I said, I’m a friend of your brother Dean. I haven’t seen him and Kara in a coupla days, last I heard was yellin’ but that’s pretty normal over there, seemed louder than usual though,” The unknown caller mutters almost to himself before continuing with renewed urgency, “I think you should come down and check on ‘em…”

Castiel looks up from the phone, still trying to place the man’s thick Louisiana accent as his eyes lock with his friends. Sam’s eyes have gone wide and terrified and he’s been shocked into complete silence.

Castiel jumps in, seeing his friend is in no state to ask any important questions, “Who are you?”

“Name’s Benny, I live a few doors down with my Alpha Andrea and our kids go to the same school. We usually take the kids to the park together at least once a week, he wouldn’t cancel without a word like that.” The omega sighs heavily, “Dean gave me this number in case of emergencies and this felt like one so…”

“No, you did the right thing, Benny,” Castiel assures the man, “Has Michael been home since the night you heard yelling?”

Castiel regretted letting Dean walk out of that restaurant every second of every day since it happened. If his fears bear fruit, he’ll forever hate himself for not speaking up at the time.

“No, actually his car left. Heard it start pretty late and he hasn’t been back since. Kara was over that night but we sent her home before bedtime.” Benny explains, “Dean’s usually pretty good about getting Kara to the bus stop on time. Very proud of her attendance so her missing two days in a row is strange…”

His body freezes as he listens to the omega’s words, scared sh*tless for Dean and his little girl.

“I’m going to give you my number just in case, can you text Dean’s address to me?”

Castiel doesn’t admit Sam doesn’t have the address, not having seen Dean since Mary’s birthday five years ago. He’s not sure if Benny would be willing to hand it out with that knowledge.

“No problem, just hurry. I try not to stick my nose in where it don’t belong but somethin’s not right,” Benny presses. “It’s not enough to call the cops but I have a bad feelin’…”

Hearing one of the omega’s children beginning to fuss in the background, Castiel thanks Benny again for his help, ending the call with a promise to check in once they get into town.

“I need to call Meg, have her move all our meetings to next week…” Castiel begins to plan out loud, interrupted by Sam finally getting his words back.

The other alpha is devastated, “I-I can’t lose them, Castiel. What if something bad has happened, like really bad?”

Castiel reaches across the table, resting a hand comfortingly on Sam’s forearm, “I’ll be here with you the entire way, Sam. We’ll go down and get some answers, okay?”

Sam nods almost on autopilot as Castiel watches the dread grow behind his hazel eyes. He wishes he could do more but he knows he can’t. Sam’s dealing with a tag team of regrets right now, a tempest only he can navigate and the answers are in Miami.

Castiel sends two texts, one to Meg regarding their meetings and flights and one to Balthazar advising him he’d be solely in charge while he and Sam are gone. A decision he hopes he won’t come to regret.

He has no clue what they’ll be walking into down in Florida but the urge to be there for his pseudo little brother sustains Castiel through the hours of planning, packing, and boarding the first available flight to Miami.

Please be okay…

Chapter 3: Unraveling Secrets

Chapter Text

Dean’s floating on a wave of razorblades, rising out of the blackness only to be tossed back into the depths of pure pain. Part of him would rather stay here, let it all go. Be free.

On his last journey, his ears attune to the quiet sniffles of his daughter, anchoring him back to this world. Dean manages to pop one swollen eye open, sensing shapes before they form into images that make sense. He registers location first, the basem*nt, before clocking Kara kneeling next to him. Dean’s reason to remain sits stoically at his side, gently running her hands through his hair reminiscent to how he comforts Kara when she’s unwell. The parallels squeeze at his heart, tightening his chest making his already labored breathing shrink to a shallow wheeze.

Kara hops into action, “Breathe slowly, Daddy.” She guides him until he’s mimicking her slow breaths, calming himself and breathing as comfortably as he can all things considered.

Dean opens his mouth, wanting to know how the hell she got down here with him but a pain flares in his jaw making him wince as he holds back tears. Praying that it isn’t broken like last time, Dean settles for a grateful hum of thanks hopeful she’ll offer the information on her own.

“I know it hurts to talk so don’t try,” Kara whispers, “I came back from Uncle Benny’s and went to bed like you asked but I woke up down here with you. Papa locked us down here and left, Daddy…”

Dean huffs a pained whine, of course Michael would do this. Hide his broken toy away until he’s all better again. Usually, Michael’s good about leaving the marks and bruises under Dean’s clothes where no one can see. Dean doesn’t wear three shirts in the heat of Miami as a fashion choice. He longs for the days Michael’s torture was just verbal jabs and scathing remarks, wanting to keep up appearances while Dean was still actively modeling. But lately, Michael’s attacks have become more aggressive, his solution being a post-beating vacation in the basem*nt until Dean’s presentable enough for the world.

He’s never locked Kara down here too.

The thought sends a cold chill of fear through his body. Turning his head he can see bottled water and non perishable food stacked by the stairs but it ain’t much and Dean’s not exactly mobile right now. Besides he’s sure, just like last time, the door is locked and his phone is gone. He feels exposed as Kara’s eyes rove over his injured form witnessing something he usually hides away from her, the full truth of what Michael’s capable of.

Dean prayed to be saved so what the f*ck is this sh*t? More suffering with the added bonus of failing Kara even more. Fanf*ckingtastic.

Fighting through the pain Dean mumbles around his swollen tongue, “‘Gon be fine, ‘kay?”

Kara nods, fat tears rolling down her red cheeks. Dean can feel himself slipping out of consciousness again, his little girl curling up at his side as reality slips away.


When he wakes again, Dean can tell more than a few hours have passed. Most of the bleeding has stopped and his jaw doesn’t feel as bad, so more than likely it’s just badly bruised. Thank God.

Kara rushes over as soon as she notices he’s awake, “I was so scared,” she carefully brushes his brow, trying to avoid his injuries.

Braving another attempt at speaking, he tries to soothe her, “’S okay, we’re gonna be okay..” He repeats the words, unsure if he’s trying to calm himself or Kara. Eventually it helps them both and Dean’s mind begins to ask the important questions. “How long?”

Thankfully, Kara understands he’s limiting his words and answers the question without pause, “Three days I think, it’s been dark at least twice outside…I tried to reach the windows but they’re too high, Daddy. I’m sorry…”

Dean shakes his head, immediately regretting the movement as the room spins, vision darkening around the edges. Concussion, check.

“Not your fault,” Dean stumbles over his words, tongue and cheeks raw from impacting with his teeth during the struggle. “Eat?”

Kara glances over at the smaller pile, then back at Dean with worried eyes, “Yes, I’ve been eating. There isn’t a lot though, what if Papa doesn’t come back?”

Dean eases her fears immediately while his own fester deep in his gut, or that could be his wounds he’s not so sure.

“He will…”

Keeping his own concerns to himself that Michael’s left them both down here to die, off to find his perfect omega mate.

Kara doesn’t look convinced, fixing him with a raised eyebrow before shuffling across the floor to grab a bottle of water and protein bar.

She grimaces, holding the opened bar out for him to tear off a bite, “Sorry, but you always tell me not to go too long without a snack and it’s been days.”

Dean fights through the pain of chewing with his busted lips and injured mouth, swallowing the bar and almost choking on the dry bits of oats. Kara struggles to pull him off the floor enough to suck down some water between gasping coughs.

It breaks Dean, before he realizes it he’s cuddled in the warmth of Kara’s embrace as sobs wrack his fragile body. The pain radiates through his legs and hips, his bruised midsection and broken ribs, rattles his head injury even worse and it all leaves Dean’s nerves rubbed raw.

In the end, he welcomes the darkness, his only regret that Kara will once again be left alone and terrified.

I’m so sorry, baby girl…


Castiel and Sam practically take off running once their plane lands in Miami.

He passed the tense hours of the flight delegating a few other tasks to Meg while Sam stared blankly out of the window. They have the local sheriff meeting them at Dean’s address, courtesy of his contact Jody Mills back home. She swore Sheriff Hanscum can be trusted to handle this situation delicately.

Castiel doesn’t like putting his faith in a complete stranger but he trusts Jody with his life, so he’s willing to take her on her word.

His mind won’t stop wandering to Dean and Kara. Wondering where they could be, if they’re hurt and in need of help. The unknown factors are killing him setting off his protective alpha instincts in a major way. It’s shocking to him, Castiel’s usually much more controlled with his emotions and inner alpha.

Choosing to channel that energy into getting them to Dean’s house in one piece, Castiel steers Sam through the airport with their hastily packed duffle bags and outside to the waiting Uber.

“Sheriff Hanscum asked us to text when we’re on our way so she can meet us. We’ll drop our things at the hotel and head right over,” Castiel explains the plan again, Sam acknowledging the information with a low hum and not much else.

The alpha sprayed himself with tons of scent blocker, not wanting to drown the small aircraft and his fellow passengers with his despair. Now, it’s hard to pin down exactly what Sam’s feeling, but Castiel remains on high alert regardless.

The ride from the airport to the hotel closest to Dean’s address is short, over in less than twenty minutes as the driver pulls over to let them out. Castiel takes care of grabbing their bags and checking in, leading Sam to the elevator and up to the fourth floor.

Handing Sam his room key, “I’m right next door in 412. Go ahead and put your bag away we’ll meet back here in ten.”

Castiel does the same, only taking enough time to relieve his full bladder and splash some cold water on his face. The bags growing under his tired eyes highlight his lack of rest over the last twelve hours. But he can’t, and won’t, allow himself to relax as long as Dean and Kara are still missing.

Twin pairs of verdant green eyes haunt him every time he’s tried, a few more hours awake won’t kill him.

Castiel’s hit with a boost of renewed energy allowing him to push away the fatigue for the moment and focus on what’s ahead, meeting Sam in the hallway so they can finally try and get some answers.

The drive takes them through downtown, turning down a suburban road lined with lush green palm trees and up to the front entrance of a gated community. A blonde woman stands on the other side of the gate in a tan sheriff’s uniform waving the car forward.

“We’ll just get out here, thank you,” Castiel tells the Uber driver, climbing out of the backseat with Sam trailing behind him.

“Hiya, Castiel right?” The sheriff asks, pressing a button to manually open the gate.

“Yes, how did you know?” He asks quizzically, walking through the gate before it closes behind them.

“Jody said the tall one would be Sam, Dean’s brother. Easy guess from there,” Sheriff Hanscum shrugs, reaching out her hand to greet them both properly.

“Nice to meet you, Sherriff Hanscum,” Sam returns the handshake, rallying now that they’re closer to finding out what’s going on. “Have you been up to the house yet?”

“Call me Donna, please,” she advises, “I just finished speaking with the neighbor, Benny, when you texted. Figured we’d go take a look together, follow me.” She gestures, blonde ponytail swinging as she walks towards her cruiser parked off to the side.

Sam nods, following Donna and piling in for the short ride to Dean and Michael’s home. He watches Sam try to hide it but he can tell he’s astounded by the sheer size of the homes in this community, much like Castiel.

“Dean lives in one of these?” Sam mutters in shock, eyes glued to the increasingly larger homes flying past the cruiser window.

Donna pulls to a stop in front of one of those homes, “According to county records the house is owned by alpha Michael Milton with his omega husband Dean Milton and daughter Kara Milton listed as current residents.”

The modern behemoth of a home stands tall in front of them as they exit the cruiser. Outwardly, nothing seems amiss to Castiel. Then again, he has no clue what ‘normal’ is around here and Benny was strangely vague in his description. It’s worrying.

“Now, just in case this is a crime scene, I can’t have you two contaminating anything. I’m sure you know that, being lawyers, just have to remind you,” Donna assures, walking backwards towards the walkway, “Be back in a jiffy.”

She turns away, examining the exterior of the house for anything out of place. Castiel begins to get restless as they wait, tapping out a beat on his upper thigh as they stand in the too warm breeze.

“Where’s the Impala?” Sam suddenly asks, scanning his eyes from the garage to the driveway with a furrowed brow.

“Huh?” Castiel asks, confused by Sam’s sudden question.

“The Impala, the neighbor said Michael keeps his Land Rover in the garage. That’s a one car garage so where’s Baby?” Sam repeats, parsing out the clues just like they do in the courtroom.

Castiel considers for a moment, gaze drifting to the sky then back to Sam’s intense stare, “You’re right…maybe Dean took Kara somewhere and didn’t have time to tell Benny? That wouldn’t explain why he didn’t answer his calls though…”

Donna returns before Sam can respond, letting them both down with a shake of her head, “Sorry fellas there’s nothing on this property that would lead me to believe anything hinky is going on. Benny did mention a,” she flips through her notebook before locating the name, “Charlie Bradbury, mutual friend of his and Dean’s. I’m heading over there now if you want to tag along.”

Sam nods but Castiel has a few questions, something’s telling him not to just let this go, “Have you gotten in touch with Michael yet?”

Donna shakes her head no, “Honestly he doesn’t have to speak to me since this isn’t an official investigation but I’m hopeful. Come on, we’re wasting daylight.”

Castiel returns to the backseat of the cruiser as Donna drives them off in the direction of this mystery friends home. An itch builds under his skin as the cruiser gains distance, a pull to go back. To rip the front door from its hinges and search behind every barrier until he has Dean in his arms, Kara safe and sound.

Selfish thoughts traipse through his warring mind as he largely ignores the mundane conversation Sam’s engaged Donna in up front.

The home they pull up to next is a cheery violet townhouse, on the other side of town. Donna pulls in the driveway behind a hideous yellow Gremlin. He follows her lead, exiting the vehicle and walking up the pathway to the front door. Anticipation builds under his skin the closer they get to the door, to possible answers.

Donna knocks, three times in quick succession, and waits for someone to answer.

“Hold on!” A voice calls from inside the house. The door swings open to reveal a bright faced red headed omega, “Wow…” her eyes go owlish as she takes in the trio on her doorstep.

Donna uses her shock as an opening, “Sorry to bother you but are you Charlie Bradbury?”

Charlie’s posture straightens immediately, “Whatever it is you can’t prove that I did it!”

All three lean back almost in unison at the abrupt denial of a crime that doesn’t exist.

Or does it?

“I’m just here to ask you a few questions regarding the whereabouts of Dean Milton, his alpha Michael, and his daughter Kara. You’re not being accused of anything Ms. Bradbury.”

Castiel watches as her body tenses at the mention of Dean.

She knows something.

Chapter 4: In Pursuit

Chapter Text

“I’m just here to ask you a few questions regarding the whereabouts of Dean Milton, his alpha Michael, and his daughter Kara. You’re not being accused of anything Ms. Bradbury.”

Castiel watches as her body tenses at the mention of Dean.

She knows something.

Charlie audibly gasps, the omegas scent sharpening with fear, “What happened?!”

Donna gestures past Charlie, “May we come in?”

Dazedly, Charlie nods yes, allowing them to pass her through the door and into a quaint, eclectically decorated living room. Once they’re all seated, Donna answers Charlies question.

“Your friend, Benny, grew concerned when he didn’t hear from Dean nor see Kara the past two days. She missed school and several play dates, have you heard from Dean within the past 48 hours?”

Charlie huffs out a pained sigh, balancing her elbows on her knees as she buries her face in her hands.

“If there’s anything at all you know that could help, please tell us,” Sam interjects, “We need to find my brother and niece they could be hurt or in danger…”

A flash of anger crosses Charlie’s face at the words, “If anything happened to Dean or Kara you need to speak with Michael, he’s more than likely the knothead responsible…”

Donna leans forward, interest piqued by her statement, “What makes you say that?”

“I haven’t spoken to Dean in almost two weeks, he sends me texts every few days so I know he and Kara are okay but…do you have any idea how hard it is to watch someone you love stay in a marriage after being beaten senseless time and time again?”

Sam gasps at his side, overcome as their suspicions are confirmed, “You knew and you still abandoned him?” He spits out, tone laced with venom as his eyes darken and his jaw clenches tight.

Castiel places a steadying hand on Sam’s arm, silently reminding him this isn’t Charlie’s fault. Normally he’d outright call him out for projecting but this isn’t the time, everyones nerves are raw.

“Don’t you dare! Who the hell are you two anyway?” Charlie demands, leveling them both with a poisonous glare. The happy go lucky omega that answered the door is gone, replaced by a fierce warrior goddess.

“This is Dean’s brother Sam, I’m Sam’s friend Castiel,” he introduces them belatedly, hoping to smooth over any hurt feelings. “Sam’s just worried, he didn’t mean any harm. Right, Sam?”

Castiel throws him a pointed glare, expecting him to apologize but instead the idiot doubles down.

“No, Castiel. I meant exactly what I said,” the alpha replies angrily, crossing his arms and leaning back on the sofa with a huff.

Charlie scoffs, “Dean told me about you, you know. He finally worked up the nerve to beg Michael to let him go to Mary’s party, you spent the entire time judging him and talking sh*t,” At Sam’s mouth dropping open in surprise Charlie nods, continuing on, “So I guess I should be asking you the same damn thing but I’d prefer finding Dean and Kara first. We can play the guilt olympics later…” she rolls her eyes with a bitter snort.

Everyone properly put in their place and Sam looking appropriately chastised, Donna cuts back in with her questions ignoring the outburst, “Circling back, you’re saying Michael abuses Dean? On a regular basis?”

Charlie’s breathing stutters, “Y-yes, last we spoke I begged him to leave, come live here with me in our own omega pad and raise Kara somewhere safe.” Charlie swipes a hand through her short bob, silent tears streaming as she recounts the tale, “It was like talking to a brick wall, I don’t know what Michael’s said to him but he’s terrified to leave him. Dean accused me of judging him too and asked that I keep my distance, the check-ins were my one request but I wasn’t expecting a text until tomorrow. Do you think…?”

Donna quickly reassures her, “There were no signs of foul play outside of the home. We just haven’t gotten an answer on Dean’s phone or Michael’s and Kara hasn’t been in school. For all we know they’re off on a family trip.”

Castiel reads people for a living and Donna’s entire demeanor screams she doesn’t believe a word of what she just said. Unfortunately, she’s wearing law enforcement grade blockers so he can’t catch anything in her scent to confirm his concerns.

Sam grunts incredulously, murmuring so only Castiel can hear, “They’re obviously not on a f*cking trip…”

“Sam,” he warns quietly, not wanting to set anyone in the room off again, “We need to know what she knows…” his pointed glare shuts his friend up, for now.

He can recognize the behavior from a mile away, Sam feels like sh*t because he’s just as guilty for abandoning Dean when he needed his family the most. Castiel’s tangentially culpable of the same heinous crime, and now that they have the chance to rectify, it could be too late.

“Do you happen to have any proof of the abuse?” Donna asks, making notes as they speak.

Charlie shakes her head, “The few times I saw anything it was under Dean’s clothes. His shirt rode up once when he was working on my car and he had clear shoe prints bruised into his side. He broke down and told me after I badgered him but refused any help, that was two years ago. I’ve never gotten any photos out of him, never gained any traction on getting him to file anything with the police either.”

Castiel sighs, running a hand through his unruly hair resisting the urge to yank on it out of frustration. Charlie has no answers, just information that dredges up more questions.

He knows more than most how difficult it can be to get someone to leave an abusive relationship, but in this moment Castiel’s finding it hard not to wonder why. Why wouldn’t Dean take Charlie up on her offer, why continue to live with an abusive alpha, why not tell his family what was really going on? When his questions begin to sound too much like victim blaming echoing in his head, he returns his focus to the conversation continuing around him.

“…I mean the knothead sold his car,” Charlie reveals, to the shock of Castiel and Sam, “It was right after his forced retirement, told Dean if he was going to be his perfect house husband,” visibly gagging at the words, Charlie goes on, “he shouldn’t be driving such an alpha car, wanted him to get a damn minivan. Dean refused to replace Baby out of protest, if he leaves the house, which isn’t often these days, Michael drives or they Uber.”

Donna looks down at her notepad, “Is that the ’67 Impala registered to Michael Milton?”

Sam protests, “No, that’s Dean’s car, always has been. Our dad passed it down to him when he turned sixteen. I was there when he signed the title over to him. Dean would never willingly give Baby up, there’s no way.”

“Well, according to our records Michael currently holds the title but the car wasn’t on the property. If Charlie’s saying he told Dean he sold it, Michael may have another property we’re unaware of where he could be storing it. That’s important to know…” she trails off, getting lost in making notations with the new information.

Sam snaps his eyes up from the calculating stare he had aimed at the coffee table, “Dean would never have signed that title over to him.”

Castiel responds, shaking his head vehemently in agreement, “No, but it could have been under duress. We’ve seen it enough, especially if he used his alpha voice.”

Castiel’s heard enough about Dean and his Baby over the years to know as much, that car meant the world to him especially with John passing on so suddenly.

God help Michael if he did anything to Dean or Kara, his inner alpha demands for him to tear the man limb from limb with his bare hands but he’ll settle for doing what he does best. Making sure evil people go to prison, never to be released again. Anything for family.

Donna nods almost frantically, “Exactly!” Checking her watch she stands, “It’s getting late, I’ll be reaching out if I need more information Ms. Bradbury but for now I’d like to get back to the station and check into this while I still have daylight on my side,” turning back to Castiel and Sam, “I’ll drop you two back at your hotel and let you know what I find…”

Sam interrupts, gearing up to object, “But…”

Donna heads him off, “Unh uh, this is shaping up to potentially be serious and we need to mind our p’s and q’s mister,” She pins Sam with a glare shutting Castiel’s following complaints up before they pass his lips. “I’ll call as soon as I know something, promise.”

They exchange numbers with Charlie reassuring her they’ll keep her in the loop as he and Sam follow Donna back to the cruiser.

“I didn’t want to say it in there, but I realized I’ve heard of this Milton knothead before just didn’t place the name at first. I’m putting every available officer I have on this search, Dean and Kara’s lives could depend on it,” Donna says, steering back down the road towards the hotel.

The admission chills Castiel down to his very soul. The itch that dulled slightly at Charlie’s place intensifies no matter how he tries to ignore it. His inner alpha pleads with him to return to Dean’s house, find something, anything that will lead him to his Omega.

His Omega?

Castiel has no right, absolutely no claim on Dean or Kara. So why is every single part of him screaming that his pup and omega are in danger, demanding he protect them, and feeling like a complete and utter failure the longer Castiel goes not knowing a damn thing that could help.


Castiel’s jarred from his terrorized daydreaming by a pounding on his door. He’d parted ways with Sam as soon as they arrived back at the hotel, both feigning the need for sleep when it was obvious sleep wouldn’t be blessing them with its presence for some time to come.

The pounding continues insistently as Castiel drags himself from the twisted sheets, still fully clothed, swinging the door open to reveal Sam. The alpha is red faced and out of breath as he pants out, “Donna found something, we have to get to the house. Now.”

There’s an urgency in his words that motivates Castiel to move as fast as he can, grabbing his shoes to slip on as they walk and patting his pockets for his phone. Ensuring he also has his keycard and wallet, he follows Sam down the hall and to the elevator.

“Donna called, she didn’t feel right waiting. They’re still searching for the Impala and any other properties under Michael’s name but she went back to the house,” Sam pauses, blowing out a shaky breath, “she found blood droplets on the ground outside the garage. Easy to miss but it gave her enough probable cause to go inside, she’s sending officers in now but called for us to come right away,” Sam finishes sharing what he knows as they depart the elevator, heading outside to their second Uber for the day.

The ride is a tense one, the car filled with a stifling silence as assumptions run circles in their minds.

An unfamiliar officer waits for them at the gate to Dean’s community, letting them in only after they show ID. Another officer drives them up the street back to the house, now swarmed with the activity of several police cars, crime scene techs, and an ambulance. f*ck.

The red and blue lights flash spasmodically across the mini mansions surrounding them in the low light of dusk. It’s surreal, having just been here earlier when everything looked so innocent and cookie cutter. Something terrible awaits them inside the house now shrouded in ominous shadows, he can feel it and his inner alpha claws at his insides with a deep need.

Castiel’s out of the car before anyone can stop him, barely registering Sam racing by his side towards Donna at the front of the house.

Holding her arms up, automatically slowing their harried walk as they get closer, “Whoa! Slow your roll buckaroo…”

Donna’s words fall on deaf ears as Castiel easily side steps her, walking into the entryway of the home and silently apologizing for his rudeness.

The lingering stale smell of alpha rage and molded fruit suffuses the air in the entryway, making the sight that greets him all the more grisly.

Sam’s brisk jog stutters to a stop a few steps behind as they take in the scene laid out before them. The expensive hardwood flooring in the entryway is painted with dry blood, accentuated by what look like drag marks leading further into the house. Castiel’s mind unhelpfully supplies the time it would take for that amount of blood to dry rust red on this type of flooring. Times like this, random knowledge he’s acquired questioning expert witnesses comes in clutch.

Whirling back to face Donna, ignoring the pinched frown on her face, “Are they…?” He asks, voice trembling with unspoken fears.

He can’t bring himself to finish the sentence, shuddering bone deep at just the thought.

“The drag marks lead to the basem*nt door but we haven’t been able to get past the lock, it’s one of those fancy keypads so I put in a call. Someone from the security company is on their way now to get us in,” Donna explains, brow furrowing in concern as the conversation floats back to Dean and Kara. “I don’t want to alarm you, but that amount of blood…”

She didn’t need to finish her sentence, all three of them knowing Dean and Kara are badly injured at the very least, if not dead.

f*ck!” Sam shouts, exiting on shaky legs and disappearing off to the side of the house.

“We should have gone in earlier…that blood is dry Donna. We…” his thought is interrupted by the sounds of Sam vomiting outside.

Castiel immediately leaves Donna to oversee her officers progress as they continue searching the home while he tends to Sam. Like Charlie said, they’ll save the ‘Guilt Olympics’ for later. He finds Sam huddled by the side of the house, an EMT kneeling in front of him offering a bottle of water.

“Thank you,” Castiel murmurs, snagging the water for Sam when he makes no moves to get it on his own. He plants himself in the grass by Sam’s side, offering solidarity in silence or an ear to listen.

After a few moments Sam begins to speak, “I’ve been such a f*cking child about all this, made so many assumptions meanwhile Dean has been suffering for years. Charlie was right, he needed me and all I could do was whine about insignificant bullsh*t. He could be de-“ his words cut off, lips open but unable to say it out loud.

“Don’t think that way, Sam. You can’t lose hope now,” Castiel attempts to soothe, wrapping an arm around his friends trembling frame as he lets it all out, sobbing into his shoulder as they sit in the growing darkness.

Blue and red bounce of the sides of the house, trailing across their faces. He closes his eyes, leaning back and watching the patterns the lights create behind his eyelids as Sam calms down. The motion of closing his eyes releases unshed tears he’d managed to keep at bay until this moment.

That’s how Donna finds them minutes later. Castiel moves to wipe away the telltale tracks running down his cheeks as he helps Sam up from the ground.

Donna’s face is deathly pale, not a good sign.

His impatience wins out after seconds pass that feel like hours, blurting out, “Did you find them?”

“The tech was able to remote access the keypad a minute ago. My officers went down first with the EMT’s and yes, Kara and Dean are down there…”

Sam’s head snaps up at the news, “Are they okay?”

Donna grimaces, hesitating before continuing, “Kara’s not speaking. She won’t come up the stairs and we need her to so the EMT’s can work on Dean.”

“Where is she?” Sam demands, nerves bolstered now that he has a task, “It’s been five years but she might remember me, it may help.”

The desperation comes through in Sam’s scent now that the blockers have faded, his guilt is driving him to find a way to right his wrongs against Dean. Castiel can relate, he plans to spend the rest of his life making this up to both of them.

Donna nods, “Follow me but I’m warning you two now, Dean’s condition is bad. We need to get to him so he can be transported to the hospital. Kara just won’t budge, the poor thing…”

Donna leads them back inside, skirting the blood pool by the door now being examined and photographed by a crime scene tech. Walking further into the house, she leads them through the kitchen towards what he assumes is the basem*nt. The keypad next to the door is lit up with a green unlock symbol and the door yawns wide framing the stairs. As they descend, he catches whiffs of death and sickness swirling with molded oranges and curdled cream. Dean.

Castiel’s inner alpha whines pitifully, his omega is hurt. Just barely maintaining restraint, Castiel makes it to the bottom of the stairs to a horrifying scene. Dean’s body lies on the floor, broken and bloodied while Kara remains kneeling at his side clutching his hand and rocking back and forth. She’s muttering something over and over soundlessly when they reach the bottom of the stairs.

Sam kneels down on the ground, keeping himself at a distance, “Kara? Do you remember me, your Uncle Sam?”

Kara stops rocking, head turning slightly to lock familiar apple green eyes on Sam’s hazel. Still, she doesn’t move from Dean’s side, rightfully wary of both men.

“Last time I saw you, you were still a tiny pup. Barely five years old, now look at you,” Sam’s voice wavers, face twisting with grief as he acknowledges the passage of time. “You’re ten now, right?”

Kara turns her attention back to Dean, lips moving slowly with her wordless whispers once again. Sam sighs heavily, rocking back on his heels as he scrubs a hand down his face. Castiel rests his hand on his friends shoulder in comfort, urging him to keep trying.

Sam scans the room, landing on a discarded shirt in the laundry room next to the stairs, “Captain Marvel, huh? Higher, further, faster?”

Kara’s head snaps up, “How’d you know?” She croaks out, throat gone dry from lack of water. She pins Sam with an owlish red rimmed gaze, waiting for a response.

Sam’s mouth drops open in shock that it worked, quickly recovering as he responds, “Kn-know what, honey?”

“Daddy always says that when I swing…is he gonna be okay? He said he was but then he stopped talking and…” she breaks out into tears, leaving Dean’s side for the first time to run into Sam’s open arms. “Papa never came back…”

Sam puts some distance between them, smoothing his hands down Kara’s back as he asks, “Is your Papa the one who did this? Did he lock you two down here?”

Kara answers through hiccups and sobs, “Y-yes, he w-was mad at Daddy b-because he made spaghetti not p-pot roast like Papa wanted. ’S my fault, I wanted to stay at the p-park longer and Daddy g-got punished for it…” her words trail off as her cries deepen and she buries her face back into Sam’s shoulder.

Donna cuts in, kind eyes glistening with her own tears, “Sam take her upstairs please so we can get Dean out of here…” she tries to stealthily wipe away an escapee before anyone can notice but Castiel nods letting her know it’s okay, he understands.

This situation is f*cked, you’d have to be a goddamn robot not to be heartbroken seeing Dean in such a bloodied and beaten state, near death with Kara blaming herself for someone else’s abuse.

God, she’s only ten, the most she should be worried about is passing grade school math.

Castiel tunes back in to Dean on the other side of the room, hearing the rattling wheeze of breath every time he inhales. Sam’s already carrying Kara upstairs to try and calm her down, maneuvering awkwardly around the two EMT’s waiting to descend the stairs. Castiel watches helplessly as they begin their checks and get Dean strapped down. His small grunts of pain at least let them know he’s still with them, but the grave looks the EMT’s keep shooting each other tell Castiel they don’t have much time.

It’s a rush of activity from there, getting Dean up the stairs as carefully as possible and into the back of a waiting ambulance. In the rush they end up agreeing on Castiel riding with Dean in the ambulance and Sam taking Kara in another officers car.

Under the bright lights of the back of the ambulance, Dean’s face has gone paper white, freckles standing out starkly against the bits of pale skin still visible. Dark bruising mars his beautiful features, swelling both eyes with one seeming completely shut and wrapping around his face down to his jaw. A shoe print stands out boldly on his exposed chest, right above his heart. f*ck.

Hearing anecdotal facts of the abuse secondhand was one thing, seeing it for himself tears something deep inside him.

Castiel reaches out, tentatively wrapping his hand around Dean’s in the hopes the contact will comfort the other man. A warmth suffuses the touch, traveling up his arm and causing a burning sensation in his neck. Castiel pulls his hand back, inspecting his palm and Dean’s, unsure what it was he just felt. Not wanting to hinder Dean’s progress in some way, Castiel keeps his hands to himself as they near the hospital.

Even without touch, sorrow rolls through him like a wave as he continues to catalogue all the injuries he can see on Dean’s body, sure there are more he can’t see. They’ll find out the full extent once he’s at the hospital.

Castiel knows one thing for certain. If Kara’s statement holds true and Michael knowingly locked them both down there after almost beating Dean to death, he’d better pray to make it out of this country before they find him.

There’s a special place in hell for alpha’s like Michael but for now Castiel will have to settle for Miami-Dade County lockup.

Chapter 5: Dark Discoveries

Chapter Text

Dean wakes up slowly, surprised to find a blue eyed angel watching over him.

“S’this heaven?” He croaks, immediately thrown into a coughing fit. Dean’s throat is rough from disuse and in desperate need of moisture.

Startled, the alpha’s ocean eyes widen, “Oh no, you’re in…actually hold on,” sucking in a sharp breath, he stands moving to leave the room, “I doubt you remember me I’ll go get Sam for you…”

Deans brain slowly pieces itself back together as the face in front of him comes into focus. It’s like wading through a river of peanut butter but he gets there eventually.

Rich maple syrup and sweet brown sugar. Castiel.

Dean tries to sit up, hampered by multiple wires and an IV line. The motion makes him dizzy with a pounding in his skull as he speaks, “Cas? Why’re you here…wait why is Sammy here?” He asks quizzically, graciously accepting the water Cas pours him from a pitcher at his bedside.

The alpha raises the bed for Dean, ending his battle with the hospital equipment surrounding him, but not the sharp stabbing pain behind his eyes. Dean ignores it in favor of his growing internal freakout.

Cas and Sammy can’t be here, not right now and not like this.

The last Dean remembers…he’s not sure actually.

He took Kara to meet Benny and the twins at the park, that much is vivid in his mind. The ground was covered in fall leaves, the kids kept jumping in the piles watching them waft around them in the breeze. There aren’t as many trees that change this far south but a huge one grows tall right over the park, dropping a ton of leaves every year.

After that he and Kara went home, made dinner…then…Michael. The alpha beat the ever loving sh*t out of Dean again, that’s right. Scenting the air a bit more confirms his fears…the hospital. It’s better than slowly dying on his basem*nt floor, now that it’s all flooding back, but there’s danger here too.

Dean’s heart rate skyrockets, panic setting in as the memories overload his mind. When he notices the absence of Kara in the room, his chest tightens uncomfortably as he tries to take a breath through stabbing pain in his side. Oh right, broken ribs.

Cas moves closer, scent rolling comfortingly over Dean and calming him somewhat, “Don’t panic it’ll set off the monitors, your neighbor Benny was concerned for you and Kara. He called Sam, and I’m here in any way either of you need. I just want to help…”

The sincerity in his eyes is too much for Dean to take. He turns his head into his pillow ashamed to have Cas see him this way, muffling his next words in the soft cotton of the pillowcase, “He’s gonna kill me…”

Apparently his words weren’t muffled after all, at least not enough to escape Cas’ hearing, “If you mean Michael, he won’t ever touch you again. We’ll make sure of it. He’ll be dealt with shortly, Sherriff Hanscum already has all hands on deck out looking. Michael can’t hide forever.”

“What?!” Dean’s screwed, the one rule ‘don’t call the cops or I kill you both’ and in one stupid move, giving Benny Sam’s number, he’s signed their death warrant. “No, they can’t…” he pleads frantically.

His rational mind tries to convince Dean that staying in that basem*nt wasn’t an option, it would have become their tomb given a few more days. And maybe that’s what Michael wanted, but if he had any intention of coming home and he’s met by police and questions instead? The very thought has Dean terrified, even with Cas’ calming scent surrounding him.

Cas looks on, head tilted in confusion obviously expecting a different reaction from him, “Yes, Dean. What that monster did to you was…” he shakes his head, running a hand through the dark mop on his head as he continues, “No words can properly convey how inhumane and evil his actions were. You deserve to be saved…h-he never deserved either of you. I…I hope you know that…” his words trail off as he turns with a pained huff.

Dean can see his reflection in the glass of the hospital window. Cas paints a pretty picture, always has for Dean since day one, but he didn’t ask for the alpha to rush in and play savior.

Not when it could put them all in danger.

“I had it handled!” He insists, pain shooting behind his right eye as his temper flares. Dean’s had several bad concussions over the years but this feels so much worse, he needs to cool it before their arguing triggers a migraine but Cas is on a roll.

Reclaiming the empty seat at his side, Cas barrels on, “Obviously not, or would you rather wait around for the day he hits and you don’t get back up? The day he turns his fists on Kara? Would you rather force us to plan a double funeral?” Cas takes a breath, reeling in his frustration before muttering lowly, “I know the type Dean, believe me.”

Each word hits him almost as hard as Michael’s fists. Dean can’t help but snipe back, “You don’t know sh*t!

The words visibly shake Cas causing him to hesitate as his body tenses, seeming to come to a decision.

With a heavy sigh, Cas speaks, “When they found me, the last time, I had three broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken arm, dislocated shoulder, two black eyes, and a severe concussion, not far off from yourself. It took two years and almost being beaten to death more times than I can count for me to finally ask for help and leave.”

Dean lowers his eyes, twisting his hands in his lap and finding himself at a loss for words. When he looks at Cas, he sees a strong alpha, someone you’d think anyone with half a brain wouldn’t f*ck with.

He shakes his head, chastising himself internally at his own thoughts. Abuse happens to all kinds of people, Dean’s just never wanted anyone to see him…that way. But, with Cas sitting in front of him brave enough to share his own story, a too familiar pain swimming in his sapphire eyes, he can’t deny it any longer. Briefly, he considers asking Cas more but he doesn’t want to pry.

Dean has enough secrets of his own.

Eventually, he nods subtly in agreement before asking, “So…so what do we do now?”

Cas speaks with conviction, the afternoon sunlight backing him in tones of gold like an avenging angel, “We do what’s necessary to keep you safe.”

Dean peers into the depths of the alpha’s cerulean eyes, looking for a hint of deception. Finding none, he decides to listen to his inner omega’s mantra of safesafesafe and trust Cas.

For now.

Dean’s not stupid especially after what he just went through but Sammy vouches for Cas and he can give a measure of trust to his little brother after his role in helping to save their lives. They have a lot to discuss, but Dean’s not too angry to ignore the joy having his family back brings him.

Before he can respond to Cas, a brunette alpha wearing purple scrubs and a white lab coat sweeps into the room holding what he can only assume is his chart.

“Happy to see you up and conscious, I’m Dr. Pamela Barnes but you can call me Pam,” she says, genial smile on her face as she stands at the end of his bed flipping through Dean’s information.

“Can’t say I’m happy to be here, Doc, but since you more than likely saved my life I guess I should thank you,” Dean replies, truly grateful to be alive but more than a little scared to finally hear the extent of his injuries.

“Just doing my job,” She responds, returning his warm smile with an added wink, “Now, let’s get down to it. You came into the ER barely conscious and in severe crisis. The most concerning of your injuries was the trauma to your abdomen and head as well as your broken right leg.”

Dean watches, almost like an out of body experience, as Pam clinically explains his injuries gesturing to the cast on his leg and bandages across his stomach. When Dean reaches up he can feel another bandage wrapping around his head, only now becoming aware of a distant pain on the left side well hidden under a fog of pain medication.

Pam continues, brushing strands of hair out of her face as she reads off the chart, “You took several hard hits to your head that resulted in a hematoma, we had to complete immediate surgery to decrease pressure and remove the hematoma. You may experience cognitive delays or motor skill related issues, there’s some testing we can do in a bit for that.” She pauses, eyes softening as she delivers the rest of the information, “We lost you twice during the surgery on your brain and you experienced significant blood loss during the surgery on your abdomen, that required a transfusion. We’ve had you in a medically induced coma for the last week and I’ve been monitoring your progress closely.”

The revelation sucks all of the air out of the room. Dean knew, on some level, felt his body giving up as Death circled waiting to dig her claws into him. Gorgeous though she was, he just ain’t ready to go and definitely not like that. To hear it put so plainly like Kara didn’t almost lose her father, Sammy his brother, his mother a son sends him reeling. It rocks him to the core, only Cas’ hand resting on his arm keeping him grounded.

Pam continues to speak, oblivious background noise to his buzzing thoughts, “Your other injuries are superficial, cuts and bruising that should heal over the next few weeks. Eventually you’ll need physical therapy for the leg, but our biggest concern, for you and Kara, is your mental health after what you just experienced. We have a therapist you can speak with, Dr. Moseley, she’ll be by a bit later to introduce herself but Kara’s already seen her a few times. Do you have any questions for me?”

Dean has more than a few questions but for now he shakes his head, allowing Pam to walk him through her list of need to know’s about his cast and staying in bed for the time being while his incisions heal. The doctor leaves shortly after that with a promise to check on him again later.

So therapy, something he’s avoided like the plague his entire life, great. The omega can’t even begin to think about the possible permanent issues he could be dealing with from this sh*t.

With full offense, f*ck Michael Andrew Milton and his whole damn bloodline.

Desperately needing a change of subject, Dean asks a very important question, “Where’s Kara? Is she okay?”

At this point, Dean’s stinking up the entire room ranging from worry to abject fear and the scent neutralizer set to spray periodically can barely keep up with his shifting mood. He couldn’t reign in his worry for his baby girl if he tried, he has to know she’s alright.

“She’s fine, it’s okay,” Cas leans in, brushing a finger down’ Dean’s cheek almost making him go boneless from such a simple touch. A relief to have a kind hand on him rather than evil fists.

Unfortunately, Cas immediately rears back, face morphing into shame at his action, “Sorry, that was rather forward of me…”

Dean surprises himself, responding, “No, it’s nice,” leaning into the touch as he forces himself to stay awake even though his energy is already flagging. He needs to set his own eyes on Kara, make sure she truly is in one piece. Plus, Sammy’s here which means Jess and his mom can’t be far behind…it’s all a bit overwhelming.

Then there’s Cas.

Cas, who the omega never really stopped thinking about. Michael tried his damndest to beat that little spark out of him, but it remained like a mark on his soul. Something that could flicker from an ember to a roaring inferno if he’d allow it.

Cas, the alpha he used to daydream was his for weeks after they met. He admitted once to the blank walls of the basem*nt during one of his ‘vacations’ that Cas would have made a far better alpha for he and Kara. It was a dangerous thought to have, even more so to speak out loud and the omega damn sure didn’t let Michael hear him utter the words.

Cas, who’s likely married or mated, maybe even both. Not to mention he’s Sammy’s best friend and law partner. So basically, eternally off limits.

It’s just as well, Dean’s not exactly in the best of places at the moment. His inner omega whines at the thought but Dean gets final say, and he says no.

Against his will, Dean’s eyes fall shut, the exhaustion Pam warned about finally hitting him, but he swears he hears Cas whisper before the sandman takes him away.

“I won’t leave your side, as long as you’ll have me, Dean. Never again…”


Castiel watches his omega drift off to sleep again. The doctor advised them this is normal, he’ll need all the rest he can get to support his physical and mental healing. The alpha continues the path with his thumb down Dean’s bruised cheek, breathing out a sigh of relief that the mottled purplish black marks have already started to recede. His breathing deepens further as Dean snuggles into Castiel’s touch, a slight purr escaping on an exhale.

The alpha’s breath catches in his throat, touched the omega’s allowing him this close after his ordeal. Castiel meant his promise, he sat by Dean’s bedside for the past week and he has no plans to leave him anytime soon. The nurses gave up trying by day two and Sam has yet to object with his hands full caring for Kara, luckily Jess flew in to assist her overwhelmed mate but they’re still extremely busy even with Charlie’s help.

His phone dings with a text alert from Sam, swiping to read it Castiel’s nerves ratchet up at the news.

Sam: Donna just called with an update, she’s coming by once Mom gets here.

Castiel huffs out a disgusted grunt.

Castiel: Hopefully they found that bastard. Dean was awake for a little bit, I’ll text any updates from this end once we have them.

There’s an officer posted outside Dean’s door but the fact Michael’s still out there on the run hasn’t helped ease his anxiety one iota. Kara’s become Sam and Jess’ shadow over the last week, clinging to them when she isn’t curled up in Dean’s hospital bed as he sleeps. She’ll be happy to know he’s finally lucid enough to hold a conversation. Charlie’s allowing them to stay at her townhouse, hoping Kara will do better in a familiar environment. It was suggested by a therapist that spoke with Kara in the hospital, to support her during this time of transition.

Donna has several officers watching Charlie’s place as well as Dean’s house on the lookout for any sign of Michael but so far they’ve gotten nothing. Castiel has his fingers crossed this update means they finally got lucky. Donna has yet to fill them in on what she’s discovered about the alpha, blaming the fact this is an active investigation and they have a conflict of interest. But, Castiel has a bad feeling he’s involved in much more than just representing models in Miami. The fear in Dean’s ivy eyes earlier was visceral, mirrored by his scent growing rancid by the second with horror.

His migrating thoughts pause in their tracks as a dirty blonde head pops around the doorframe, peeking curiously towards Dean in the hospital bed. He’s grown closer to Kara over the last week but the little girl is still wary around Castiel, understandably.

“Hello, Kara,” Castiel greets, pushing his tone to come out steadier than he actually feels. “Your dad was just awake asking for you but I’m afraid he went back to sleep.”

She walks cautiously into the room, following her usual routine as she slides carefully into the bed around her dad’s battered frame. Avoiding the multitude of wires and making sure not to bump any of his injuries, she turns questioning eyes on Castiel.

“Pa-Michael can’t get in here, right Castiel?” She asks, clutching Dean’s hospital gown with her neon green nails, still bright from a recent spa day with Charlie and Jess. It was meant to distract her from the reality of life right now, according to Dr. Moseley but he has no clue if it was actually helpful.

It’s not surprising that Kara, having witnessed the true brutality of Michael Milton, is now unwilling to allow him the title of Papa. He’s not sure what Dean will make of it once he’s able to speak with his daughter but for Castiel’s part, it’s music to his ears. Michael’s not Kara’s Papa, by blood or by actions.

Castiel answers the question easily, even though she’s asked before, “No, he can’t. There are several police officers in the building that won’t let him anywhere near you or your dad. Plus, you have me and your Uncle Sam, okay?”

A flash of sadness passes over her face, she tries to hide by burrowing further into her hoodie but it concerns Castiel. Dr. Moseley advised giving her the space to talk, don’t be afraid to ask questions but no pressure, so that’s exactly what he does.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, keeping his scent calm and resisting the urge to bundle the girl in his arms until the bright smile Castiel’s only seen a few times returns.

Kara asks forlornly, “What happens when you leave?” Her eyes appear to be locked on her nails as she watches him, waiting for a response.

Castiel huffs out a whoosh of air at the question, again feeling compelled to tell the truth, “I won’t leave either of you, not if you don’t want me to, I promise.”

He’d love nothing more than to be a source of safe support for he and Kara, with Dean’s blessing of course. Castiel isn’t deluded, Dean’s not going to want anything to do with an alpha romantically anytime soon.

A loud bang sounds from the hallway, interrupting Castiel’s inner breakdown and disturbing Dean’s peaceful sleep. He jerks awake, attempting to sit up causing both Kara and a few of his leads to become dislodged.

“Hey!” Kara shouts, unhappy with the sudden movement until she realizes the cause. “You’re awake,” she exclaims, wrapping her arms around Dean once again.

Dean calms visibly at her touch, having been more than startled by the loud noise in the hall, “Y-yeah…I am, sunshine,” he responds before turning to Castiel, “What was that?” The omega asks, peridot eyes widened slightly as his anxious hands absentmindedly card through Kara’s hair.

“I’m not…entirely sure, it sounded like maybe someone dropped something but I’ll go check with the officer,” he offers, walking towards the door to investigate.

Before he makes it even two steps Officer Walker strides confidently into the room, followed by none other than Michael, bringing a wave of alpha rage in with him.

This is exactly what Kara and Dean feared most.

“Officer, what are you doing?” Castiel asks, low growl reverberating in the room. His inner alpha doesn’t take kindly to someone threatening his family.

Castiel has a bad feeling and his suspicions are confirmed when Walker descends on him, attempting to corner him instead of arresting Michael.

Belatedly Castiel realizes his mistake, the bang he mistook for something being dropped in the hall was most likely a gunshot. f*ck, who did they shoot?

Of f*cking course Michael has someone on his payroll at the station. That takes connections, power and money that a simple modeling agent wouldn’t have access to. More questions with no answers.

Michael points his gun at Dean and Kara, “Get. Up. Now,” he demands, tone dropping into his alpha voice. “Oh, and leave the brat,” he adds, gesturing carelessly at Kara with the gun.

Astonishingly, Dean doesn’t make a move other than ensuring his daughters safety. Pushing Kara off of the bed and behind him, the omega sits up as straight as he can to shield her and blatantly ignores the command, “No, you’re gonna have to shoot me because I’m not goin’ anywhere with you…” his voice trembles but this is Dean finally taking a stand.

His bottle green eyes flash with rage, face contorted and lips curled in anger, fist clenching in the hospital bed sheets as he refuses Michael. Dean’s beautiful in his defiance.

“You bitch! Get your worthless omega ass over here, now!” Michael screams, face gone red as he attempts to coerce Dean again.

But, Dean won’t budge, "Only worthless thing I see in here is you, you piece of alpha sh*t!" he shouts, machines bleeping at his elevated heart rate and breathing.

Castiel’s shocked he’s never known of an omega with the ability to just…say no to an alpha under these conditions.

Castiel can’t see a clear path out of this mess, Michael’s had enough turning to Walker and giving a slight nod. Walker has his gun trained on Castiel’s head and Michael’s is aimed at Dean. There’s no way Dean can move fast enough to dodge a bullet, not in his current condition. Castiel wouldn’t make it two steps without Walker shooting him between the eyes.

Put simply, they’re f*cked.

Chapter 6: Crossing Lines

Chapter Text

They say when you stare death in the face, a highlight reel of the best times of your life flashes before your eyes.

Castiel’s experience is vastly different.

Images project on the big screen of his mind’s eye, though he couldn’t count a single one of them as being pleasant.

“Watch it, Asstiel,” Lucifer snickers, racing past eight year old Castiel as he barrels down the hall knocking his books from his hands.

He crouches, picking them up one by one as his older brother’s maniacal cackles echo through the house.

Castiel’s thirteen, ignoring the whispers as he walks into the cafeteria.

“Don’t worry, you’re just a late bloomer,” Inias insists, nudging him in the side, “I bet you’ll wake up tomorrow all alpha, shut all these assholes up.”

“Right…” Castiel deadpans, poking his best friend back.

The alpha punches him lightly in the shoulder, “Go ahead, doubt me now, you’ll see…”

Castiel’s hidden away in a supply closet, waiting for his boyfriend Bart to show up. Guys weren’t exactly falling over themselves to date one of the last un-presented freshman. He’s not the norm, being okay with the possibility of an alpha/alpha relationship. Bart says he’s not worried though, the complete opposite of what you’d expect from the captain of the football team.

The door swings open, light from the hall bouncing off Castiel’s face and blinding him for a moment as the doorway’s filled with the tall frame of his blonde haired, blue eyed alpha.

“Hey, baby,” Castiel says softly, easily submitting to Bart pulling him in for a deep kiss. The alpha yanks back on his hair, dragging a moan from his throat as they slowly grind. They don’t have long and he intends to make it count. It doesn’t take long to get from zero to sixty at fourteen, he’s embarrassingly close in minutes.

“Missed you all damn day,” Bart growls, lowly. His hand slides back to grip Castiel’s ass roughly through his jeans. He likes it but sometimes Bart can get a little too rough. He’s just right today, “Can’t wait until you present, have you laid out and dripping for me…”

The moments abruptly cut short when the door swings open to reveal Fred the janitor, scowling at the pair as they hurriedly squeeze past him, exiting the closet and racing down the hall to freedom.

Castiel tries to drag himself away but Bart’s faster, “Get back here, you move when I tell you to move, understand?” Bart yanks back on Castiel’s hair, leaving him splayed out embarrassingly in a heap.

He stops, nodding weakly as shame floods his body. How the hell did they get here?

It’s his f*cking birthday, sweet sixteen, yet his boyfriend decided now was a good time to ‘put him in his place’ yet again. Behind him, Bart gets up moving into the light where Castiel can see him clearly, maybe for the first time. Pain radiates throughout his body but he won’t flinch, he refuses.

If one person came up those stairs he’d be saved, if he could move enough to run he’d go straight for his party in the basem*nt and tell everyone, f*ck Bart and his threats.

“I don’t…I never want to do this, Castiel,” Bart whispers, crouching over his mangled body on the floor of his bedroom, “I don’t like seeing you talking to Inias, I told you that before. Hell, I don’t even know why he’s here in the first place. He’s not your friend anymore, why can’t you just listen?”

Standing, he kicks Castiel again, boot digging into his ribs and he swears he hears the crack this time clear as day. A pained grunt gets trapped behind his clenched teeth, better to lay here in silence and take it. He’ll be gone soon…

A tall brown haired alpha wanders into the room, immediately spotting Castiel. The other alpha smiles brightly as a blonde woman walks in behind him.

“Hi, I’m Sam Winchester. This is my mom, Mary. You must be my roommate…Castile?” Sam introduces himself, mangling his first name as most often do.

“Cas-ti-el, sorry my parents are very religious,” Castiel corrects, offering a hand to shake.

“Oh, we’re the hugging type, come on bring it in,” Mary interjects, opening her arms wide and pulling him into a solid hug. She pats him on the back twice before releasing him as he completes the same ritual, awkwardly, with Sam.

Castiel’s stomach grumbles loudly, “Sorry, I guess I lost myself to unpacking and forgot to eat lunch.”

“That’s okay, we were going out to eat after this. Sam’s father is parking the car, let’s all go and get to know each other,” Mary suggests, gesturing back outside.

He can’t find it in himself to say no to such a sweet and friendly woman so he follows them both outside, hoping this can really be the fresh start he needs. No one here knows about Bart or his family, and they never will.

Castiel turns, wishing he hadn’t come in the first place. His suit is two sizes too big and he’s overwhelmed with the feeling of playing at being an adult. The longer Castiel stays the more he realizes this just isn’t his scene. He should have left hours ago, should never have come in the first place. Castiel’s almost to the door when…

And in the space between moments, a gun goes off.



They say when you’re about to meet your maker, a montage of your whole miserable life flashes before your eyes.

Dean’s calling bullsh*t on that theory.

Memories flow through his mind’s eye, floating by like clouds in a summer sky. But not all bad…not all bad.

“There’s a strength to being omega most people don’t even consider,” his father speaks earnestly, from the heart.

Dean’s first heat ended a week ago and John pulled him out of school for the day to bond or something like that. Apparently, it’s a Winchester omega tradition. So far, it’s no different than any other day they work on the Impala and shoot the sh*t.

“What’s that?” He asks as his dad rolls back under Baby.

The sun shines brightly on this fine spring day, making a valiant attempt to multiply the freckles scattered across his exposed skin. Dean doesn’t mind, Lee likes them. Thoughts of his boyfriend distract him for a moment before his father’s words break through the haze.

“Alpha’s may have the brute strength and alpha voice, but us omegas? Whoooo boy,” John chuckles, sliding partially out to look Dean square in the eyes, his own twinkling in the afternoon light, “We can be cunning and brutal when we need, but soft and loving just the same. You remember that, Dean. There ain’t an alpha in this world better than you or me, don’t let them tell you any different. Got it?” He asks, eyes scanning Dean’s searchingly before nodding and rolling back under the Impala.

He nods, belatedly realizing his dad can’t see him anymore, “Got it.”

“Good now hand me that wrench,” John grunts, gesturing to the toolbox off to the side with his foot.

Dean rushes outside, flooding the space around him with tart oranges and sweet cream joy, “I don’t see it!”

His parents told him his last sweet sixteen gift was out in the driveway but he’s looking and coming up empty. Dean scoffs, noticing Baby got a bath yet he’s missing a very important gift apparently.

“Dean,” his dad calls, drawing his attention back to the porch where his family stands, “Look again…”

Huffing out an annoyed breath at the cloak and dagger of it all, Dean spins around finally noticing the red bow draped across Baby’s front bumper.

But that means, “She’s mine?!” He exclaims, whipping back around to face his dad’s smug grin on the porch surrounded by varying degrees of ‘well duh’ on his mom and Sammy’s faces.

John busts a gut laughing at his son’s reaction, “Why do you think you’ve been helping me work on her this whole time? ‘Course she’s yours, I’ll drive the pickup from now on. You earned her fair and square.”

Dean almost bowls his father over in his excitement, wrapping the other omega in a tight hug, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou…”

“You’re welcome, son,” John replies, patting his back before releasing him, “Love you rascal, happy birthday.”

“Happy birthday, honey,” His mom echoes at his side, pecking his cheek lightly.

“Happy birthday, jerk,” Sam teases, punching Dean roughly in the arm.

Dean ruffles his hair, already noticing their height difference shifting in Sammy’s favor, “Bitch.”

“Can we go for a ride, Dean?” Sam asks, putting on his best puppy dog eyes but Mary objects.

“Not until after dinner I didn’t spend all day cooking your favorite for it to go cold,” She insists, herding the family back inside.

Dean looks around his room one last time, today’s the day and no one can change his mind. He waited until a month after graduation like he promised, but this town is too small for Dean’s dreams. He wants out, so he’s packing up and loading it all in Baby to go in search of…something more. He’s not sure what yet but he’s sure he won’t find it in boring old Kansas. Maybe California, or Miami. He just has to see where the road leads because from here on out, he’s on his own.

“And this is Michael Milton, modeling agent. And Bela Talbot, you may have heard of her she had her runway debut last year at New York Fashion Week,” Cain explains, hand resting lightly on Dean’s back as he shows him around his art gallery opening.

Dean politely introduces himself, “Dean Winchester, it’s a pleasure.”

Bela winks at him saucily, easing the tension that usually comes from meeting more experienced models. Michael grips his hand a little too tightly but luckily, once introductions have been made, Cain leads him away to a private corner.

The question’s out before Dean has a chance to open his own mouth, “So have you thought about it?” Cain asks, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close.

Dean tries to play coy but f*ck it, “Yeah, of course I’ll move in with you, Cain.”

The older alpha smiles brightly at the news, “I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear that. We’ll get you moved out of that cesspool of an apartment tomorrow. I can’t wait to wake up next to you every morning…”

His boyfriend moves in for a kiss to seal the next level in their relationship, strong arms pulling him further into his embrace.

Cain’s whispers grow louder, “So let me get this straight, I offer you anything your heart desires and this is what you ask for? No…I couldn’t…that’s not who I am…”

Another voice Dean can’t make out responds but he only catches parts, something about money and a debt owed or paid. He’s not sure, beginning to feel wrong for snooping like this Dean turns to go back down the hall.

“You’re right, I know. Just…let me break it to him, okay?” Cain pleads to the mystery voice, “One night, that’s all you get.”

Dean stands, staring blankly as the stretcher loaded with the bodybag rolls by him on its way to the coroner’s van. The body…Cain, has to be properly identified but he’s not sure he can do this alone.

A warm arm slides across his shoulders pulling him in, “It’s alright, Dean. I can go with you if you’d like.”

“Yeah…if you don’t mind Michael.” He answers, still in shock at finding the man he’s spent the last two years with lifeless in their bed.

Dean had only been gone three days, on a shoot in Brazil. How could this happen?

Michael slides his hand down Dean’s arm, hinting at intertwining their fingers before pulling away, “I don’t mind at all…”

Dean stares at the gaudy ring in the box left open on the table, wondering if Michael should have just sprung for a goddamn collar and leash. That’s what this marriage will be after all, balanced precariously on threats and lies, sealed forever with a mating bite he doesn’t really want on their honeymoon. But, he’s too deep in the sh*t to refuse, stuck between one falsehood and another. Dean absentmindedly caresses his barely showing belly, thinking of his pup not himself as he stares at the marriage contract in front of him. It reads more like an NDA if you ask Dean, he’s signed enough of those in his career to know. What Michael believes isn’t the whole truth, but it’s enough for the alpha to ruin their lives. As he makes a choice, Dean just hopes it isn’t his la…

From one blink to the next, a gun goes off…



It all happens so fast, Dean will probably need a play by play after the fact, but just when he’d given up all hope the door bursts open behind Walker and Michael. Dean recognized that asshole right away, he used to come to the house a lot but never in uniform.

The realization of Walker’s presence here now hits Dean hard, even if he’d bothered calling the police his accusations would have been buried anyway. By Walker or another cop Michael probably has on payroll, because why stop at one when you can have them all.

Dean was f*cked from the beginning.

In a split second two things happen at once. Two cops Dean’s never seen before, thank God, enter the room guns held high and steadily trained on both Walker and Michael. The men don’t have time to turn before both cops take a shot. Walker goes down first, hit in the chest and crumpling to the floor as his hand clutches uselessly where blood pours from his gunshot wound. Michael gets hit in the leg causing him to drop his weapon as he falls harmlessly to the floor.

The high tension in the room slowly dissipates leaving behind a confusing mess of relief and stale fear in the air.

Cas comes to his side immediately, clearly shaken but too busy checking over Dean to focus on himself. “Are you good, did you hurt yourself?” He asks as he peeks over the bed searching for Kara as well. It warms his heart to see the alpha already just as worried for his pup as Dean is. Just like family.

Dean turns to Kara, still crouched on the floor next to the hospital bed, “You okay, sunshine?” He murmurs shakily, motioning for her to come back up.

Kara slides next to him in the hospital bed, trembling only slightly as she nods yes, “m’fine. Can the cops take him away now?” She asks, gesturing to Michael clutching his bloody leg on the floor.

The blond cop walks over, handcuffing Michael roughly as the other officer takes care of getting medical assistance for Walker. Dean’s not entirely sure he’s gonna make it but f*ck him, he could care less if that asshole lives or dies. Michael on the other hand, is barely hurt, he watches in silence as the cop walks him out of the room.

“This isn’t the end, Dean. I’ll make sure of it,” Michael threatens ominously as he’s perp walked out the door to a waiting stretcher. The clink of the cuffs onto the handrail is satisfying in the best way.

Having handed Michael off, making sure he can’t escape, the blonde cop returns to the room, face turned down in a deep frown as she sits at Dean’s bedside, “I’m Donna Hanscum, the sheriff, but you can just call me Donna. That other officer who took care of Walker is Special Agent Henrikson with the FBI.”

Everyone in the room goes still at those words, “FBI? Why would they care about me getting beat on?”

Dean shrinks into himself slightly at his own ineloquent wording, especially with Kara in the room. Cas wraps a calming hand around his own, hesitantly intertwining their fingers. He hesitates for only a moment before gripping tighter as his inner omega begs trusthimtrusthimtrusthim.

“There are reasons for the FBI’s involvement that I’m not at liberty to discuss with you right now. It’s an active investigation and partially out of my jurisdiction, the most important thing is we have Michael in custody,” Donna explains, patting his hand briefly as she continues, “Earlier today we got a tip informing us of his whereabouts, we were following him but lost him a few blocks from here. Henriksen went with his gut but we were too far behind to stop Michael from gaining access to this floor. I was also unaware of Walker working with him, I’m so sorry for that.”

Donna’s troubled eyes dart between the three of them, filled with guilt and the twinkle of moisture.

“This ain’t on you, Donna. It’s my fault really, all of this is…” Dean cries, overwhelmed by almost dying several times over the past week and having his families lives put in danger. Turning to Cas and drowning in his ocean eyes he pleads, “Y-you should just take Kara to Sammy and go. This is exactly why I never told…”

No,” Cas states firmly, “None of this is your fault, Dean. You want to blame someone blame Michael and anyone who helped him do this to you, to Kara. That’s where the blame lies, not with you.”

Dean doesn’t fully believe it but he also doesn’t want to argue, especially not in front of Kara. She’s seen enough for a lifetime, much more than a ten year old ever should.

“With the charges my department will be filing for the kidnapping and assault on you, kidnapping of Kara, and the FBI’s own case, Michael won’t be seeing the outside of a jail cell to bother you ever again.”

“You’re free, Dean,” Cas chuckles wetly, tears openly streaming down his face when Dean turns to peek up at him again. Even crying, the alpha’s gorgeous.

He’s hesitant to celebrate, years of abuse making him cautious. Michael’s well connected and jail doesn’t automatically mean they’re out of the woods. But he doesn’t let a word of it cross his lips. No reason to be the harbinger of doom when at least for now, Cas is right.

Dean is free.


Cas is in the cafeteria getting a late lunch for the three of them when she finally shows up dragging Sammy, Jess, and Charlie in behind her.

“Ma!” Dean can’t help but shout when Mary’s, older than he remembers but still beautiful, face pops around the doorway.

The alpha walks quickly to his bedside, practically smothering him in her embrace. It dissolves the last bit of fear he’d been storing inside, comforted by his mothers presence and her familiar scent.

Mary releases him, eyes ablaze with fury, “Let Michael try to get to you now with your entire family here to protect you…”

There’s a dark promise in her words he can fully get behind.

“God I’ve been so f*cking dumb, should have told you guys from the beginning then we wouldn’t even be here…” he moans, covering his embarrassed flush by letting his head fall into his hands.

“I won’t allow you to blame yourself, Cas said you’ve been doing that,” Sam scolds from his perch on the end of the bed, Jess and Charlie nod in silent agreement.

It doesn’t escape his notice that Sam’s adopted Dean’s shortening of Cas’ name. Huh.

“It’s not your fault and it isn’t mine, that’s what Dr. Moseley told me Daddy and you have to say it, too,” Kara insists, pointing a stern finger at him.

Mary laughs heartily before he can respond, “Sorry, she just looks so much like you when you were that age. Like a little mini Dean, I missed you both so much…”

Cas walks into a room of crying Winchesters five minutes later, a mix of both happy and sad tears. Dean motions for him to come in, their group hug breaking up not long after that.

Dean responds to Kara’s original statement, “I guess you’re right, it’s not my fault Michael’s an as- not nice guy,” he says, just catching himself. Kara’s heard enough cursing for the day.

She rolls her grass green eyes anyway, “I know what you were about to say, Daddy. I’m not a kid.”

“Last I checked ten was still very much a kid, little lady,” Cas chimes in from next to Dean.

“Actually, I’m almost eleven, preteens aren’t kids,” she argues, hands folded with a smirk growing on her freckled face.

Cas chuckles, “That’s a fair argument.”

Coming from a lawyer, it’s high praise.

The banter is interrupted when Dr. Pam walks in to check on Dean’s wounds now that the hubbub has died down. Unfortunately a nurse was shot by Michael and the hospital has been in a frenzy since, making sure she survived the gunshot. He was relieved to hear about an hour ago she made it through surgery and ecstatic to hear Walker did not. Good f*cking riddance knothead.

“It’s been a busy morning, hasn’t it?” Pam asks, introducing herself to the newcomers in the room before continuing, “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t pull any stitches during the confrontation earlier.”

Pam begins to look him over with the help of his nurse for the day, a redhead beta named Anna, making sure he didn’t pop any stitches in his abdomen or injure himself anywhere else.

“Alright, everything seems to be in order. You’re healing just fine and we’d like to release you in the next few days but you can’t be alone. With so much family I’m sure that won’t be an issue,” Pam smiles, eyes drifting over the group surrounding Dean.

“Definitely not, we’ll work it out,” Mary responds, clutching to Dean’s hand like she’ll never let him go again.

It’s most likely more true than not and he can’t blame her. Kara’s ten and could sit in one of the chairs in the room but Dean’s finding it hard to be that far from his pup at the moment, she doesn’t seem to mind the closeness.

Pam smiles knowingly, asking “Awesome, any questions for me?”

Dean’s ready to say no when Cas speaks up, “What would make Dean suddenly have the ability to ignore a command given in someone’s alpha voice?”

Dr. Pam’s interest visibly peaks at the question, “That happened earlier? With the intruder?”

Dean nods hesitantly, not wanting to discuss what happened in depth but curious as well, “Michael demanded I come with him, I was so pissed I mouthed off and told him no. Never done that before and it actually worked, it was like he had no power over me at all anymore.”

Pam taps her chin in thought before asking, “And his voice has had an effect on you in the past?”

Dean’s rage burbles up inside him again, “Yes, it’s how he took my f*cking car,” he grunts, apologizing to Kara as an aside, “Sorry babygirl…”

Sam huffs out a bitter laugh, “Told you, Cas.” The other alpha nods grimly.

“Told him what?” Dean asks, confused by the statement and wanting to be in the loop, no more secrets.

Sam shakes his head, “Doesn’t matter, just know Donna’s looking for Baby. He didn’t sell her just switched the title into his name. The papers he had you sign probably looked like a document for sale but they weren’t, he tricked you.”

Dean can’t focus on his anger at being bullied into giving up his car, not when he knows she’s still out there somewhere waiting for him. This is the best news he’s had all day, aside from Michael being somewhere in this hospital in cuffs with a bullet hole in him. Miracles never cease.

“I have a theory but it requires a blood test, we already have yours on file, Dean but I’ll need one other sample for the test,” Pam explains, eyes going wary in a way Dean doesn’t understand.

“Sure, but who’s blood would you need? Kara’s? Michael’s not her alpha father if that’s what you’re angling for…” Dean replies, nervous she may ask questions he can’t answer about the origins of his daughter.

Pam blushes before responding, “Actually its Castiel’s blood. After observing the two of you, I think I know what’s going on but I’d rather know for sure before I say anything…”

Dean watches a mix of lightbulbs and confusion cross his families faces, excitement leaking into the scent of a few. What the f*ck?

“Uh…okay well Cas is gonna have to consent to that,” Dean responds, looking up to find the alpha just as confused as he is.

Sam’s wide grin is unnerving as Cas nods quietly in assent. Anna waits as he removes his leather jacket to expose his arm and Dean doesn’t almost faint at the sight, he curses internally when the heart rate monitor starts to give him away. Luckily, Anna’s fast and she has all the blood required in less than two minutes. Pam sweeps out of the room, Anna close at her heels, with a promise to return with the results in a few hours.

“Okay one of you explain, now,” Dean demands of his mother, Charlie, and Sammy. All three being the only ones not completely baffled by Pam’s request.

Sam smirks, responding slyly, “So get this…”

Chapter 7: Into The Unknown


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Okay one of you explain, now,” Dean demands of Mary, Charlie, and Sam.

Castiel’s in agreement, he has no clue what he just gave blood for and it’s more than a little unnerving. He only did it on the off chance it could help Dean understand what happened to him.

Smirk plastered on his face, Sam responds, “So get this, something similar came up in a case of mine a few months ago. An unmated omega was attacked in a park, the alpha tried to use his alpha voice to get her to submit but she resisted and got away long enough to get help. During the investigation she disclosed that she’d been seeing her neighbor,” Sam pauses dramatically for effect causing a tidal wave of eye rolls before he continues, “neither of them realized they were true mates and had been bonded for months, no bite needed. Granted that’s a case of pretty consistent contact but there are some cases that have a more…”

“Profound bond,” he offers hesitantly, starting to see where Sam might be going. But, as far as he knows true mate blood testing isn’t always accurate, it’s fairly new if memory serves.

Sam points at him, eyes bright with excitement, “Yes, that exactly!”

“And it’s not always obvious for everyone at first,” Mary chimes in, “your father knew right away but I didn’t, it isn’t that instant tearing each others clothes off nonsense they sell you in romcoms and romance novels.” She chuckles lightly, lost in memory for a moment.

Charlie chooses this moment to chime in, turning to Castiel, “Cas, you can’t see yourself obvi but uh, those baby blues have been locked on Dean the entire time we’ve been in this room. Total heart eyes, dude.”

Sam snorts teasingly before Mary shuts him up with a whack to the back of his head. He whines stupidly as Jess rubs his big head in comfort. Serves him right.

"And you’re oddly focused on him for this only being the second time you’ve met in person…” Charlie emphasizes, going on to explain her theory, “The doctor’s going to run a blood test against the samples you gave, it should tell her whether you’re true mates. That’s about the only thing that could override Michael’s alpha voice, if he’s no longer Dean’s alpha…” she trails off mid sentence as her eyes dart between he and Dean.

The implication floats around them, Castiel plucks it from the air by putting the collective thought into words, “So that means I’m…” he can’t say it, not without knowing how Dean feels. “Can you all give us a moment, please?”

Everyone agrees without argument, quickly vacating the room leaving only himself and Dean behind in a suddenly uncomfortable silence.

Castiel says, “I don’t…” right as Dean speaks up, “It’s okay if…”

They pause, ocean waves meeting rolling hills, waiting each other out until Castiel folds.

“I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want, Dean. Not after Michael, as you can probably tell by now I’m not that kind of alpha,” Castiel explains sincerely, hoping the words ring true.

Dean whooshes out a breath of air, a small giggle dancing across his lips, “And here I was about to give you the same out, guess we really are made for each other,” he smirks, a lightheartedness is there but pain still lurks within his emerald orbs.

“Dean, I don’t think I could put it plainer than I already have. I’m yours, if you’ll have me,” Castiel repeats the words, hoping they’ll sink in this time. “And I would never lay a hand on you or Kara.”

Unfortunately their shared happiness doesn’t last long, Castiel watches the joy slide off of Dean’s face as it contorts into a tortured grimace.

“But, you heard the Doc, Cas. I’m a long ass way from healed, physically and mentally if I’m being honest…are you sure about this? Taking on a broken omega? And Kara…I mean do you even want pups?” He asks shakily, hands twisting in the sheets with anxiety.

Castiel has to temper the flash of anger coming over him at Dean’s words, not wanting to trigger the omega with the change in his scent. His self esteem is in the toilet and Michael’s to blame.

But, Castiel can be the one to help fix it.

“Dean, you are not broken,” he responds, at Dean’s eye roll Castiel amends his statement, “Okay parts of your body are literally broken but I never want you to see yourself as a ‘broken omega’. Those words imply there’s something wrong with you rather than the truth, that something awful happened to you.” Castiel explains.

Dean’s mouth is still set in a thin line, features awash in uncertainty.

Castiel soldiers on in the face of his omegas doubts, “At least this explains why I keep feeling the urge to refer to Kara as my pup…I was troubled thinking we were developing a trauma bond which is less than ideal.”

Dean squints his eyes, relief and confusion swarming around him dripping in oranges and cream, “You talk like a damn dictionary…”

Castiel barks a laugh, interrupting Dean’s sentence but it’s contagious, bubbling up until the omega’s chuckling right along with him.

“I don’t think anyone has ever quite put it that way but I do get wordy when I’m nervous,” Castiel admits, flushing slightly and suddenly finding a loose thread on Dean’s blanket very interesting.

He reaches over, tipping Castiel’s chin back up to establish eye contact and whoa does it make his inner alpha prance and howl minemineminemine.

“Do I make you nervous, Cas?” Dean asks, blushing furiously as he speaks the words.

Castiel nods rapidly, mouth gone dry in the face of all he’s ever wanted, “Very…”

“Good, don’t f*ck this up alpha,” Dean mutters, eyes momentarily going wild before softening as he yells, “Kara, come in here please,” still maintaining eye contact with Castiel, now squirming under the gaze.

Ahhh the heart eyes Charlie was referring to.

Kara walks back in, viridescent eyes bouncing between him and Dean.

“Hop up, munchkin,” Dean says, patting the bed on his right with Castiel remaining perched on his left.

Kara gets settled in, turning her attention back to the awkward adults in the room, “So is Cas my new Papa?”she asks after a few loaded moments of silence.

If Castiel had been drinking water he would have spewed it across the bed. As it is, his jaw drops in shock in an almost perfect mirror of Dean’s face.

Dean recovers quicker than Castiel, responding, “That’s a conversation for a day that’s a long long long long long long loooooooooonnnnnggggg,” Castiel shoots him a ‘we get it now’ glare before he continues adding one more for good measure, “Long time from now, okay?”

“Okay, does this mean we’re moving to Kansas?” She continues her line of questioning and Castiel realizes they’re now being interrogated by their own pup.

Our pup, the words almost make his little alpha heart melt into a puddle of goo. Sap.

Dean looks over to Castiel, uncertainty creeping back into his scent, “I don’t know, we haven’t decided yet. Is that something you’d want?”

He directs the question at Kara but Castiel can tell it’s for him too. He nods slightly, internally sighing in relief when Dean’s beaming smile returns.

“Yeah, we can live with Cas, Uncle Sammy said he has a huge house and no one lives there but him. He called it a lonely alpha pad,” Kara muses as she rambles.

“So what you’re saying is we should rescue the lonely alpha like he rescued us, sweetpea?” Dean asks, voice thick with unshed tears as his eyes shine with gratitude.

“Yup.” She responds, popping the p, asking, “Do you want us to come live with you, Cas?” Turning to face him with endless hope in her eyes.

Castiel takes each of their hands in his as he responds, overcome with emotion as well, “I’d like that…very much, Kara.”

“Good, we can keep each other safe,” Kara murmurs solemnly.

The shadows flickering behind her gaze worry Castiel. He’ll talk to Dean about it later but he really wants to get a referral from Dr. Moseley for a good family therapist in Kansas. He didn’t want to presume or butt into their lives but now that he has the go ahead it’s imperative.

Squeezing her hand lightly, Castiel pulls her out of her bad memories and back to the present.

Before he can say anything further to Kara the door opens to reveal Dr. Pam with a clipboard in hand. Their conversation will have to continue later.

“Well by the smell in here I’m pretty sure you won’t have an issue with these results,” Dr. Pam says, smiling brightly as she walks to the end of the bed. “I sent everyone else to the waiting room for now while we discuss the results of your true mate test.”

She seems to pause as though for suspense before flipping to the final page and turning the clipboard around. Most of the information on the paper might as well be in gibberish but the unmistakable 100 percent match under results is hard to misinterpret. This is real, he’s Dean’s alpha by choice and by destiny. Holy sh*t.

Pam’s brow is scrunched, a perplexed frown on her face as she asks, “What I don’t quite understand is…you just met last week right? When Castiel helped save you and Kara?”


Dean nods then shakes his head no, “Actually once before five years ago, but we didn’t speak or interact. It was my mom’s birthday and Michael didn’t want to be there…”

Pam nods, though it doesn’t alter the confused frown on her face, “Well that still leaves me with questions then…according to this test it isn’t registering as a new mating within the last few weeks, more like years. Are you sure you never met before then?”

Cas shakes his head again, completely baffled, “It may sound odd considering our mutual connection in Sam but we never even said a word to each other until the last few days.”

Pam shrugs, “Alright then, there’s an off chance the test is wrong. I’ll run a more extensive test and have the results back to you in a few weeks. For now, spending time together is a good thing until the bond stabilizes. You can exchange bites but it’s not really necessary, in the eyes of the law it’s already legal, lucky you.”

She congratulates them before asking if they have any other questions. Once they decline, she leaves with promises to email the results as soon as they come in.

“Of course I’d have a weird mating,” Dean groans, “Did you touch me at the party? Maybe we bumped elbows and I don’t remember…” he trails off, shuffling through his memories of the day.

Cas’ eyes go clouded and dark, “No, believe me I wanted to talk to you. I felt drawn to you from the beginning, you were stunning. But, I also could tell something wasn’t quite right if I’m being honest…he never left your side, the closest we got was when you walked past on the way out. It wasn’t close enough to brush against me, though, just a tease of your scent and you were gone…”

Dean brushes a hand down his alpha’s arm, hoping he takes the comforting gesture for what it is.

“I don’t blame you, Cas. For any of it, the blame game has no winners and I don’t know about you but I’m done losing…” he says, drawn further into Cas’ orbit.

A little sunshine joins the rain in his blue sky eyes, setting Dean’s heart to quake as Cas stares at him showing off a sappy side that makes his inner omega whine minemineminemine.

Whispered words to a blank wall echo in his mind, so much sweeter without the pain, come to life in front of Dean in neon bright HD.

“Ew, you look like you’re about to kiss, I’m out,” Kara exclaims, hopping off of the bed and following Pam’s path leaving them both stunned at the probably completely true accusation.

“Whoops,” Dean chuckles awkwardly, only slightly embarrassed they ran her off.

They don’t kiss, but Cas cautiously climbs into the bed, paying close mind to Dean’s injuries as he wraps an arm around him. Dean lets out a deep sigh, going absolutely boneless as orange swirls with maple and cream melts into brown sugar. Delicious.


“Cas, can you get me the…” Dean pauses snapping his fingers as though it will compel the correct word to formulate in his mind. He struggles for a solid minute trying to remember the word for the thing that turns the tv on. Cas waits patiently as he grunts in frustration, the elusive word just on the tip of his tongue, “Goddamnit…REMOTE! I f*cking hate this…”

Cas hands it over immediately, “Like Pam said, when you poke around in someone’s noggin sometimes the wires get a little…mixed up…it’ll get better with time, Dean.”

Instantly he feels bad for getting cranky and taking it out on Cas, he’s been so attentive and helpful over the past week and a half. But, it’s frustrating to suddenly be robbed of the few things he never had to question. Now he’s fumbling simple words a kindergartener would know, grumpy half the time, and his leg will be stuck in a cast for the foreseeable future.

Cas’ phone rings before he can apologize, he glances at it before he says, “This is Meg, she’s taking care of preparing everything for our arrival. I have to take this, be right back.”

He steps out into the hall, voice muffled through the cracked door. Dean takes the remote, turning the tv on and flipping channels mindlessly for a few minutes. His desire to watch the damn thing dissipated like smoke in the wind in the face of his new reality. When his grip begins to weaken on the remote and his hands begin to shake he gives up, landing on some HGTV show he’s never heard of.

Dean drops the remote, waiting the tremors out until they stop. Sure, Pam may have warned him about the odds of having these issues post surgery but that’s not the same as experiencing them, having to push aside his anger at the reason he’s here in the first place. The temporary aphasia and tremors are just the tip of the goddamn iceberg. Justice isn’t Michael getting off with one gunshot to the leg while Dean suffers in this hospital room. A huge part of Dean wishes Donna had killed him, point blank. But, as he gets to know the Sherriff he’s come to realize that’s not her style and she, as well as Victor, are looking at the bigger picture.

Michael needs to answer for all he’s done, and not just to Dean.

His thoughts drift, from one topic to the next until it feels as though his brain may truly explode with the effort. Dean gives in, placing his focus on the tv to avoid another migraine. Surprisingly, the show isn’t half bad so he’s slightly startled when Cas walks back into the room.

“Sorry that took so long, Meg was confirming the medical transport for you back to Kansas. They have ways to fly you back, Dean. Are you sure you want to be driven all that way?” Cas asks.

Dean vehemently shakes his head, causing his developing migraine to worsen. He turns the tv off knowing it’s gonna hurt more than help at this point.

“No, I had a bad experience the last time I flew for a shoot. Damn plane almost crashed and no I’m not being dramatic. There was bad turbulence and we had to make an emergency landing. Haven’t flown since,” Dean explains, unwilling to change his mind.

Cas nods his head, bright eyes flooded with understanding, “That sounds horrifying, Dean. It’s okay, Meg has a rental car booked for Kara and I to follow behind you if we haven’t located Baby by then. The rest of the family can fly back and meet us there.”

Dean can’t help the slow smile growing despite the circ*mstances, he’s going home with his family. Family that used to include just he and Kara for years, he never considered Michael anything more than a prison warden sent to torture him slowly until he completely gave up. Now that he has his mom and Sammy back in his life along with new faces in Jess and Cas, Dean’s tentatively happy for the first time in ten years.

“There’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing you smile,” Cas speaks in a hushed tone, leaning over and silently asking permission as his stare darts from Dean’s eyes to his mouth.

Dean barely hesitates, nodding as Cas closes the distance meeting his lips for the first time. In the back of his mind he wonders if this is smart, diving into the beginnings of a relationship with a man he just met like some Disney princess. But, he swiftly shuts that part down because Cas isn’t just some random knothead off the street. He’s kind, gentle, all the things Michael wasn’t and everything Dean needs.

The kiss remains chaste, just a few sweet brushes of lips as his nose floods with Cas’ thickening maple sugary scent. Unable to stop himself once Cas pulls away, Dean blurts out, “You smell like breakfast.”

Cas barks out a laugh before responding, “And you smell like dessert.”

Dean nods, joining Cas in his amusem*nt, “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

Within five minutes of meeting Charlie joked that he smelled like orange and cream sherbet, his giggles increase at the memory as he relays the story to Cas only furthering the alpha’s own laughter.

Finally pulling themselves together, Cas turns grabbing Dean’s hand and interlocking their fingers as he asks, “Donna cleared us to go back into the house, is there anything Sam and I should get for you and Kara?”

He immediately goes cold at the mention of that place, thick fear overwhelming the combined joyful scent around them. Dean never wants to see that horror house again, wishes Cas and Sammy never had to either but there are personal items he wants, f*ck everything else, they can burn it for all he cares.

Dean answers, “A few family photos and Kara’s things.”

Asking Kara to leave all her belongings would be traumatic. He talked this over with Dr. Moseley earlier in the week, Dean wants as smooth a transition as possible for Kara. This is a big move for both of them but especially for her. They’re leaving behind friends that have become more like family and she’ll have to be the new kid in school, something she’s never experienced.

Miami is all Kara’s ever known, add the trauma they both have experienced over the last ten years and you have a recipe for disaster if it isn’t handled properly. Dean couldn’t be more grateful to have people like Dr. Moseley around guiding them through it all. She’s already referred them to a colleague in Kansas they can continue seeing as a family, Dr. Linda Tran.

Dean never thought he would see the day he’d be a strong advocate for therapy, but the talks with Missouri feel more like sitting down with an old friend, he hopes it’s the same with Dr. Tran. Missouri’s helped him so much in the past almost two weeks he’s actually been conscious.

Realizing his mind has pulled him away from the conversation, Dean focuses back on his alpha as he speaks.

Cas frowns slightly, “No clothing for you, just the photos?”

“If it has to do with Kansas, grab it. Sammy should be able to help spot what’s what. I don’t want anything reminding me of Michael once we leave this town. Clothes can be replaced, all that designer sh*t was mostly his style anyway…” Dean responds firmly, the desire to start over pulsing through his veins.

“Got it,” Cas readily agrees, understanding his logic perfectly, “in that case, we leave in two days. You’re sure Kara’s okay staying with Mary for now?”

Dean nods, “With what Dr. Pam said, I’m not gonna be very useful watching out for her right now and you have work. Whatever nurse you hire isn’t responsible for my pup, mom’s the next best option.”

“Correction, I have a job where I make my own hours. If it’s alright with you I may come home early some days and pick her up. Our pup should be home with…” Cas hesitates, still getting used to being allowed to call Kara his pup, “her parents,” he finishes, blushing the most adorable shade of red.

“No complaints from me, alpha,” Dean responds shyly, pleased to see Cas’ blush deepen from his words.

This time, Dean pulls Cas in, pressing their lips together as his alpha climbs into bed next to him. They stay that way for a long time, trading kisses and soft touches until exhaustion digs it’s claws into him again. Cas lands one last kiss on his forehead, trying to vacate the bed but Dean won’t have any of it. The omega drags him back so Cas wraps Dean in a careful embrace as he drops into a peaceful sleep, safe in the arms of his alpha.


All of your comments give me all the feels, thanks so much you're all so awesome!

Chapter 8: Betrayal's Veil

Chapter Text

Dean drifts off, exhaustion dragging his heavy eyelids closed over his grass green eyes. He watches in awe, tempted to remain at his omega’s side all day. But, they have a long list of things that need to be done before they leave next week.

Castiel longs to lay down with Dean, just thinking about it all drains the alpha. Retrieving the things Dean wants from the house, packing up anything they can’t fit into suitcases and having it shipped, installing a better security system at the house, hiring a nurse for Dean’s needs back in Kansas, and that doesn’t include the tasks he’s delegated to Meg back home like registering Kara for school and getting his house ready for more than one person to reside there permanently.

His complicated thoughts are interrupted by Anna coming in to check on Dean’s unhealed injuries. Thankfully there are fewer, but the ones that remain need continued care. An idea unfurls in his mind as the nurse walks into the room, “Do you have any experience with home health care?”

Anna pauses for a moment, thrown off by the question before she responds, “Yes actually, I prefer it to working in the hospital but I haven’t been able to find anything other than temp work lately.”

He nods, asking one more important question, “And your license can be used in other states?”

Anna shoots him a quizzical look. As she peeks at Dean’s side, she answers cautiously, “Yes, I have a multi-state license, why do you ask?”

Castiel just goes for it, she’s nice and gets along well with Dean. He can have Meg run a background check if she accepts, she wouldn’t be allowed in this hospital if Donna or Victor found any connection to Michael anyway.

“Would you be willing to move to Kansas with us and continue to care for Dean? I know it’s a lot to ask but you’d be compensated well…” he offers, hoping it doesn’t come across as creepy.

Anna’s mouth drops open in shock, “Are you sure about this Mr. Novak? You barely know me I could be an axe murderer…”

Castiel chuckles lightly, “Are you an axe murderer, Anna?” She shakes her head joining his laughter as her eyes brighten with amusem*nt, “Exactly. We’ve been here for almost three and a half weeks now and I trust you, Dean trusts you. I understand if you don’t want to accept, it’s not a small ask, but the offer’s there if you want it…”

Anna doesn’t respond right away, turning back to complete her task which he appreciates. Once she’s done she finally answers, “I’ve been trying to get out of this city for years. I think…I think I’d like to accept Mr. Novak.”

“Perfect,” Castiel practically cheers, ecstatic that one item off of the list has been checked off. “I’ll get you in touch with my secretary Meg, we’ll take care of all moving expenses so don’t worry about that. You’ll have a guest room in the house…” Noticing Anna looks overwhelmed he adds, "We’ll hammer out all the details later, I know you have other patients to attend to.”

They exchange contact information before Anna leaves to see to another patient. Dean didn’t wake up at all while he spoke with Anna or through her ‘poking and prodding’ as he likes to put it. Usually that means he’ll be out for the next few hours, at least. Castiel decides to take that time and tackle another item on the list. Getting Dean and Kara’s things out of Michael’s house.

Pulling his phone from his back pocket as he eases the door to Dean’s room shut behind him, he walks in the direction of the elevator waiting for Sam to pick up.

Sam answers almost immediately, “Hey, Cas. What’s up?”

“What’s up with all of you calling me Cas now?” Castiel asks teasingly, secretly loving the new nickname more than he’d like to admit.

Sam snorts a laugh, “Hey it’s better than Bal calling you Cassie.”

He rolls his eyes, “I never should have told him about that horrible nickname.”

“I used to complain all the time about Dean calling me Sammy, now I’m just thankful I get to hear him say it at all,” Sam admits, voice going thick with sudden sadness.

He clears his throat to try and hide it but he can’t fool his best friend.

“I know, Sam. I know…” Castiel tries to soothe him. “I may miss Gabriel but I’d still be pissed if we reconciled only for him to start calling me Cassie again.”

“You say that now,” Sam warns, unaware of how close to the truth he really is.

Castiel hasn’t seen his older brother since he and Sam were in college, senior year to be exact, but they grew apart losing contact for quite some time. Watching Sam and Dean reunite has him wishing they could fix things. It wasn’t one definable incident that drove them apart, over time calls got shorter and fewer until he hadn’t spoken to Gabriel in a month, then over six months bleeding into years. Now, the very thought of bridging that gap feels insurmountable.

Castiel starts, “I just…”

He doesn’t even have to finish the sentence, “Call him, Cas. He’ll want to meet Dean and Kara anyway…”

Castiel sighs heavily, “…I’ll think about it. Definitely not until we’re back and Dean’s settled. There’s just too much Gabriel’s missed, Dean and Kara need all of my attention right now.”

Sam’s suspiciously quiet before he speaks, “Uhm…speaking of Dean and Kara, not to go off subject but we haven’t had ‘the talk'…so here it goes.” Sam chuckles darkly, freaking even Cas out for a moment as he continues, “Consider all the things we said we’d do to Michael if we got our hands on him…it’ll be ten times worse for you if you betray my brother and our friendship by hurting Dean or Kara. Got it?”

Castiel smiles, despite the threat, “Got it…thank you, Sam,” knowing that’s about as good of a blessing as he’s going to get from his best friend right now.

It’s a distinct change in their relationship from best friend to brother in law, not something either of them anticipated but he’s glad it’s bringing him closer to the family he already loved and felt a part of for over a decade. This just makes things a little more official.

“You’re welcome, Cas,” Sam says, switching the subject as Castiel swipes at the happy tears Sam can’t see sliding down his cheeks. “So, what were you actually calling for?”

Castiel pauses, having forgotten for a moment until it hits him, “Oh! Right, Donna finally gave permission to enter the house. She said everything’s been processed and cleaned up so we can safely go in and get Dean and Kara’s things. Dean’s sleeping so if you aren’t busy I figured we could take care of that now.”

Sam readily agrees, “Sure, Kara wanted to go to the mall with Jess so I’m not on pup sitting duty anymore. I’ll meet you over there, I can borrow mom’s rental they took Charlie’s car.”

Castiel hears sounds of movement telling him he’s already up and getting ready to head over.

“Alright, see you soon,” Castiel replies, hanging up once he gets to the parking lot and climbs into the pickup Benny and Andrea let him borrow.

He was all set to get a rental just like Mary when they offered Benny’s truck, refusing payment for the time he’d be using it. Their only request, return it with a full tank of gas before they leave for Kansas. Dean has some truly amazing friends here in Florida, Castiel hopes they come visit him once they’re settled. He’d like to get to know the people who cared for Dean and Kara when he couldn’t, even if some of the care was rebuffed by Dean, they tried and that’s what matters most to him.

Castiel pauses to honk at a car that went through a stop sign. Driving through Miami is an experience, one he’d like to be done with sooner rather than later. It’s time to get his family back home, where they belong.

The hospital is across town from Michael’s house leaving the alpha with plenty of time to think. Castiel said the words to Sam but taking action is ten times harder. He doesn’t want to live a life of regret, wondering if he’s depriving himself of a relationship with the only brother that still gives a sh*t about him. Honestly, the only one that ever did. Lucifer and Raphael made their feelings clear ages ago when they sided with his parents.

A blaring car horn breaks Castiel from his inner turmoil, waving a hand in apology he pulls through the green light taking the next turn down the road to the house. Sam is already parked in the driveway when he pulls up, waving goofily as he climbs out to meet him on the porch.

“Hey,” Castiel greets, punching in the code Dean gave him for the lock. “I asked Dean for a key earlier, apparently they don’t have them, just an access code. Did you notice the way the lock functions…”

Sam checks both sides of the doorjamb, seeing right away what Castiel means. The lock Michael has installed can be used to lock someone inside where they can’t get out.

The entire house is a prison.

Donna still won’t divulge any of what the FBI wanted Michael for, but he has suspicions and none of them are good.

“Huh,” he examines the lock for a moment before following behind Castiel into the house, “Ever feel like we’ll never get the full story of what happened here?” Sam asks, brow furrowed as he scrubs his hand through his hair.

“Do you actually want the full story? I’ll listen if Dean needs to vent but…” Castiel pauses, not having told Sam everything Dean knows for good reason. Much like Dean, he never wanted Sam to see him in a certain light, but that’s not healthy either. Breathing out a whoosh of air, Castiel tells his truth, ripping it off like a bandaid, “Sometimes it’s triggering for me…I escaped a very abusive relationship that lasted up until senior year of high school, right before we met actually…”

Sam’s eyes go dinner plate wide in shock, “I…I’m so sorry Cas, I never knew…”

“No, no one knew that was the point,” Castiel snaps, taking a deep calming breath before adding in a calmer tone, “That was a part of my life I left behind a long time ago. I don’t have to see Bart ever again, half my family disowned me because of it but at the time I needed to be free of him more than I ever needed them. Everyone but Gabriel…” he trails off, right back where he started in the car, missing his older brother with no clear path of resolution.

“That’s f*cking awful, Cas.” Sam shakes his head, adding, “You’re right though, if they sided with an abusive asshole you don’t need them. We’re your family,” Sam says, grabbing him by the shoulders for a hug, “And I’ll help you contact Gabriel, if that’s what you want.”

Castiel returns the hug, stepping back as he nods, “Yes, I…I didn’t realize how triggered I’ve been, how this experience is dredging up the past, until we came back here. Had my family’s plans gone through, this could have easily been my story,” Cas shudders at the thought, blood gone ice cold in his veins, “…I just want to get Dean’s things and go…”

Knowing he’s said too much and unwilling to explain, the alpha walks away without another word to focus on the task at hand and not his unresolved trauma. Just add it to the list of things he’ll be discussing with Dr. Tran in the near future.

He and Sam gather the items Dean requested and a few others they determined would be hard to replace right away or were from his time before Miami. They divvy up boxing all of Kara’s belongings, getting the entire process completed in less than two hours.

It’s still two hours too long for Castiel. He’s ready to get on his knees and thank the gods when they slide the last box into the pickup and lock the front door, leaving the house to be eaten slowly by its ghosts.

Good riddance.


“Are we there yet?” Kara asks again, trying to project an air of innocence as she reclines in the passenger seat with her bare feet up on the dashboard. She relegated her shoes to the floorboard about two hours back, complaining they felt too restricting on such a long drive.

Donna was unable to locate Baby before their departure but she’s determined, promising to call as soon as she has a lead on one of Michael’s other properties. Castiel is all set to have the car shipped to Kansas once its found, Dean’s other baby should be coming home too.

Meg rented a Tesla much like the model he drives at home, making the ride easier not having to learn a new vehicle and entertain a ten year old at the same time. Sam, Jess, Anna, and Mary’s flight should have gotten in by now, he hopes they’re getting some rest before the remaining cavalry arrives.

Dean’s up ahead somewhere riding in the medical transport van, in good hands with a nice beta nurse named Hannah. He hated watching helplessly as they loaded him into the van and having to leave him, his only solace being he has hours of one on one time with Kara ahead of him.

Now if he could just get her to stop asking the same question over and over that would be sublime.

Rolling his eyes playfully, he answers his pup, “Are you gonna do that the whole way, little one?”

Kara doesn’t respond right away, wrist deep into a bag of bbq potato chips and already chewing the handful she’d grabbed while he was speaking, “Nah, just figured if you’re training to be my new papa I should prepare you…” the smirk she throws at him is so reminiscent of Dean his heart explodes.

What did he do to deserve all this? A beautiful mate and pup coming home to stay with the ‘loneliest alpha that ever lived’, Kara’s words not his. In their last therapy session as a family with Missouri, she asked them to write down their family goals and aspirations. Dean, Castiel, and Kara agreed they want a home filled with all the laughter and love they can manage, maybe even more pups down the line if Dean’s amenable. Considering the way Dean looked at him over Kara’s head when Castiel mentioned it, he’s more than ready when the time comes. If they come out anything like Kara he’ll be a lucky alpha.

Turning briefly, eyebrow raised, he asks, “So you’re trying to be annoying?”

“Yup,” she proclaims, popping the p as she stuffs another handful of chips in her mouth. The plan was to stop for lunch in an hour, although at this rate he’ll be the only one actually hungry.

Why? And for the record you’re not annoying me, you’re much more like your uncle than I thought though…” Castiel jokes, barking a laugh at the memory, “He once attempted to drive me nuts while I was studying for a test, kept singing this obnoxious song ‘Heat of the Moment’. Joke was on him though, I had earplugs and he ended up with that song stuck in his head for days.”

Kara giggles along with him, “That’s funny, are you best friends?”

Castiel nods, keeping his eyes on the road, “Yup,” he mimics her popping the p, continuing as she laughs, “I’ve known your Uncle Sammy since I was nineteen, he’s a year younger than me.”

“Wow, and you’re super old now so you’ve known each other forever,” Kara exclaims, mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

“Ha ha ha, minion, we’re just barely in our thirties thank you very much,” Castiel defends himself from being labeled ‘old’. “Would you call your daddy old? He’s about three years older than me…”

“Really?” Kara asks, fiddling with something on her new phone. They weren’t able to locate the ones Michael took and honestly he probably had trackers installed on them anyway. Mary took care of picking up new ones for both Dean and Kara yesterday.

Castiel answers her on autopilot as he switches lanes to get around a truck, “Yes, so either you’re calling your daddy old or none of us are old.”

Kara ponders for a moment, finger tapping her chin in exaggerated thought, “You’re older than me,” she states with a shrug, laughing at his put upon frown.

The rest of the long ride is spent discussing he and Sam’s college years, well the parts that are appropriate for a pup to hear. She’s enthralled, getting to listen as he relays stories he hasn’t told in years, how he and Sam became the inseparable pair they are now with the eventual addition of Balthazar along the way. As he speaks and pivots into his time with the Winchesters and the extended family back home, that tug in his heart returns wishing these stories included Dean and Kara from the beginning.

But, they have time to change that now.


“Babe?” Dean calls out to him from the living room, Anna helped him to the couch after dinner and he’s been sitting watching some show about a doctor in cowboy boots. Not very practical.

Pet names, they’re new but Castiel loves it, beaming smile on his face as he answers, “Yes, love?” from the kitchen where he’s loading the dishwasher.

“Can you come here please?” Dean shouts back.

“Sure, just let me finish this first,” he responds, putting the last cup in the rack and starting the cycle.

Drying his hands off on a hand towel, Castiel pads his way into the living room, “What’s up?” He asks, plopping down in the armchair next to the couch.

Due to the cast Dean needs the entirety of the couch to be comfortable, it’s fine but it means no cuddles while he’s in the living room, for the time being.

“Yesterday, Sammy mentioned something about your brother, I didn’t even know you have a brother…I know we’re both working through things from our past and it’s cool if this is a conversation you’d rather have in session with the Doc but…I’m here if you wanna talk…” Dean offers, muting the tv show as he speaks.

Castiel wants to take the out Dean gave him off of instinct alone, but he fights it. This is his mate, not some random person trying to dig into his past. Dean deserves to know all of him, just as he hopes to one day know all of Dean.

He begins, slowly at first then the story just comes pouring out of him in a stream, breaking free of the cage he’d locked these memories in so many years ago.

“I come from a very religious family, hence the angel name. My mother and father, Charles and Naomi Novak, run a mega church in Tennessee,” he can’t help but chuckle as Dean’s eyes go owlish at the information. He worked his ass off to eradicate his accent as soon as he crossed the border leaving the state. “If we ever went back my accent would probably come out a little, might come in handy with your clear obsession with cowboys.” He rolls his eyes as Dean’s scent nears arousal, his inner alpha whining as it dissipates.

They aren’t there yet and this definitely isn’t the time.

Picking his tale back up, “It was one of those stereotypical megachurches, very traditional and mean unless you’re a ‘believer’. Omegas are meant to serve their alphas, blah blah blah. To answer your original question, I have three older brothers. Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel. You’ve never heard me mention them because everyone but Gabriel had a hand in what happened to me. Gabriel’s the only one who tried, and eventually succeeded in saving my life.”

Castiel pauses, tamping down the anger that started to bubble up inside him as soon as he came close to the truth. Dean admitted to still having triggers, one of them being the scent of an angry alpha. Dr. Tran invited Castiel to either control his scent or wear blockers until Dean’s further into his healing.

“Bart wasn’t just some boy who decided to date me on a whim, I was promised to him before we even met.” Dean’s eyes widen further in shock as Castiel continues, “Bart’s father, Zachariah, was a big name in the church and best friends with my parents since they were in high school. What came to light after Gabriel found Bart assaulting me the last time was the arrangement Zachariah made with my parents, they claimed to have tested me as a pup and the results came back omega.” Dean gasps in shock, its something parents can choose to do but with so many inaccurate results it’s become largely unpopular in recent years. Definitely not something you’d pin a marriage contract on.

Soldiering on, “I was raised under the presumption that I would present omega, though I was open to other possibilities, and Bart made that assumption as well because of his father. He didn’t mind that I was un-presented because in their eyes once I did present they’d get exactly what they wanted, an obedient omega who would cater to Bart’s every whim. That plan derailed in two ways, Gabriel found Bart that night and almost killed him in an alpha rage and I presented alpha shortly after that, killing the contract right then and there. I’ll admit I’ve always had an attraction to all designations but there was no way I was going through with marrying that abusive knothead. Gabriel was kicked out for going against the family and the church. I was largely ignored until I left for college later that year.”

Castiel takes a steadying breath, “You don’t hear me talk about my family because the family I give a sh*t about is here in this house and scattered across this town. You haven’t heard me mention Gabriel because I’m not sure if I have the balls to reach out to him after letting years pass without a word…I abandoned my brother after he saved my life…that’s the whole truth Dean. Every bit of it….”

His scent shifts to despair and maybe a little regret as fat tears roll down his flushed cheeks. Castiel knew he’d probably get emotional but he’s cried more in the last two months than he has in years. It’s cleansing, he knows, but it still stings not to have complete control over his feelings. Maybe that’s a good thing.

“I’m so sorry, Cas. I wouldn’t have asked if I knew it was all connected,” Dean profusely apologizes as his own emerald eyes fill with unshed tears. Gesturing for Castiel to come closer to the couch he murmurs, “Me, you, and Kara? That’s forever, same as Sammy and Mom and Jess, and all the stragglers we’ve picked up over the years. You’re a part of us, Cas. For life.

It touches a part of his soul he thought he’d healed years past, soothing Castiel’s subconscious fear of being left on the outside by another family. Ignored as if he doesn’t exist. It hits him in that moment that he did the same to Gabriel and he can’t allow it to go on.

Kneeling down next to the couch, Castiel pecks a chaste kiss on Dean’s lips, “Sam offered to help me find Gabriel but that would mean yet another new person around you and I can’t do that, not if you’ll be made uncomfortable in your own home.”

Dean scoffs, “He’s your brother, babe. If you trust him, I trust him and this was your house first.” Dean cuts him off before he can protest, “Blah blah blah let’s not argue over semantics, call your damn brother and get him over here.”

Raising an eyebrow as though he’s daring Castiel to disobey, he has no choice but to nod in agreement.

Guess, Gabriel’s coming to town.

Chapter 9: Ghosts of the Past

Chapter Text

“And is that usually where the dream ends?” Dr. Tran asks, scribbling something Dean can’t see in her notepad of doom.

He sighs, wishing he could get out of relaying this next part but the only way forward is f*cking through so, he answers the question slightly flippantly, “No, then my dead dad calls me the worst disappointment of his life so that’s a bucket of laughs…”

The silence following his mini outburst is palpable, it’s no wonder the next words out of his mouth are a swift apology, “Sorry, Doc.” He says, hoping the beta can see how truly sorry he is.

At the beginning of their first family session Dr. Tran laid out a few rules, the first of which being they remember not to take out any of their anger or issues on her because she’s only here to help, not to be a punching bag. Castiel and Dean took it in stride with Kara easily agreeing but this isn’t the first time Dean’s slipped and had to apologize.

Thankfully, Dr. Tran denotes his sincerity and moves on with the session, “Why do you think your father is showing up this way to you in your dreams? Was he ever disapproving of you or critical of you in life?”

Dean shakes his head no vigorously, “If anything he was obnoxiously supportive, no he was proud of me whether I deserved it or not.”

Dr. Tran’s eyes narrow into slits as she takes on a deep frown, “We’ve spoken about this Dean, it isn’t about deserving one thing or another. You didn’t deserve what Michael did to you or what Cain…”

Dean stiffens and her words cut off as she notices the change in him, “This ain’t about Cain…”

“Dean, at some point we’re going to have to discuss Mr. Mullen’s involvement in…”

“NO!” Dean shouts, not bothering to apologize this time. He warned the doc and she’s pushing him right now in ways he wasn’t prepared for on a random Thursday morning.

He and the Doc are secreted away in one of the many rooms in Cas’ larger than necessary home. This one has been designated as the therapy room until Dean’s well enough to go to Dr. Tran’s office. Cas’…no their house…is nowhere near the size of the mini mansion Michael insisted on purchasing. But, it’s still larger than Sammy’s loft across town and the cozy three bedroom ranch he grew up in, where Mary still lives all these years later.

Accepting her role in that last outburst, Dr. Tran puts her hands up gesturing she’s backing off, for now.

Dean decides to play his part by admitting a small truth, “I guess…I guess it’s hard to stop labeling everything as something deserved or not because I spent years having Michael scream just that at me, beating it into me…”

“And that’s what we’re here to heal, Dean. I’m already seeing the changes in you whether you do or not, your family sees them too.” She says, smiling warmly back at him. He’s happy to see her eyes have brightened at his admission.

Who knew the key to making her smile was sharing his real feelings, consistently. Go figure.

“I see them in myself, but…there’s still a part of me that feels none of this is stable enough to keep. Michael’s just going to find a way to get to me, or kill Cas, or take Kara away or…” he’s fighting to take breaths as he spirals into a panic.

“Dean, focus on my voice, okay? Can you do that?” At his unsteady nod she continues, “Match my breathing, slow inhale in through your nose, hold for four, slow exhale out through your mouth. That’s right, keep going…”

The doc leads him until his breathing has slowed to match her own, craftily avoiding a full blown panic attack. The only thing that pulls him out quicker is Cas’ scent and his families presence in general.

So of course today would be a Dean focused session, no munchkin or mate allowed.

Another admission flows smoothly from his lips as the panic continues to recede, “That same part of me is the one screaming the loudest that I dishonored my dad, didn't grow up to be the strong omega he always told me I could be…like he was.”

Dr. Tran tuts softly in disapproval before responding, “Dean, from everything you have shared thus far I don’t have any reason to believe there’s an ounce of reality to that thought. From where I’m sitting your father loved you, unconditionally, even playing a major role in you accepting your designation. That doesn’t sound like a father who would feel like you dishonored his memory by protecting yourself and your pup as best you could.”

“Did I though…protect Kara? It’s already pretty clear I didn’t exactly do as great a job with myself but…I’m worried my inaction traumatized her even more than if I’d just left and taken my chances with her on my own…” Dean whispers, shame flooding his body again as regret swiftly follows.

Dr. Tran cuts in, not allowing him to stay in the past, “Dean, we could play what ifs all day but yes, you protected her. You may carry all of the physical and most of the emotional burden here but Kara witnessed everything, and I’m not going to lie she is affected by that. But you and Castiel are doing what’s best for her in getting Kara the help she needs, and that will make all the difference down the road.”

Dean nods, encouraged by the docs words, “She does seem a lot happier here…”

“Because she knows she’s safe here, Dean. Something that wasn’t guaranteed for the first ten years of her life, and the last ten years of yours. Give yourselves a little credit, you’re all handling this much better than most.” Dr. Tran advises, waiting in silence for his response.

He contemplates her words, running through the catalogue he has in his mind of every smile and giggle coaxed out of Kara over the past two weeks that he’s been out of the hospital. Each was hard won but grow easier with time as she relaxes in their new home, with her new school, and family.

A thought occurs to him, a memory that supports Dr. Trans assessment, “Two nights ago we were having family movie night, something Cas suggested for all three of us to bond.” He blushes, slightly embarrassed as her smile deepens, but continues, “He’s a sap, I know. Anyway, Kara burped pretty loud and immediately freaked forgetting Michael wasn’t around. Cas noticed right away and instead of yelling at her for poor manners, he burped just as loud and I mean loud, Doc. Didn’t know he had it in him,” He trails off thrown into a giggle, as he calms he continues, “He’s so…different…it’s easy to be with him. Michael was never easy, never someone we would’ve sat down to watch movies with or sh*t like that. Kara’s getting what I always wanted for her…” his words are cut off by a groan of embarrassment as he feels the tears start. Dean’s been like a damn faucet lately, he swipes at the moisture on his face hoping to avoid making a big deal out of it.

Dr. Tran leans forward in her seat, discarding her notes to the side as she speaks, “Of course Castiel feels different to you, he’s your true mate. And while that bond is probably the strongest I’ve seen in awhile, a good portion of that strength is in choice. You are actively choosing Castiel, allowing him in far more than you ever did Michael simply because it is a choice this time.”

Choices. It’s something Dean’s been giving a lot of consideration to lately, because Dr. Tran is right. Castiel resonates so deeply with him because Dean’s choosing to remain in this bond with him. Dean never chose Michael, never wanted him in the first place. But now, with just a few weeks left on his required heat suppressants from the hospital, Dean’s wondering if it’s time to make this choice more visibly permanent.

With minutes left on the clock, Dean blurts out a question pulled from his wandering thoughts, “Is it weird that I wanna let Cas bite me? When my suppressants run out?”

Dr. Tran adapts quickly to the change in topic now used to how Dean can jump around in a conversation, another fun side effect of his brain injury.

“Not at all if you feel ready, Dean. The doctors only had you on the suppressants so you wouldn’t have to go through a heat in the condition you’re in. The bite may not be required but if you want that physical proof, I see nothing wrong if everyone is willing, open, and honest.”

Dean nods, stuffing his hand under his thigh as it begins to spasm, he’s noticed these ‘glitches’ as he’s begun to call them tend to happen if his emotions are elevated. Dean’s not a damn neurologist but he knows it all stems back to his brain and can’t wait for them to go away.

“I…heats were always difficult with Michael. The pressure of being expected to come out mated and pregnant and the constant fear every time that wasn’t the case. Knowing the consequences of that…there’s trauma there for sure but…I wanna try, it may not be necessary but I wanna wear Cas’ bite and I want mine on him.”

His inner omega swoons at the words ‘mine on him’ because of course the little bugger would.

There must be something to his scent or an expression on his face, Dr. Tran smirks slyly as though she can read his thoughts before she responds, “Then I won’t stand in the way of love.”

And that just floors Dean because…they haven’t actually said the L word yet but…could he already…oh sh*t he totally is…

Dean’s in love with his mate.


sh*t…Cas,” Dean moans into his hand, praying Kara doesn’t wake up from the sound.

“Shhh,” Cas warns, lowering back down to his task.

A few minutes go by before Dean lets out another obscene groan with a whine at the tail end. Immediately Cas’ dark mop of hair pokes up, ocean eyes glaring down at Dean with all the fury of heaven.

“I’m sorry, babe,” Dean apologizes, whining in protest as Cas comes back up the bed to plop down next to him.

“You said you would keep it down, Dean,” Castiel grumbles, wiping his hands off on the towel at the side of the bed.

“And you said you didn’t actually finish massage school, what in the actual f*ck, Cas?” Dean asks, because there’s no way he didn’t graduate, with f*cking honors with how good his hands felt.

Every muscle in Dean’s back and thigh has turned to mush. So good.

The alpha blushes deeply at the praise, “I didn’t I swear that was purely beginners knowledge,” He shrugs, smug smirk fixed on his face as the praise goes straight to his ego.

Dean shakes his head, “Can’t be, if it weren’t for this damn cast you’d be gettin’ laid buddy. It was that damn good.”

The low hum of arousal that had been vibrating between them as a light scent in the air for the past hour spikes as Cas’ eyes tinge slightly alpha red at Dean’s admission.

Ohhh, you like that alpha?” Dean murmurs, teasing Cas a little.

Cas hovers over him, eyes gone wild in the best way, “You know I do…”

Dean goes for broke, staring up into the dominant yet still gentle eyes of his mate and burning with desire, saying the words on the tip of his tongue, “I love you, Cas…”

He sees the moment when Cas’ mind goes completely offline, scent ping ponging between excitement and something else he can’t quite pin down.

But before he has the chance to gaslight himself into worry Cas responds, “I…I love you too, Dean. You and Kara are my whole world now.”

“Good cause I want you to bite me when my suppressants run out and my heat hits…” Dean admits, words coming out in a whoosh he’s not entirely sure Cas understood.

But the alpha clearly heard him, this time his scent radiates joy and concern, voicing his worries right away, “I do want that with you, Dean. But, are you sure? Have you talked with Dr. Tran about this?”

Dean nods, “More than. I have, she said as long as we’re consenting, open, and honest we should go for it. I choose you, Cas. Only you, always you forever.” He admits the next part a little embarrassedly, “She’s uh…actually how I realized I was in love with you…”

The accompanying blush hardly has time to take root before Cas’ next words have him barking with laughter.

“I hesitated for a moment when you said it because I too hadn’t fully realized my feelings for you Dean. What is love if not exactly what I’ve felt for you since the moment I saw you…” Cas trails off, unable to finish his sentence as Dean seals his lips shut with a kiss.

Pulling away to mumble between kisses, “Romantic motherf*cker, can’t wait to f*cking mate you…”

Cas murmurs in faux exasperation, “We’re already mated, Dean…”

“Well double mate you then, work with me here…” Dean whines, pulling Cas back in for more as he threads his hands through his alpha’s hair.

Cas nods as best he can as they slide back into the grips of a slow, sensuous kiss. Dean begins to wonder if he’s well enough for a little hand to hand combat, if his meaning is clear, when the damn doorbell rings.


Cas checks the time, scent sharpening with concern, “It’s after 8:30 and we aren’t expecting anyone. Wait here I'll check the cameras…”

Dean protests but Cas walks out, phone in hand as he pulls up the security cameras without giving him another glance, already in protective alpha mode. Little does he know Dean is edging into his own protective instincts, grabbing his walker and scooting down the hall from his room to the front door.

When he rounds the corner Cas is standing stock still, blocking the figure of a smaller man filling the doorway. At the sound of movement behind him, Cas turns exposing the man to Dean’s eye for the first time.

You! What the hell are you doing here, did he send you to threaten me?” Dean yells, falling to the ground in his haste to back away.

Because Dean knows this man. He ran in the same crowds with Cain and Michael back before Dean got pregnant, and none of those men are innocent in his eyes. Very few of Michael’s friends abstain from the services he offers, and by very few he means just about none so he’s not ready to give shorty here the benefit of the doubt.

This is your omega, Cassie?” The shorter alpha asks as Cas turns to Dean, asking “Wait, you two know each other?" Sapphire eyes bouncing back and forth between the two, wide with worry.

Before Dean can respond the other man turns to Cas, eyes gone owlish as he mutters, “How the f*ck…wait you really don’t remember do you?”

“Remember what?” Dean asks, still ready to run and grab Kara and get the hell outta dodge if need be.

They wouldn’t get very far but Cas could take care of him by then. Except his alpha seems to know the guy, and that makes Dean wary praying he didn’t get this thing with Cas all wrong.

Oh f*ck.

Chapter 10: Devils Among Us

Chapter Text

“How the f*ck…wait you really don’t remember do you?”

The words echo endlessly as they slam into Castiel like a force, tossing him into a painful memory long buried in the back of his mind.

Castiel turns, wishing he hadn’t come in the first place. His suit is two sizes too big and he’s overwhelmed with the feeling of playing at being an adult. The music in the ballroom is classically boring and the finger food going around leaves him woefully starved. The longer Castiel stays the more he realizes this just isn’t his scene. He should have left hours ago, should never have come in the first place. He turns, searching the crowd for his brother, Gabriel, to let him know he’s leaving but can’t find the alpha amongst the sea of evening gowns and formal wear. Everyone else is decked out in appropriately fitting attire and custom masks, Castiel could only find his old Batman mask from a frat party he and Sam attended on Halloween two years ago. He’s never accepting a last minute invitation from Gabriel again.

Mind made up, Castiel makes his way towards the front door, pulling his phone out to text his older brother instead. He’s happy for him, starting a business from almost nothing and if tonight was about that alone maybe he’d stay a little longer. Clearly, this isn’t the way for Castiel to get over what happened with Bart, even if Gabriel has the best of intentions.

Castiel’s almost to the door when he sees him…


Dean’s thrown back into the memory of the last time he saw Gabriel, the night he overheard Cain and Michael making the deal that would ruin his life.

Dean’s bored. If you’ve been to one masquerade ball you’ve been to them all. It’s the most overused party theme for people with more money than they know what to do with. This one’s being thrown by a mutual friend of Cain and Michael, Novak something or other, Dean doesn’t remember but he’s seen the guy before. Short and obnoxious pretty much covers it. He’s never witnessed him treating any of the omegas badly but being buddy buddy with Michael kinda puts him in the ‘terrible alpha’ column for Dean.

Cain may run an escort service for wealthy alphas, but he would never damn near traffic omega’s like Michael. He and his late wife started the service as a way to help struggling omegas make a little extra cash, they’re not in the business of hurting their employees unlike Michael. The only reason Cain still tolerates the other alpha in their circle of friends is because he owes Michael, for something Dean has yet to get out of the older alpha.

Dean wanders down the hall after slipping another glass of champagne off of the nearest waiters tray, as he gets further he hears what sounds like Cain’s voice having a whispered discussion.

Approaching a partially cracked door Dean finds his boyfriend deep in conversation with someone he can’t see.

Cain’s whispers grow louder, “So let me get this straight, I offer you anything your heart desires and this is what you ask for? No…I couldn’t…that’s not who I am…”

Another voice Dean can’t make out responds but he only catches parts, something about money and a debt owed or paid he’s not sure. Dean curses the dress code requirements for this ball: mask, formal attire, and scent blockers to ‘make things interesting’ according to Gabe. With no clue who Cain is speaking with and beginning to feel wrong for snooping like this Dean turns to go back down the hall.

“You’re right, I know. Just…let me break it to him, okay?” Cain pleads to the mystery voice, reiterating terms with the words that follow, “One night, that’s all you get.”

Pausing, Dean turns because that sounded an awful lot like Cain doing something he swore he’d never do.

Dean’s not like his other omegas, he’s not available for ‘dates’, they’re in a proper relationship. It had been a point of contention with the other omegas under Cain’s care in the beginning but he befriended a few, including Lisa an omega he used to babysit for while she was working. She disappeared a few weeks ago after Michael took her out. Someone came to take Ben away not long after, he misses them both terribly.

Dean’s thoughts are interrupted as the voice finally reaches a volume where he can hear better, the other persons identity drops his stomach to the ground as fear permeates every bone in his body.

“I’m glad you came to your senses, Cain. We’ve been friends too long to let this come between us. Have him ready by 9 tomorrow morning, I’ll be by the hotel to pick him up.”

Cain resignedly grunts in agreement before Michael moves to exit the room, stating in a threatening growl, “This settles things, permanently.”

Michael doesn’t respond as he pushes through the door leaving Cain behind.

Dean presses himself into an alcove in the wall as Michael walks away in the opposite direction.

What should he do?

He considers his options, he could confront Cain right now about breaking his promise and leave him or he could do the most destructive thing, which is Dean’s favorite choice at the moment. Make Cain suffer by cheating on him then leaving. Sounds good to him.

Mind made up, Dean wanders back to the ballroom, and whose f*cking house has a ballroom? Dean’s rich but not that rich, not yet at least. He spots his target as soon as he crosses the threshold, the man he’s going to sleep with tonight designation be damned.

That’s the whole point of this shindig right? The universe literally dropped Batman in his lap and he’s taking advantage.

Dean gives him a once over, appreciating what he sees as he gives him a flirty look, walking back down the hall slowly.. His inner omega crows in excitement when he turns to see the man’s following right behind him.

Target locked and loaded.


The man looks like an adonis walked straight out of a dream just for Castiel, an elaborate and expensive mask covers the top half of his face but the way his obviously custom suit hugs his figure has him more than intrigued. Castiel’s inner alpha loses it at the flirty smile sent his way and whines as the man begins to walk back down the hall he came out of. He can’t let him get away, so Castiel follows, pleased to see his presence is desired as the man turns smiling as he walks on.

They end up, ironically, in the guest bedroom Castiel commandeered to change into his borrowed suit right before the party started.

Castiel opens his mouth to introduce himself but the man presses a finger firmly against his lips.

“No names and the masks stay on,” the taller man continues as he moves to undo Castiel’s tie, “what’s with the backwards tie, man.” He chuckles, finally freeing the fabric and whipping it from around his neck.

The motion pulls Castiel closer for a moment and into the other man’s orbit. It gives him a brief glimpse of omega gold, taking his breath away as the heat begins to dial up in the room. All the self control he’d been holding onto breaks as soon as they make skin to skin contact.

A jolt of pure warmth spreads through Castiel’s body as a searing hot pain manifests in his mating gland on his neck. He startles, but the other man doesn’t react at all so he shoves the odd feeling to the back of his mind, focusing on the fact he’s now severely overdressed in comparison to his soon to be lover. Getting with the program, Castiel quickly strips down to his boxers to match the other mans progress as he eyes the miles of freckled skin now laid bare and waiting for him on the bed.

He already has confirmation the man is omega to Castiel’s alpha but as he slides slowly out of his boxers, exposing his dripping hole to Castiel, he loses all levels of higher thinking.

All that exists is this moment.

“You gonna stare all night or come over here and f*ck me?” He asks, voice dropping into a lower growl than he’s ever heard from an omega but it does something for him, co*ck twitching in anticipation.

Quickly, he crawls up the bed until he’s raised on his forearms right over the man, “Are you sure about this? I don’t have any…”

He prays his inexperience isn’t apparent in this moment, he wasn’t exactly very sexually active after high school. Logically he knows to put slot A into slot B but he’s never been slot A before, so it’s a little unnerving in the moment when the omega makes it clear what he expects from tonight. Castiel’s inner alpha roars and howls more than ready to give it but he’s not so confident.

The omega seems to pick up on his distress, smoothing his hands down his arms in comfort that shockingly does soothe him greatly.


“Hey, don’t worry. My boyfriend never uses one, pretty sure I’m infertile actually,” Dean answers, trying his damndest to keep the pain off his face.

He knows the mask Cain had made for him hides most of it but he doesn’t need this strangers pity. He’d given up on pups long ago after more than a few scares ending in negative tests, his body just doesn’t seem to want to create life, even accidentally. Dean’s still thrown off by whatever electric shock happened a minute ago and he just wants to get to what he came here for. A little furniture moving with this absolutely gorgeous specimen of alpha that he can throw in Cain’s face later.

Cain’s attractive, don’t get him wrong, but Dean can’t help but appreciate the attentions of someone closer to his own age for once. Information he’ll be sure to pass along to Cain as he relays tonights events to him later.

Dean sees the moment the alpha flickers between wanting to ask about Cain and wanting to f*ck Dean into the mattress. Option two wins out thankfully as the cobalt eyed alpha lowers himself to kiss softly at Dean’s neck, licking and sucking on his mating gland. Normally, that would be a turnoff but Dean loses himself to the pleasure of it, heat surging in his body as the room becomes unbearably hot.

“Need you, alpha,” Dean whines, writhing underneath the hard body above him praying for contact of some kind and astonished at his level of arousal this early in the game. His hole leaks slick on the bed underneath him, empty and begging for a knot but not just any. “Want you inside…”

Distantly alarms are blaring in his mind because this feels like the beginnings of a heat, but he’s not due for another week and a half. He knows for sure because he had to reschedule a shoot his agent, Crowley, put on his calendar without checking first.

Dean’s painfully hardened co*ck and leaking hole say different.

As the pleasure turns to a driving want and his body continues to drench the bed with slick pinned underneath the alpha, Dean begins to realize something is off. Still, he greedily accepts every kiss the alpha claims him with as his fingers rhythmically begin to pump in and out of his hole.

There’s no stopping this train, and Dean doesn’t want to.


Castiel feels his eyes go full alpha red at the omega’s words as an itch builds under his skin. The drive to drill into his omega burns through his body ratcheting the heat in the room exponentially as sweat builds between their bodies.

Dimly, a thought crosses his mind that the man under him does feel exceptionally warm, but when the omega whines again all intelligent thought flees his mind.

His world narrows down to him and his omega.

“I’ve got you,” he growls, surprised at the steadfast confidence in his voice as he meets the mans lips for a claiming kiss.

Castiel takes two fingers, pumping them in and out of the omega’s slick soaked hole to his immense pleasure if the sounds are anything to go by. He tries to remain careful in his movements but apparently this is the last thing the omega wants, suddenly pushing his hands out and flipping him onto his back.

Shocked by the bold move, Castiel finds himself blinking up into the fierce visage of the most beautiful omega he’s ever laid eyes on. Impatient, turned on, and dripping wet he positions himself over Castiel’s co*ck, taking a breath before slamming down to the hilt.

It causes twin moans of pleasure to bubble up their throats as Castiel attempts to gain control over his impending org*sm. His inner alpha whines as the warmth and wet of Dean clenches around him, testing but it feels too good too soon.

Castiel takes control by anchoring his hands on the omega’s hips, planting his feet to thrust up as he pulls him down.

“f*ck, harder, alpha,” the omega demands, planting his hands on Castiel’s chest for leverage as he f*cks up into his omega’s tight heat.

They’re both lost to the passion of their connection, hands sliding across sweaty skin, lips brushing in barely there kisses mostly exchanging air as grunts of pleasure travel between them.

“You’re divine,” Castiel growls lowly, paring his filthy thoughts down to two words as he thrusts harder and deeper fulfilling the omegas wishes. Each pounding move is punctuated by their sighs and the slap of skin against skin filling the room around them.

He has a moment of panic hoping he locked the door and praying Gabriel won’t catch them when his org*sm hits unexpectedly, knocking every other thought that isn’t mateminematemine out of his brain.

Castiel’s distracted focus zones in on his knot catching on Deans rim once, twice, three times before locking in place, the omega clenching around him as he org*sms spilling onto Castiel’s chest. He sees stars as his vision goes white, ears ringing as he comes back down. It’s only now that he notices the omega appears to have lost consciousness from the power of his release, slumped across Castiel’s chest and into the mess they made.

“Guess I’m not so bad after all,” Castiel smirks, realizing he’s talking to himself like a weirdo.

He lays there, thinking of maybe taking the omega back to his and Sam’s apartment for a round two before reality hits him smack in the face.

No names, masks stay on, he has a boyfriend.

Castiel’s just living in a fantasy. The thought makes his knot deflate almost immediately and he scrambles to dress and vacate the room before the omega wakes up. He’s pretty sure he’s going into rut early from the smell and he needs to get back to campus to warn Sam to vacate the apartment for a few days. Castiel’s current thoughts are in alignment with what he felt earlier, this isn’t his life.

With one last look at his mystery omega, steadfastly resisting the temptation to lift his mask and take a peek, Castiel leaves texting Gabriel on the way to his car dreading the drive back to Stanford.

He spends the next week experiencing the most excruciating rut of his life, the mystery omega haunting his thoughts for the following month. Eventually Sam forces him to let it go threatening to sic Mary on Castiel to help cheer him up.

So he does his best to forget the omega and, like they tend to do, the memory fades with time.

Castiel watches as a lightbulb flashes on behind his mates apple green gaze.


Dean wakes up slowly, enjoying the ache in his body usually gained during a particularly vigorous round of good sex. That alpha had it in spades. At the memory of the alpha Dean’s hole begins to clench painfully again and the sudden shift causes him to whine loudly.

Oh right, they triggered his heat.

Moments later, as though attuned to his location, Cain comes breezing into the room spotting Dean right away on the bed.

Rolling his eyes exasperatedly Cain comes over, “I thought you weren’t due for a heat until a week from now. Why would you let me drag you across the country, Dean?”

The older alpha smooths a hand over Dean’s sweaty forehead, “You’ve sweat through your blockers and into the hall. I sent Michael to get my car so I can take you back to the hotel. We’ll take my plane back to Florida tomorrow, I’m sorry.”

Through the haze Dean realizes if they’re leaving for Florida tomorrow that means he isn’t going with Michael after all. He thanks all the gods that are listening for his early heat and prays Cain will forgive him for sleeping with someone else.

The alpha soothes his worry before he speaks it, “I don’t care who you sleep with Dean, as long as you remember you’re mine…”

The familiar statement doesn’t hit Dean the same way it usually does, sending a sense of wrongwrongwrong shooting through him at the claim.

Nothisnothisnothis, Dean's inner omega balks for the first time at the sentiment.

Ignoring it, Dean forces himself to nod in lieu of a verbal answer, adding a simple request, “Take me home...”

“Patience, little omega,” Cain answers, slowly helping Dean back into his clothes.

Once he’s neatly dressed just as before Cain escorts him to the back of the house where his rental car awaits. Michael stands off to the side, angry scowl most noticeable as Cain herds Dean quickly into the passenger seat.

They seem to exchange angry words before Cain storms off to join him in the car. Dean’s too out of it to get much beyond Michael’s pissed that Cain isn’t keeping his word.

His final threat as the car pulls off, “There’ll be hell to pay for this, Cain.”

Cain looks over at Dean as they pull away, glancing back to the road ahead as he exits the driveway without further explanation. They both ignore the fear mixing heavily between them as they ride in silence back to the hotel.

Clarity smacks Dean right in the face as his eyes lock with the aquamarine gaze already trained on him.

He has no f*cking clue what to say, ‘hey, glad to know it was my true mate I seduced not some rando like I thought for all these years’ or ‘surprise our pup is actually your pup, go figure.’ Or maybe ‘why’d you leave me alone in that room, asshole!’ Dean’s got a list going but his mouth won’t allow any words to make the journey past his lips.

Instead, his brilliant mind comes up with, “You’re Batman???”

Chapter 11: Light in the Darkness

Chapter Text

Gabriel’s hysterical chuckles break up the moment between he and Dean. Well, actually the moment was broken as soon as Dean brought up that ridiculous mask he was forced to wear that night. Apparently, the same night he mated his omega and helped create their pup. Wow.

“Gabriel, I appreciate the visit but could you come back at a more appropriate time,” Castiel asks, surprised at his own ability to remain outwardly calm while inside he’s a jumble of nerves and confusion.

Sure, Castiel was prepared to be Kara’s papa when he earned the title but to find out he’s been her alpha father all along is…a strange mixture of shock, relief, and utter joy. And that’s without considering the fact Dr. Pam was apparently completely right, he and Dean have been mated for years. Almost eleven to be exact. His inner meltdown is interrupted by Gabriel’s tactful response, something he isn’t exactly known for so he must understand the gravity of the situation.

“Sure thing little brother, I got the address from Balthazar. I’ll send him my info to give to you when you’re ready to talk…” Gabriel replies, exiting quickly with an apologetic wave to Dean on the way out.

He’s glad to see his brother has the common sense to leave Dean alone until they can sort all this out, his involvement included.

Castiel moves to help his omega off the floor, lifting him easily to carry over to the couch. Even now, he smells the hint of arousal on Dean from the show of strength but its quickly tamped down as though it was never there.

His inner alpha howls and whines, unable to stand possibly being the cause of Dean’s anguish.

Unsure of what to say now that it’s just he and Dean, Castiel decides to proceed with caution, “For the record, I never wanted to leave you, I foolishly assumed I couldn’t have you.” He pauses, waiting for his words to sink in for his love, desperately hoping this isn’t the end of them when they’ve barely begun.

Dean takes a moment, formulating a response as his eyes dart everywhere but Castiel, finally he speaks in a harsh whisper, “I hated waking up and realizing you were gone…and I definitely cursed you more than once having to go through my pregnancy with Michael instead of you. It’s confusing Cas, I don’t know what to say and now your brothers mixed up in all this…” His words are accompanied by light tremors in his hands, Castiel reaches out taking hold of both to steady him knowing Dean hates the loss of control.

“I’m so sorry, my love. My first thought was to take you home with me, which would have been awkward with Sam there now that I think about it. But, you came across as not wanting anything more than what we agreed upon so I left to spare my own heart from breaking. I didn't consider how that would make you feel and I apologize,” Castiel shares, running his thumbs across the back of Dean’s hands to soothe him. Feeling the need to clarify while he has the chance he adds, “Also, I had no clue Gabriel even knew Michael…I’m assuming that’s the boyfriend you were referring to at the time…”

Surprisingly, Dean shakes his head no, “Cain Mullen, he died not long after that party…”

Castiel’s mouth gapes open in shock, “What? I’m so sorry Dean…”

His omega appears visibly upset, Castiel moves in to do all he can to comfort Dean as he explains what happened that night before and after their mating.

“And no he wasn’t winning any boyfriend of the year awards after that and I really should have taken my ass home, but I stayed…” he says, voice muffled as he holds his face in his hands, “I had the worst feeling pulling away from that house but I ignored it thinking it was just my heat. I left for the shoot Crowley had me booked for two weeks later, and came back to find Cain stabbed to death in our bed.” Dean sobs, clinging to Castiel like a life raft in a hurricane as waves of grief wash over him.

“Michael pretended to be supportive, even came to identify his body with me but about a week later things shifted. He started telling me he had proof I killed Cain so I could inherit his money…from his escort service.”Dean hesitates, seeking out Castiel’s eyes for a reaction to the new information as he continues, “We both knew it was a lie, this was his way to finally get me.”

Castiel desperately wants to ask, he saw the look in Dean’s eyes but he can’t make his mouth form the words. Still, Dean left home so young and models don’t exactly make it big overnight. Was Dean always just Cain’s boyfriend…or did things start out in a much more untoward fashion? He can’t ask, it’s clear that no matter how the relationship began it ended in a way that left Dean traumatized and allowed an opening for an even worse alpha to snatch him up.

Dean continues speaking, oblivious to Castiel’s internal freakout, “It got worse once I found out I was pregnant, the threats became too much of a risk to our unborn pup. The stability Michael offered came at a cost but at the time I thought I could pay it…” he trails off, tears finally tapering until all that’s left are wet tracks down his cheeks.

The words ‘I was wrong’ remain unsaid, not required for either to understand the full impact of what their night together unleashed on Dean’s life. Castiel’s had a sneaking suspicion there was more lurking beneath the savage underbelly of Dean’s relationship with Michael than he’d shared thus far and this revelation about Cain cinches it.

“He forced you to marry him or else he’d pin Cain’s murder on you?” Castiel asks directly, wanting to confirm what Dean just told him in not so many words.

Dean nods adding, “Even though I’m sure he did it…him or one of his goons. Timing wise it would have looked bad, the coroner determined it was right around when I was picked up to go to the airport…I couldn’t risk it…” he explains, fresh tears threatening to overflow down the paths laid by the first.

Castiel agrees wholeheartedly, hating Dean had to endure all of this alone, “We need to give Donna and Victor this information, Dean. Now that the station has been cleared of his influence he can’t pin Cain’s murder on you anymore. What you just told me could be important for whatever case the FBI is building against him.” He tries to think of anything else left to do, eventually adding, “I’ll make sure Bal filed the divorce papers along with the restraining order request on Monday.”

Legally, their true mate status automatically nullifies Dean and Michael’s marriage license but it never hurts to make sure paperwork is on file as well. Finding out he’s Kara’s biological alpha parent also severs any ability for Michael to try and take Kara if by any chance the FBI fumbles the case. Castiel prays to the gods that Victor’s as good at his job as he seems.

Dean groans, nodding his head yes as he responds, “You’re right. Anything to keep that monster away from our family for good. Don’t get me wrong, I understand a lot better now than I did then that Cain was just as manipulative in a prettier package but…he didn’t deserve to go out like that…”

Castiel reassures his omega, “No one does, Dean. We’ll call Victor and Donna in the morning to see how they wish to proceed.”

That settled, Castiel finally lets himself really feel the enormity of it all. Finding out you’ve been mated since college isn’t a small detail and to know Kara’s his…there are no words for how happy that makes him.

“I’m Kara’s Papa…her real Papa,” Castiel says in an awe filled whisper.

Dean’s peridot eyes fill with tears, “Yeah, babe, looks like. I remember that night and that stupid mask…just wanted to sleep with Batman I didn’t know you were my true mate.”

Castiel snorts a laugh at the admission, “Well, I didn’t know you were mine, but I had to get to know you…”

Dean snorts a laugh, “We did a little more than getting to know each other Cas, the product of which is sleeping upstairs.”

Castiel sobers slightly, “So…what are we going to tell her exactly?”

Dean snorts inelegantly, “Well definitely not the truth…”

Still, he grimaces at the thought of lying to Kara, “A very close version of it, Dean. I’m not comfortable lying to our pup.”

Dean sighs heavily, eyes trained on the ceiling before flicking back to Castiel’s as he responds, “We met at a party your senior year of college, we both forgot because of hormones or who knows whatever we make up, the birds and bees happened and now we have a preteen. Happy?”

Castiel runs the story over in his mind deciding its close enough to what really happened but doesn’t expose Kara to adult truths she has no business knowing, he nods in agreement.

“Better question, how do we tell everyone else who won’t be appeased by a bullsh*t story we make up?” Dean asks, giving him a pointed glare from the couch.

“The truth, Dean.” Castiel explains, sighing in exasperation, “It might not be picture perfect but it’s us.”

Dean pulls him close from his seat on the floor next to the couch, gripping the sides of his face with both hands as he presses a chaste kiss to his lips.

He takes a moment, peering into Castiel’s eyes before whispering on a sigh, “You make it so easy…”

Castiel asks, “What?”

“Loving you…” Dean answers, warm smile overtaking his features.

Castiel blushes, still not used to hearing those words from Dean. Their night took such a turn as soon as Gabriel rang the doorbell. Intent on recapturing the moment, he replies, “I meant what I said, I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you…”

The slight shift in the meaning of the sentiment hits Dean and Castiel’s treated to his apple green eyes going impossibly soft as the sappy smile grows on his face accompanied by more than a few tears.

Goddamnit Cas, quit making me cry asshole,” Dean grumbles, no heat behind his words as he wipes away the strays that managed to escape with a shaky hand.

“What a way to speak to your mate,” Castiel deadpans, ignoring Dean’s squawk of protest as he stands, lifting him bodily from the couch again.

Walking carefully back to their temporary bedroom on the first floor, Castiel deposits Dean softly onto the bed feeling foolish for not seeing then what’s staring him plainly in the face now, the mystery omega and his love are one and the same.

For a split second he’s back there, that night, with Dean writhing sweaty and needy above him. Begging for more, faster, harder in a tone Castiel’s only heard first thing in the morning when Dean’s voice is rough from sleep. The vision does more than just jog his memory and Castiel has to think of some pretty disgusting sh*t to force his hardening length to soften, immensely grateful none of his arousal made its way into his scent.

Now isn’t the time…

Shaking himself from his internal musings, “Tomorrow we tell our family, tonight we marathon Dr. Sexy until we pass out.”

Dean’s face instantly brightens shifting away from the sadness brought up from their conversation with Gabriel. He knows more of a discussion needs to be had with his brother regarding what he knew at the time, especially if he could have stopped Michael in some way, but for now Castiel snuggles in bed with his omega.

Tomorrow will bring questions, tonight is just for them.

“Love you, Dean,” Castiel murmurs into his hair as he smoothes a hand down his back.

Dean sighs, on the edge of sleep even though the show’s still blaring on in the background, “Love you too, alpha.”


“Thank you for this, your information paired with what he did to you should be enough to put Michael away for a long, long time Dean,” Victor expresses through the phone, “You’ll hear from me directly if I need anything further but that’s it for now.”

“It’s the right thing to do and I should’ve said something sooner,” Dean admits, still torn up inside at not coming forward with these details years ago.

Maybe he could have saved Lisa and Ben, Bela, Abby, Lilith, even Cain. Although, Dean couldn’t save himself so who’s he kidding? Victor damn near confirms as much with his response.

“While I admire your sense of morality, Dean, that would more than likely have ended up with you dead as well,” Victor states bluntly, “Forward my contact information to your brother, Castiel. I look forward to hearing from him soon.”

Victor ends the call shortly after that thanking Dean again for his intel. The words don’t do much for his low opinion of his own actions but his interest piques at the mention of Gabe.

“Is Gabe really going to speak to Victor?” Dean asks, shocked at the news.

Cas nods, “Yes, I texted him last night after Bal sent me his number. He and I still have a long conversation ahead of us but this is the first step in being able to trust him again.”

Dean sighs, dropping his head into his hands, “I didn’t want to come between you and your brother…”

Cas’ scent shifts to exasperation, tone laced with admonishment as he says, “Dean, you could never do that. Gabriel put himself in this position by keeping bad company. I doubt he did more than that but this is how he can prove it…to me and to you.”

Dean’s grateful and it shows in the sharp shift to happiness in his orange and cream, boosting Cas’ maple and brown sugar instantly as they intertwine in the air.

He smiles, turning to his mate, “Thank you…”

Cas pulls him into his arms, dislodging the comforter as Dean shifts closer across the bed being mindful of his leg.

“You have to know by now, I’d do anything for you Dean,” he replies with a conviction that helps to hold Dean steady. “Once Gabriel’s been fully cleared, do you think you’d be comfortable enough to try having him over again?” He asks, Dean assumes the alternative being he and Gabe hashing things out elsewhere for now.

Dean ponders Cas’ question for a moment before answering, “…yes but I’d want to hear straight from Victor that he’s innocent.”

Cas nods, rubbing his hands down Dean’s back and shoulders, the soothing movement is almost enough to put him back to sleep. Of course that’s when Kara busts into the room, too chipper for 8 AM. She did get a full nights rest, unlike her parents.

Dean quickly adjusts the comforter, remembering he’s in just his briefs and not wanting to flash his pup as she climbs on the end of the bed.

“What’s up, sunshine?” He asks, accepting the good morning hug and kiss she provides. It fills him with a warm glow as he watches her give Cas the same treatment.

His alpha looks at him over her shoulder, eyes gone soft and filled with one question. Dean subtly nods as she pulls away scooting back to the end of the bed.

“Kara, your dad and I have something to discuss with you..” Cas begins, voice wavering with uncertainty.

She nods cautiously, eyes skidding between the both of them, “Is it bad?”

Dean grabs Kara’s hand, aiming for comfort as he picks up the thread of conversation, “No, baby girl. It’s actually really…really good. Remember when you were just a tiny pup and you’d ask questions about your real papa?”

It was an almost constant stream if he’s being honest, as soon as Kara found out Michael wasn’t her biological alpha father she had so many questions. Ones he didn’t have very many answers to considering he had no clue who the man was. Dean hated himself every day for it but he couldn’t help feeling relieved when Michael put his foot down, asking Kara to stop since he was her Papa now.

It rubbed Dean the wrong way over time, both the title applied to Michael of all people and missing the few moments he’d get to remember the man who took his breath away so many years ago. But, Michael had ways of persuasion Dean wasn’t willing to risk enduring for a memory, so the questions tapered off as Dean refused to answer. Eventually Kara stopped asking altogether to Michael’s utter delight.

Even now, she shakes her head yes as her face contorts into a grimace, afraid to say anything further for fear of punishment.

“It’s okay, no one here will stop us from talking about anything we want to, okay?” Dean responds, grateful to see the shift in her posture back to a relaxed slouch at his words.

Dean can’t wait until she doesn’t react that way at all, but like Dr. Tran said, it takes time. As her parents, he and Cas will be there for Kara every step of the way.

“Okay…” she agrees, gesturing for him to continue after a few moments of quiet.

Dean looks over at Cas, silently asking if he wants to be the one to tell her. His shy smile and slight nod are all Dean needs to hand the reins back over to his alpha.

Cas clears his throat anxiously before he speaks, “Last night, my older brother Gabriel showed up to meet you and your dad. I haven’t seen him in a long, long time…” he trails off, briefly overcome with emotion before he continues, “You were already asleep but he said something that reminded your dad and I of…” he pauses, visibly nervous to tell her the rest.

“I…your father and I met almost eleven years ago at a party, it was my last year in college and your dad was still modeling…” Cas stops his rambling, struggling with his words before seeming to land on, “Kara, I…I’m your alpha father…” he follows the statement with a whoosh of air now that it’s out, seeming to fortify his nerves as Dean strokes the alpha’s forearm in reassurance.

Kara’s eloquent response, “Huh?

Definitely my pup. Dean snorts internally at the thought, only briefly distracted before turning his attentions back to Kara and Cas.

Even if she’d been unable to say more, the shock on her freckle kissed face tells a story all on its own.

“You…and me…you’re my….seriously? How?” She manages to get out, the last coming out in a questioning squeak.

Dean jumps in, already having thought this part through, “Remember how me and Cas are true mates?” He continues as she nods, dirty blonde hair swinging with the movement, “That can be a side effect of meeting your true mate for the first time, it jumbles your memory sometimes and if you separate too soon you forget each other…but Cas is here now and that’s what matters.”

He hopes Cas will forgive him for bullsh*tting this part a little more but Kara would question them endlessly otherwise. Sam joked the other day she’d make a great litigator.

Can’t wait to tell him she must get that from her Papa.

Dean damn near loses it at the thought, taking it as evidence she’s more like her real Papa not the one that stole so much of Kara’s childhood and came too close to taking both their lives.

Never again, babygirl.

Dean shakes himself from his dark thoughts, returning to the emotionally charged but joyful scene unfolding in front of him.

Kara seems to consider all of this new information before her green eyes, so much like his own, light up with excitement, “So you really are my Papa!”

Cas’ baby blues instantly boil over with tears as he responds in a choked croak, “Yeah…yes I am, sweetheart.”

Kara leaps into Cas’ arms, startling him only for a moment before he wraps his arms around their pup. Losing the battle he sobs openly, motioning for Dean to join the hug. He goes, all too willingly, as Cas pulls him in, planting a kiss to the top of both their heads. The love in the room is thick enough to choke on but Dean basks in it. He’s thankful he’ll never have to daydream about his alpha ever again, not when he has him solid and warm right here in front of him.

But, as their new norm tends to do, a random thought bursts into Dean’s head and though he tries to ignore it he simply can’t, finding deep amusem*nt that he wishes to share.

Dean chances ruining the moment, unable to keep the comment just formed in his mind from spilling out of his mouth, “You know, Cas? You really are kinda like Batman with the whole ‘vigilante justice but I can work a suit like nobody’s business’ Bruce Wayne thing…”

His rambling is cut off by both Cas’ and Kara’s hands covering his mouth simultaneously causing the end to come out muffled as an mmgnggh.

Cas chuckles at his mates newfound inability to keep his thoughts to himself, “Shhhh just let the moment happen, Dean.”

“Yeah, Daddy enjoy the Papa cuddles…” Kara shushes him jokingly, snuggling back into their mini cuddle pile.

Dean takes the advice, giggling to himself lightly at the twinkle in Cas’ eyes as his restless spirit settles.

Chapter 12: These Beautiful Things

Chapter Text

Later on that day, Dean approaches Castiel in the kitchen as he’s cleaning up from lunch.

They’re both grateful Dean’s getting some mobility back but Castiel will be glad to see the cast completely off in two weeks.

Dean scoots over to his side at the dishwasher, lowering himself into the chair Castiel leaves here for this exact reason as he asks, “So, how do we tell the rest of the fam?”

Castiel dries his hands, eventually responding, “I hadn’t thought that far ahead past telling Kara, any suggestions?”

Dean’s quiet for a moment before Castiel sees a lightbulb flash behind his eyes, “Nice day for a barbecue, we could invite everyone, lull them with free food and then,” he snaps his fingers, “drop the bomb…”

Castiel snorts at Dean’s theatrics, “I’m not opposed to the idea, I guess.”

Past gatherings have never been hosted at his house, always going over to Mary’s or Balthazar’s since they have larger backyards. It will be nice to host a family event for the first time with his mate, and it gives the perfect opportunity for their big news to be shared with everyone at once.

“We do already have everything for more than a few burgers, that should work if we keep it simple. And we can ask everyone to bring something like a potluck,” Castiel adds, checking the fridge and pantry to be sure. “You text Sam and Mary, I’ll contact Bal and Meg. Your mom will take care of getting Ellen and Jo over here with Bobby.”

Deans eyes sparkle at the prospect of enjoying the rest of their day with the people they love most. Castiel can’t help but lean down, pressing a soft kiss to Dean’s lips only pulling away when they hear the sound of feet approaching.

Dean looks up as he chuckles, “What?”

“You have this goofy smile right now, it’s adorable,” Castiel responds as Kara blows into the kitchen in a hurry.

“Hey! Wheres the fire?” Dean asks, ignoring Castiel’s comment as he rolls his eyes. A blush creeps up his neck as his scent shifts, highlighting how affected Dean truly is by his words.

“Can’t talk, in the middle of a Stranger Things re-watch but I ran out of snacks,” Kara relays, piling as many bags of chips and bottles of water in her arms as she can. She’s gone back out the door before either man can react.

“I told you she didn’t need a tv in her room,” Dean snorts, shaking his head as he laughs. “Or a designated snack drawer in the pantry.”

“She needs to be just like any other kid her age. If that includes watching too much tv and eating a ton of junk then that’s what she should do,” He reminds his mate, not admitting there’s a small percentage of him that’s trying to avoid his own parents mistakes as well.

Castiel watches Dean sober a little at his words, it’s easy to forget Kara’s missed out on a lot. She’s catching up at lightning speed with the help of her new friends at school, including her new best friends Max and Alicia. The siblings are the only people other than family Castiel has allowed at the house since Dean and Kara moved in. They’re good kids and he enjoys hearing the sounds of happiness and laughter again in his once sterile home.

Dean nods, readily agreeing, “At least she has better taste in shows than I did at her age.” He snorts.

The comment peaks his interest, he asks, “Why? What were you watching at her age?”

“…you can’t laugh,” Dean hedges, looking everywhere but at Castiel.

Castiel smirks gleefully, “Well now I have to know, but I solemnly swear I won’t laugh.” He mimes crossing his heart for emphasis.

Dean snorts, shaking his head as he takes a deep breath and reveals, “…PowerPuff Girls, if this leaves this kitchen you’re dead to me, Cas. I mean it.”

He tries, he really does but the laugh escapes before he knows what’s happening, before Castiel has time to pull it back he’s wheezing and doubled over overcome with giggles.

Hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh,” Dean fake pouts, glimmer in his own eyes giving the game away, “Those omegas were badass, what was your favorite show? Bet it’s just as embarrassing. Can’t be worse than Sammy’s Lizzie McGuire phase.”

“I didn’t watch a ton of kids shows but I enjoyed most things on Cartoon Network, as long as it was funny,” he answers honestly, there wasn’t a large emphasis on television in his home as a child when there were perfectly good books waiting to be read.

Dean nods in understanding, starting slightly when he spots the time on the stove display, “We should get in touch with everyone and start prepping before it gets much later.”

Checking his own watch Castiel agrees, “I’ll get the food prepped as I make my calls…”

With tasks divvied up between them, Castiel makes quick work of forming the burger patties after seasoning the meat and putting together a side salad as he calls Bal and Meg. He can hear Dean in the living room doing the same, already on a call with Sam giving him a time to head over.

The phone rings about ten times before Bal finally picks up.

“It’s before 12 on a Saturday, why are you calling me?” The omega grumps through the phone.

Castiel chuckles at his friends misery, “You could stand to join the land of the living before lunch hours, Bal.” he rushes into the invite so his friend doesn’t cut in complaining again, “Listen, we’re having a barbecue with the whole family. Be here by 3…”

“Ughhhh, really Cassie? Must I? I got you back in touch with your long lost brother, doesn’t that about cover my best friend duties for the week?”

Castiel sighs heavily, unable to brush away the emotions that reminder brings up, “This is sort of because of that, Bal. Just get here if you can, okay? And call Meg for me? Thanks.”

He hangs up before Bal can respond, wanting to get the questioning over with on his turf if it must happen. And knowing his friend, he isn’t going to let that conversation go.

Dean scoots back into the room, “Mom’s coming over with Ellen and Jo by 3. Sam and Jess are coming but might be a little late, they’re at a friends birthday party until 1.”

“Ohhh I forgot that was today, yeah it’s his intern from the office. Sarah I think,” Castiel says, tidying up the kitchen as they talk. He can’t actually cook the burgers until everyone arrives later but at least all the prep work is done.

“Fancy lawyers with your interns,” Dean snarks playfully, “It’s nice you don’t treat yours like crap like some places though.”

“Definitely not, Novak, Winchester, & Roche is a family first law firm, Bobby almost had Sam convinced to make ‘family don’t end in blood’ the slogan in our commercials believe it or not,” he chuckles as Dean’s eyes widen at the thought, “I prefer what we actually say much better even though it’s still fairly cheesy,” Castiel babbles as he slices burger toppings for later.

“What’s that? I haven’t exactly seen your commercials. Didn’t even know you had commercials,” Dean laughs, shaking his head at just another oddity of their relationship.

Castiel’s felt the same over the past month. Mated for life yet there’s still so much they don’t know about each other. He’s enjoying the learning process, though, and he hopes Dean is too.

He stands up straight, adopting the ‘alpha’ stance the cameraman demanded Castiel take on during the shoot. Supposedly it exudes strength and power, probably complete bullsh*t. Still, the familiar slogan rolls off of his tongue easily, “Novak, Winchester, & Roche, the lawyers you can trust like family!”

Dean sits, blinking his eyes owlishly for a moment before a peal of laughter rips out of him, doubling him over in his seat, between gasping breaths he spits out, “Never do that again, secondhand cringe was soooo strong babe.”

Castiel pins him with one raised eyebrow and smirks at the little shiver it causes in the omega, he hasn’t relaxed the ridiculous pose maybe there is something to it. With that humorous thought on his mind, Castiel turns his attention back to preparing for their family to join them in less than three hours.


Time flies in the presence of Dean’s second favorite person in the world, Kara being his first automatically, and before either of them know it his mom is ringing the doorbell requesting entry. Ellen and Jo stand waiting at the front door with her, both holding foil covered trays of food.

Dean’s mouth waters at just the thought of what could be hiding under the foil, he scoots past Cas to get to the door first.

“How the hell are you that fast on that thing?” Cas whines, trying to speed up his steps but still lagging behind.

Dean smirks teasingly as he makes it to the door, “No clue I’m just ready for the day I don’t need the damn thing anymore.”

Cas nods, in emphatic agreement causing Dean to snort as he pulls the door open for their guests.

“What are you two lovebirds laughing about?” Bobby grumbles, leaning off to the side of the door holding what looks suspiciously like pie.

Mmmmm, pie.

Dean looks down at Cas’ phone, “Bobby isn’t in the camera frame…weird…”

Cas immediately zooms in on the image, “Yes that’s a blind spot, I’ll call the company on Monday…”

The brief conversation brings with it a small dip in the collective mood as Cas scurries off to make a note for himself in his calendar and Dean ushers everyone inside. He knows it’s in Cas’ literal nature to need to protect his family, but he wishes the alpha had time to relax and do something just for himself. It’s one of the things Dean plans on enforcing once his leg is out of lockup.

Two more weeks to freedom.

Dean plants himself on the couch with the help of his mom and Bobby, thanking them both as he leans into the comfy cushions at his back.

“How’ve you been, Dean?” Ellen asks, not having seen him in about a week.

He shrugs, “Healing’s a journey as my therapist likes to remind me constantly. Today’s a good day, let’s focus on that.”

Dean didn’t invite his family over for them to catalogue his progress in returning to a version of himself he may never be again. He knows they mean well but when they ask how he’s doing in that specific tone, it grates on him no matter the intention. Today isn’t for that, so he dodges giving a real answer and changes the subject.

“So what’d you guys bring?” He asks, slapping his hands together eagerly in anticipation.

Ellen snorts a laugh, “Shoulda known you’d get stuck on the food. Your mother threw together her potato salad and apple pie, I brought over some Mac and cheese I’d just made from The Roadhouse.”

Jo chimes in, “That I helped make, by the way…”

“Alright, don’t eat the Mac and cheese, got it,” Dean teases his surrogate little sister, barking a laugh at her protests. “Okay, okay I’m kidding. I’m sure it’s completely edible, Ellen wouldn’t poison her favorite nephew anyway…”

Mary taps him softly on the back of the head, far lighter than he got as a kid, “You’re lucky I can’t wack you properly for teasing Jo now apologize.”

“She’s a grown wo-“ the glare Mary sends his way could melt paint off the walls, “Sorry, Jo. I was just kidding.” He quickly adds, contritely.

She smirks, knowing she just got away with murder as usual just for being younger, “I missed watching you get told off by your mom.”

Dean should be pissed, defending his honor, but all he can do is nod having longed for even the most mundane parts of being a part of this family on some of the worst days of his life. “Missed you too, ya gremlin.”

“Gremlins are badass so jokes on you, turd,” Jo snaps back, dodging a swat from her own mother. “I’m in my thirties Ma, quit it.”

“Well you sure ain’t actin’ like it,” Bobby chimes in, wisened eyes giving away his true feelings as he tries and fails to stifle a smile, “Buncha damn idjits…”


“Now that everyone has arrived, I’d like to have a toast,” Sam stands, speaking up from the right of Dean.

Meg and Bal took longer it turned out than Sam and Jess, being used to sleeping in late to stay up even later on Saturdays. It’s obvious, they both still appear half hungover and reek of the type of cigarette smoke you’d find outside a club on a Friday night. The tiniest part of Dean misses that time of his life, the social events not the rest of it of course, he isn’t an idiot.

Now that Dean’s back home, he needs to decide what he wants the rest of his life to look like, take a page out of Kara’s book and make some new friends or get a few hobbies. Castiel and Kara can’t be his entire focus plus Dr. Tran is right, staying inside for the rest of his life isn’t a plan and it isn’t healthy. Dean needs to learn how to live out in the world again, without fear.

Dean’s reaction to Gabe speaks volumes and he refuses to exist with the constant lurking concern that Michael or his people are around every corner, that’s Victor and Donna’s job not his.

He catches the tail end of Sammy’s speech and feels like a total asshole, “…and I don’t think I ever told you that, Dean. So…now I have, thank you,” Sam says, wiping a stray tear from his face, “To Dean.”

Everyone scattered around the patio raises their glass as a few lean over to clink with Dean’s from his lounger. Searching, his eyes land on Cas, he can see the panic in Dean’s eyes and mouths ‘tell you later’ knowing he probably zoned out again. Dean mouths back ‘love you’ and of course that’s what his mom zeroes in on.

Her hands fly up to her mouth in the most over exaggerated display of shock he’s ever witnessed but he allows it, “Did I just see what I think I saw?”

Cas blushes like a damn virgin on prom night, avoiding Mary’s watery gaze so Dean has to tough it out, “Yup,” he answers, popping the p and praying that will be the end of it.

Of course it isn’t, “Ohhhh I’m so happy for you…” she actually starts to sniffle and Dean can’t deal.

“What are we missing?” Sam asks confusedly, hazel eyes shooting back and forth from Dean and Cas to their mom.

“Your brother told me he loves me, Mary saw and now she’s gone mushy on us,” Cas teases, causing his mom to giggle.

She rolls her eyes fondly, voice gone thick with emotion, “It just took me by surprise is all, I didn’t know you boys were ‘there’ yet…”

“Oh we’re more than there,” Dean chuckles under his breath.

Every head in the backyard snaps his way so maybe not as quietly as he thought. And Cas hasn’t even finished the burgers yet. Goddamnit.

“Care to elaborate?” Meg asks, doing a very Cas like head tilt that’s freaking Dean out a little.

Then again the alpha is a little intense in general but Dean likes her snarky attitude even if she does stare at Cas a little more than he’d like. He’s known since the moment they met she’s got his and Kara’s back if they ever need anything and that’s what matters the most.

“Well, don’t keep us in suspense, some of us ditched orgies to be here,” Bal helpfully chimes in causing everyone to shush him in unison.

Dean turns to his pup knowing no matter what’s said she doesn’t need to be down here to hear it, “Kara, baby, go up to your room please? You’re not in trouble we just need to have a grownup talk.”

Her eyes light up as she asks, “Is it about…”

Cas cuts her off before she says anything further to everyone else’s disappointment, “Yes it is, we’ll call you down in a little bit.”

Kara nods reluctantly, grabbing a plate of food to take to her room more than likely so she can continue her marathon uninterrupted.

“Okay you sent my grandpup away it must be serious…” His mom chimes in, waiting for a response.

Dean gestures for Cas to go ahead, already beginning to feel drained just thinking of explaining it all again.

Cas eventually asks, “Remember that party Gabriel had when we were seniors, Sam?”

“Yeah…the masquerade ball? I couldn’t go because I had to study but you wore that stu…”

Dean and Cas both recognize the moment puzzle pieces start to click together in Sam’s mind, forming one conclusion.

“You came back in rut…I had to leave the apartment for a week and you weren’t right for months later…how did we not see this before?”

“What?!” Practically everyone else yells, demanding to be let in on their not so private conversation.

Sam finally spills, “Dean’s Cas’ ‘Dream Omega’, isn’t that what you kept calling him?”

“‘Mystery Omega’ thank you very much,” Cas snarks before finally walking the whole family through it, “My brother Gabriel was here last night…”

He waits for the collective gasps to die down before continuing, “He’d be here right now if it weren’t for how Dean reacted when he saw him.” He places a supportive hand on Dean’s shoulder as he speaks, Dean returns the gesture by covering it tightly with his own hand.

”Dean was at that party too, he was brought there by his boyfriend at the time Cain Mullen an associate of Michael who was also in attendance. Dean assumed Michael sent Gabriel last night to intimidate him. We both felt more comfortable having him leave for now, Victor is clearing him as we speak.”

His mom begins to ask something but Cas holds up his hand, politely silencing her, “There’s more just let me finish, then we’ll answer any questions.”

She nods in understanding as he continues, “At that same party, Dean heard Cain clearing a debt he owed Michael by essentially selling his ‘companionship’ to Michael for the night. Dean knew both Cain and Michael ran competing omega escort services however Michael’s was really a cover for trafficking omegas.” More than a few gasps ripple through their rapt audience, reaching a crescendo as Cas nears the end, “Cain promised Dean he would never make him work as an escort but he broke that promise. In a fit of disobedience, Dean found me in the ballroom just as I was about to leave and we…had an encounter neither of us remembered until Gabriel showed up last night.” Cas gestures in the direction Kara left in as he finishes, “The result being the almost preteen you just watched walk back into our house.”

His words are punctuated with silence and Dean watches, secondhand embarrassment striking again as his mate adds, “Surprise, I’m Kara’s alpha father…” like the adorkable little alpha he is.

“Say what now?” Jo squeaks, handful of chips halfway to her mouth.

“Yeahhhh I was there when Cas got home and I’m still with Jo…wouldn’t at least one of you remember that night?” Sam asks, running a hand through his hair.

Dean shakes his head, “Gabriel had specific rules for the party: Masks weren’t optional, formal attire was a must, and everyone had to wear scent blockers. Cas is trying to be polite but the ball was a glorified sex party, Cain and Michael’s friends threw them often and Gabriel had just opened Casa Erotica so it made sense at the time…”

“I didn’t know that when he invited me otherwise I would never have gone or invited Sam,” Cas shudders in horror at the mention of bringing Sam to a sex party, Dean agrees wholeheartedly.

“Wait, Gabe owns Casa Erotica?" Bal pipes up suddenly from across the patio.

Cas blushes, eyes bouncing everywhere but landing nowhere, “Yes, he does. Let’s just say he really rebelled after we were disowned.”

Jess jumps in, “Still, none of this explains why neither of you remembered the other.”

Dean sighs heavily, already over the conversation but understanding why they have questions, it is an odd situation to find yourself in.

“I may have asked Cas to keep his mask on, I did the same and we didn’t exchange names or contact info. I even mentioned Cain at one point so he would know I didn’t want anything further…I kinda regretted that when I woke up in heat and alone but that’s the gist of it,” Dean scrubs his hand over his face, feeling a familiar regret invade his thoughts.

“Ohhhh that explains it then,” Ellen says, nodding along even though Bobby still seems confused on the how.

“Wait, so does that mean you’ve been mated since then or…your situation’s so unique I’m just curious, sorry,” Sam apologizes, leaning his elbows on his legs and schooching forward in his seat like he’s watching a thrilling documentary or something. It’s unnerving.

Cas responds, waving away his concerns, “It’s alright Sam. It is a little strange even our therapist said she’s never come across a bond this strong. I can’t speak for Dean but I felt…something. Much like I did when we touched in the ambulance, a…spark I guess that shot through me and a burning sensation in my mating gland..Dean?” He turns, seeking validation from him.

Dean murmurs, “I thought I imagined that…” vividly recalling the sensation through his own body. He disregarded it at the time but it all makes sense in this new light.

Sam’s in researcher mode, probably useful for a case but a bit intense for this conversation as he says, “Sounds like the first time was the initial bond and the second was it…reawakening I guess? We should call Dr. Pam and ask…”

Jess gently nudges Sam in the shoulder, “We should let Dean and Cas call Dr. Pam and mind our own business.”

Sam blushes at the correction, “Sorry, it’s just so interesting but Jess is right this is your relationship.”

He looks like he’s gonna have an aneurysm so Dean puts him out of his misery, “We’ll keep you all updated, calm down Sasquatch.”

“So I guess you’ve already told Kara?” His mom asks, beaming smile practically stuck on her face since they shared the news.

“Yup, she’s just happy to have finally met her Papa,” Dean replies, unable to stop his own smile from growing with the words.

Cas’ sapphire eyes are shining and his full gummy smile is on display, the one he seems to reserve just for Dean and Kara lately.

“Don’t get me wrong I’m happy for you two but I’m f*cking starving, I was promised free burgers…” Meg cuts in, slumped over the patio table and resting her head against her hand.

Cas groans in mock annoyance, “Way to kill the mood, Megan.”

“Don’t call me that, Clarence,” Meg playfully teases.

“Not this again…” Sam grumbles but the twinkle in his eye tells the truth.

As the bickering continues, Cas begins loading uncooked patties into the hot and ready grill. Sunlight hits him in beams, casting him in a surreal heavenly light and Dean’s love explodes in his chest. The scene is so domestic it takes his breath away. Not the act he was forced to play along with in Miami but the real f*cking deal. Cas calls Kara down from her room and suddenly the vision is complete, save for the spot his dad used to fill. Dean can almost glimpse into the future, more pups running around and new friends added to the mix, an abundance of laughter and love…he’s not picky he just wants to see every single person at this table happy.

Dean sends a quick prayer up to whoever’s listening, “Please don’t take this away from me…”

Chapter 13: Race Against Time Part I


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The day has finally arrived for Dean to have his cast removed and he couldn’t be more excited if he tried.

“I know this talk with Gabe is important I just wish you could come with me,” Dean admits, pulling a clean undershirt over his head.

“Victor cleared him almost two weeks ago, Dean. It’s not exactly fair to keep him waiting either, no matter how busy we are,” Cas responds and he can’t find it in himself to disagree.

According to Victor’s report, Gabriel met Cain and Michael at a party in Miami but their friendship never went further than a few invites to events they both held and some inadvertent mingling with Cain’s omegas during the events. Gabe never slept with anyone, being in a committed relationship with his mate Kali, and he was never part of the crimes the alphas stand accused of.

Once Gabe was cleared Dean felt like an asshole for how he treated him, even now with Cas reminding him a million times it was just a trauma response he feels the need to say or do more.

Cas comes up, sitting down next to him on the bed as he massages his shoulders. Dean leans into the touch, once he’s lulled into a state of complacency, Cas pounces.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us instead? I can reschedule lunch to dinner so it’s after your appointment…” the alpha asks, gently teasing the tension out of his upper back.

“No,” Dean immediately responds the same way he has been for the past week albeit more relaxed since his mate’s turning him into mush at the moment. “You should speak alone first, it’s been years, Cas. Hash things out with your brother then we can do the whole family thing. I’ll be fine with Anna and Ma’s taking Kara, plus I wanna have extra time with Anna before she leaves today.”

Nurse Anna has been a source of comfort, indispensable in the time she’s been working with Dean. He’ll be sad to see her move out once he’s done with physical therapy but at least this trip will be short, going to California to visit her older sister for a few days.

“Is she still leaving for the airport after Mary drops you off? I think her plane leaves around 2,” Cas says, getting up to finish his morning routine.

“Yup,” Dean answers, already missing Cas’ hands on him. With that in mind he pulls out his final suppressant pill, swallowing it down with a gulp of water he has on the nightstand. “She’ll be back on Monday after Rachel’s wedding.”

Dean ignores Cas’ bright blue gaze following the motion until he speaks, completely changing the topic of conversation, “Is that the last one?”

He shakes his head chuckling, of course Cas would zero in on that, “Yes, Doc said it could take a week or two to flush completely out of my system but I’ll be going into heat very soon, alpha.” He can’t help but deliver the news in a flirty tone with an over exaggerated wink.

Cas laughs at his antics but the want in his eyes is clear as arousal begins to leak into his maple brown sugar causing a chain reaction in Dean.


Catching the hint of arousal in Dean’s orange and cream almost sends Castiel over the edge but he doesn’t have long to dwell on how much he wishes to make love to his omega.

With the worst timing ever, Mary calls to let Dean know she’s outside. She’ll be taking Kara for the day while Dean rests after Anna drops him home.

Castiel brings Dean’s scooter over with a sigh, planting a chaste kiss on his lips before helping him stand. Dean doesn’t need it now but Castiel can’t help but offer the assist anyway as he asks, “Will you be here when I get back?” Smoothing his hands up and down Dean’s arms, smiling as his mate leans into the touch.

“Ma’s taking Kara to a movie or something but yeah I’ll be here. Why? Got plans for me alpha?” Dean teases, further testing his willpower.

Castiel’s brow lifts as his lips twist into a smug smirk, “Something like that…”

Dean snorts as though unaffected but there’s a richer tone added to his scent Castiel’s never noticed until now.

Is Dean slicking?

Before he gets a chance to explore that particular train of thought, his mate grabs his wallet and keys, leaving the room with, “Well, so you know, I’m not cleared for anything close to what we did to make Kara so don’t get any ideas, bud.”

Castiel’s left spluttering in their bedroom as Dean chuckles all the way out the door, Anna following as Kara yells, “Bye, Papa!” before the door closes behind them.

He completes the tedious process of getting dressed with twenty minutes to spare before he’s supposed to be meeting Gabriel at the diner. Snatching his own wallet, keys, and phone from his nightstand, Castiel rushes out to his car, still making it to the diner well before the agreed upon time.

Walking inside he spots Ellen and Jo behind the counter, nodding in their direction to indicate he’ll be ordering his usual and waving a greeting before he seats himself further in the back for privacy.

Jo comes by minutes later with his drink, “What brings you in today, McDreamy?”

Cas rolls his eyes, used to her nicknames after years of knowing the omega, “I’m meeting my brother, we have a lot to catch up on.” He answers honestly, thanking her for his drink.

Jo’s eyes widen with curiosity as she slides in the booth across from him. Never mind the fact she has a restaurant full of customers to serve, apparently gossip takes precedence, “That’s today? Why isn’t Dean here?”

“He’s getting the cast off,” Castiel manages to respond before Ellen shouts for Jo in the back, “Looks like you’re needed, thanks again Jo.”

Jo goes through a full body eye roll complete with a huff of exasperation before exiting the booth mumbling, “Good luck…”

Castiel nods laughing at his friends antics just as he spots his older brother waltzing into the place. He may be a little more grey around the temples but he’s still the same Gabriel he longed to have back in his life. Castiel stands, wrapping his brother in a long hug once he’s in reaching distance.

Gabriel grumbles for a moment before giving in, squeezing Castiel just like he used to when they were kids.

“I missed you, baby bro,” he mutters before releasing him so they can take their seats.

Jo breezes by briefly to take Gabriels order, leaving soon after to give them privacy.

Searching around Gabriel asks, “Where’s Dean? Thought he would have wanted to be here…”

Seeing the look of rejection cross his brothers face Castiel corrects his assumption, “He’s getting his cast off, I’m sure you can see how that had more appeal.”

Understanding dawns in his golden eyes, “Yeah, he can catch me the next time then…if that’s what you want…”

Gabriel’s uncertainty is clear, Castiel wants to dispel all of his concerns right now, “I missed you too, Gabriel. Dean and I have no intention of excluding you from our lives now that we know you had no clue who those men really were…”

His older brother shudders at his words, relief and embarrassment flooding his scent, “Ughhh don’t remind me about those assholes. You know I could never…not after Bart, I’d never put anyone in that position on purpose…” He rushes to clarify, hiding his flushing face in his hands.

“We don’t blame you Gabriel, from what Dean’s told me Cain was charming and hid his true nature well. It took Dean years to suss out what the truth was and he lived with Cain, I don’t imagine you would have ever seen that side of him or Michael.”

“Still, I was there the night that kicked this all off, it was my party and I allowed them both to attend. Can’t help but feel responsible for not fully vetting either of them…”

“You were distracted, newly mated thanks for not telling me that by the way,” Castiel rolls his eyes fondly as he continues, “with a new company and still trying to help your brother get his life in order. We don’t hold you accountable for this, Gabriel, and neither should you.”

“One,” Gabriel counts off on his hand, “Distraction isn’t an excuse, they were in my home I should have known who I was letting into my life. B,” he huffs a laugh at Castiel’s confusion with his strange counting process, “Kali wanted to tell you but it wasn’t that long after…anyway three I’ll always be there for you brotato, you just have to let me.”

His brother’s words have an affect neither of them could have foreseen, not being the overly emotional type, but before long both alphas are sniffling with unshed tears ready to spill from their eyes.

“I want to meet your mate as soon as possible, I want to be a part of your life again, Gabriel,” Castiel admits, promising himself to never let so much time pass between them.

Gabriel nods, swiping away at a few tears that managed to trickle down his cheeks, “Kali’s already chomping at the bit to get to know anyone from my side of the family. I keep telling her you’re the only one worth knowing. Her folks are still in India and we see them every once in awhile but it isn’t the same. Let’s not let so much time pass again, okay Cassie?”

He can’t help but roll his eyes at the nickname but, turns out Sam was right. Castiel’s too ecstatic hearing the familiar name cross his brothers lips to chastise him in any meaningful way.

Reaching over the table he grasps his forearm briefly, making a promise, “You’ll always have a place in my life, Gabriel. Don’t ever doubt that.”

Jo drops their food by the table shortly after that and the remainder of lunch is spent catching each other up on the years they’ve missed from each others lives.


Dean wishes Dr. Pam was the one removing his cast but she’s all the way back in Miami so he just deals as a mystery physician’s assistant cuts away at the plaster on his leg. Mary and Kara are out in the waiting room but Anna’s standing beside him, holding his hand. He’d like to say the show of support is unnecessary but Dean may have jumped a little at the sound of the saw. Both Anna and the assistant assured him there was no chance of injury from the saw but he’s still a little distrustful, hence Anna’s hand clenched tightly in his own.

“So you really think I should wait until the rehearsal dinner?” She asks, slightly blocking his view of the tech as she stands in front of him.

Dean understands immediately what she’s doing but he’ll play along with the distraction technique, “Yeah, if you haven’t seen each other in awhile it’s probably best. But, I bet Gad’s pining just as hard.”

His friend sighs wistfully almost making Dean giggle but he holds it in, just barely. Hopefully he doesn’t sound this sappy when he’s talking about Cas.

“Gadreel and I haven’t spoken since high school. I don’t even know if he’s still single,” Anna eventually responds as the tech gets towards the bottom of the cast.

Dean levels with her, “Twenty years from now, will you be somewhere regretting that you didn’t try?”

Anna’s response is a little more immediate, “Yes…”

His own comes easy, “Then I think you know what you need to do…”

Anna flushes slightly, “I guess I do.”

The tech finishes before Dean can say anything further, “Alright, we just need to check a few things and you’re good to go Mr. Milton.”

“Winchester,” he automatically corrects, the divorce papers aren’t finalized yet but he was able to complete a name change along with the restraining order.

He won’t be addressed as Mr. Milton ever again if he can help it, Kara’s now officially a Novak ditching Milton as well. Dean wasn’t ready to give up Winchester just yet but maybe in a few months or years he’ll hyphenate.

“Sorry, I’ll update that in our system right away,” the tech apologizes, tapping a few items on the screen before saving his new information. “You’re all set to see your physical therapist for home visits starting next week, until then either use your crutches or cane to get around. Do not under any circ*mstances place your full weight on that leg, okay?”

“Got it,” Dean nods, leaning into Anna as he stands and she hands him the bulky crutches. They go through a few other routine processes but it takes less than fifteen minutes to get through them and back into the car.

“I’ll drop the two of you off then Kara and I have a Grandma/Grandpup date to get to,” Mary informs them as they slide into her Kia.

“What are you going to see?” Anna asks curiously as Mary pulls out of the space and onto the main road.

“Wish!” Kara jumps in, the rest of the ride is spent hearing about how pretty the princess, Asha, looks and how excited she is for the movie.

“That’s awesome, babygirl, we’ll have to watch it together when they put it on Disney+,” Dean promises, knowing he probably won’t be making it to a movie theater anytime soon.

They arrive back at the house quickly, he shares goodbye hugs and kisses with his mom and pup before they pull off. Anna comes inside briefly to get her bags, leaving for the airport shortly after that with promises to bring them back souvenirs. It sounds cheesy but he’s grateful she’ll be thinking of them while she’s away.

It’s only once he crosses the threshold into the house that it fully hits him. Dean’s home alone for the first time in months and he has no clue what to do with himself.


After attempting to nap with no luck Dean decides to relocate to the living room to watch a movie. He’s halfway there when he hears a familiar rumble approaching the house.

“It can’t be…” Dean’s head perks up, already rerouting to the front door leaving his phone on the table in the entryway so he can open the door.


Donna hasn’t had any recent leads on the whereabouts of the Impala but it’s been a busy day, he wonders if she figured surprising him was better than a phone call. It’s a long drive, but doable if they left early enough.

Already mentally compiling a list of ways to thank her, Dean throws the door open. He has seconds to wonder why the drivers side door is wide open with no one in sight when he feels the cold muzzle on the back of his neck. f*ck.

“Don’t move,” A low growl sounds from his left.

A cold chill runs down his spine as his eyes flick towards the menacing voice. Dean’s made a potentially fatal mistake. Michael stands tight against the wall near the front door in a prison jumpsuit, handcuffs still latched onto one arm and one leg each. The blindspot the security tech swore he fixed seems to be alive and well. Double f*ck.

Dean can’t help it, almost instantly he’s transported back into the past, cowering in the face of his worst nightmare come to life. His scent transitions to rotten oranges and curdled cream, something he’d grown used to not having constantly clinging to his body and clothes for months. It causes his stomach to roil, threatening to bring his lunch back up.

“Follow my directions exactly and get into the drivers side of the car. Disobey me and I’ll kill you, that poor excuse for an alpha, and your obnoxious pup. Don’t test me I know Castiel is at The Roadhouse and Kara’s at the movies with your dear old ‘Ma’. Move, now!”

Dean cringes at the order, not feeling compelled to follow it but knowing he has no other choice. This is his f*cking fault, he got too comfortable and jinxed them in some way. Flew too close to the sun, stepped on a crack some goddamn place, prayed to a capricious god not to lose the two people he needs the most.

“Almost there, drop the crutches you won’t need them for long,” Michael snorts letting out a malevolent chuckle that sends the wrong kind of shivers through his body.

After being pulled from that dark place, closer to a life he doesn’t feel the need to escape from in his mind, it all comes full circle. Seemingly trapped in one of his night terrors made corporeal in the reappearance of Michael, pressing insistently on the back of his head with ice cold metal as he walks Dean over to the Impala. The purr of her engine against his hand as it slides across the hood does little to soothe his racing heart. Pain shoots through his leg as Michael forces him into the drivers seat, stealing breath he can't afford to lose so close to hyperventilating.

Crutches left abandoned in the side yard and front door gaping wide, Michael slips into the passenger seat, gun trained on Dean as he tells him to drive. For a split second concern for himself bubbles up, tamped quickly down by the reality Michael is leading him away from where the ones he loves most will be in a few hours.

It’s better this way.

“I won’t repeat myself,” Michael growls, pushing the barrel of the gun insistently into his side.

Dean knows better than to ask questions, not caring what becomes of him as long as his family is safe.

And so he drives.


I'd say sorry but most of you saw this coming also shameless self insert since Disney decided to finally name a character after little old me, I've only been waiting almost 35 years :) your comments make me smile even if I don't have the spoons to respond so keep them coming please :)

Chapter 14: Race Against Time Part II

Chapter Text

Castiel’s finishing up his slice of apple pie and raising his hand up to grab Jo’s attention, hoping to get one to go for Dean, when his phone rings.

Seeing its Victor, he answers right away ignoring Gabriel’s concerned frown, “Hello?”

There’s heavy breathing before Victor finally speaks in a harried tone, “Is Dean with you? I tried his phone first but he isn’t answering, it’s important.”

Castiel instantly straightens, worry mingling into his scent. Now Gabriel’s on high alert across from him as Castiel speaks to the agent, “No, he had an appointment this morning he’s at home but I’m headed there now. What’s going on?”

Victor sighs, “I was hoping to tell you both at the same time…Michael had people waiting, they ambushed us on the way to the next prison he was to be held in to await trial. He’s gone, Cas...the best advice I can give at the moment is to go home, make sure all the surveillance you have is up and running. I called ahead to the local police, they'll be keeping an eye on the house.”

“He’s what?!” Castiel shouts, only lowering his volume after noticing a few patrons looking his way, “Why local, why not federal?” Castiel can’t help but ask, throwing a wad of bills on the table and walking out with Gabriel rushing to follow after to the confused glances of Jo and Ellen.

Victor hesitates, “Because I’m not sure I can trust everyone in the FBI right now, someone had to know where we were going and when, that list is short but until it’s sifted through I’m not willing to trust my own people with your lives.”

Castiel nods in agreement even though Victor can’t see him at the moment. Gabriel slides easily into the passenger seat without a word as he pulls quickly out of the parking lot of the diner and towards home.

“I have a…Jody Mills…coming by with a few of her officers. She said you trust her and I hope that’s true, if Michael’s headed your way you’ll need the extra assist.”

He breathes a sigh of relief hearing Jody’s name, if he made the call himself she’d be first on the list. There’s no way she’d ever go dirty no matter what Michael offered or threatened.

“Wonderful, I truly hope its all for nothing but…what exactly happened? We haven’t heard from you in weeks…” Castiel points out, pressing his foot to the gas insistently trying his best to fly home but the traffic on the busy street is slowing his progress.

Victor stalls again and for the first time Castiel can hear how labored his breathing is.

“Are you injured, Victor?” He asks, worry for his friend building inside him.

Eventually he reluctantly responds, “Yes, f*cker tried to stab me with a homemade shiv he must have hidden on himself at the prison. It’s just a few flesh wounds but they sting like a bitch, I’ll be fine, I’d much rather make sure your family is safe…”

Castiel can tell there’s more Victor’s holding back but he’d rather get an answer to his first question, he’s a trained field agent all the alpha can do is take his word for it anyway.

“Michael…there’s more to him than we admitted, probably foolishly but the hope was to get him locked away where he couldn’t even dream about going after Dean again,” Victor grunts out in pain, taking a few deep breaths before continuing, “He was the next in line to be the head of the Milton crime family down in Naples, behind his Aunt Amara and her husband…”

Castiel can’t help but interrupt, “Crime family, as in the mob?!”

At Victor’s answering grunt his mind goes spinning, these people are far more dangerous than he or Dean could have ever imagined.

“How long?” Castiel demands through clenched teeth, scent gone stormy.

“How long what?” Victor asks in confusion.

Castiel repeats, elaborating further for Victor’s sake even though he’s sure the alpha knows exactly what he means, “How long have you known this? Since the hospital?”

Victor hesitates yet again and it’s all the answer he needs, “You put our lives in danger by not divulging this information from the beginning!”

Gabriel’s fuming, the call having connected to the car so now he’s getting the full conversation as Castiel speeds home well above the posted speed limits. He needs to get back to Dean, make sure he’s okay because there’s a pulling in his gut he doesn’t like. A sick feeling spreading out, twisting and turning until he feels nauseous and it’s getting worse the closer they get to their home. Please be okay…

“You and I both know there are things I’m not at liberty to share with you but I tell you what I can and right now I’m disobeying direct orders by telling you anything at all, this is still an open investigation Cas.” Victor pleads for understanding, the sound of cars whooshing past growing louder on his end.

He must be on the move and its somehow soothing to know whether he’s being up front about every detail at least he’s not sitting on his ass somewhere. Taking several deep breaths Castiel reminds himself Victor has rules to follow just like he does in the courtroom, but his direct superiors won’t have as much luck. He makes a mental note to pull up success rates for past cases against the FBI, he can’t allow this misstep to go unpunished and if it isn’t on Victor’s head he’ll track down every single person above him.

But, his first priority remains the same, he’s just pulling up their long driveway when his eye catches metal glinting in the afternoon sunlight in the side yard. Once he’s fully parked outside of the house his stomach drops, the seemingly innocent glint of metal is a pair of crutches and the front door has been left wide open.

“Victor, something’s wrong. The front door is open and there’s a pair of crutches laying in the grass. Did Michael have a car because I had the only one Dean would have had access to…” he relays, voice gone shaky with fear.

Castiel’s heartbeat ratchets up and he feels like he’s going to lose the lunch he and Gabriel just devoured.

“That’s what I was getting to, Cas,” His voice has taken on an edge of uncertainty, “We’re not sure if he’s involved or this is just a strange coincidence but Dean’s car was being held at a property co-owned by Michael, Amara, and her mate Lucifer Novak. It left the property hours before someone used it as a getaway car to break Michael out of our custody…”

“Excuse me?” Gabriel cuts in, face gone pale at the mention of their oldest brother.

Victor continues despite the interruption, “We have no clear leads to show he knows anything about Castiel’s involvement with Dean but yes, he’s been mated to Amara for years. I assumed since you’re estranged you didn’t know but we did have to run a bit of surveillance on the both of you to clear you after this information was discovered. I’m sure you can see now why I wasn’t completely forthcoming…”

Castiel’s reeling, the brother that abandoned him years ago now may have orchestrated events that could take his mate from him permanently. Whether he knew or not is moot.

He’s going to kill him.

The alpha means it with every fiber of his being. When he finds Michael, because he will there’s no doubt about that, and Dean is safely back where he belongs he’s going to kill both alphas.

He’ll beat Michael bloody, let him experience the same treatment he made Dean suffer through for years. Lucifer, however, isn’t worth more effort than a point blank shot to the head.

Gabriel catches on to his murderous thoughts before Victor, scenting it in the recycled air of the car, “Absolutely not, we’re not stooping to their level Cassie. We’ll do everything we can from here, legally, and do what you do best. Make sure that bastard spends the rest of his miserable days behind bars. Hopefully there’s enough on Lucifer and this Amara broad to send them both there as well…”

Castiel’s a great actor when he needs to be, pushing his plans to the back of his mind for the moment so he doesn’t tip Gabriel off any further as he pivots, “Fine, how do we find Dean?”

“Pull up any surveillance you have of the property so we can see what vehicle Michael showed up in. Hopefully it’s the Impala, we already have a bolo out for it, it’s only a matter of time before an officer spots them and brings this all to an end. I’m having Sheriff Mills meet you right now, stay out of the house until she arrives.”

“Is there anything else we need to know?” Gabriel asks as Castiel pulls up the app to check the cameras from his phone.

Victor answers, “You have someone you can’t trust around you. That’s the only way Michael could have known where you live and what time Dean would be alone today. Find out who that is, that’s what you can do for me and I’ll take care of the rest, I promise you Castiel I’ll bring Dean home again to you and Kara.”

Castiel’s eyes flick briefly to alpha red at even the mention of another traitor in their midst, fully pulling his focus from the surveillance app and the many ways he can torture Michael and Lucifer once he finds them.

He hates to think it but his eyes slide briefly over to Gabriel, his brother pins him with a look of understanding underlined with hurt as he answers the unspoken question, “Not me, Cassie. I’d never do that to you but I’ll help you figure this out.”

The sincerity in his voice and scent ease Castiel’s worries, Gabriel may not have been around lately and he’s made mistakes but he’d never sell Castiel out like that.

Victor pipes up in support of his brother, “I cleared Gabriel completely Castiel, you can trust him. It has to be someone else, though. The only people I hadn’t gotten to yet were Ms. Meg Masters, Ms. Anna Martin, Mr. Roche, and Dr. Linda Tran.”

Castiel immediately cuts in, “No, Meg was working for me well before we even went down to Miami, Bal’s a college friend, and Anna’s been nothing but amazing with Dean. Dr. Tran as well I just can’t see any of them doing something like that it has to be someone else.”

Though he comes up with nothing and no one when he considers the ‘someone else’ theory because that leaves family and he can’t believe any of the Winchester’s or Harvelle-Singer’s would betray them in this way.

“You ran background on all three before Dean came back here?” Gabriel asks, eyes roving outside to make sure they didn’t miss anything important.

Castiel’s brain stutters for a moment, he did the background himself on Meg when she was first hired and Dr. Tran while they were in Miami after Missouri recommended her. But, Meg was supposed to have done the background on Anna and she said it came back clean.

“Meg did Anna’s but I can double check with her now and make sure it came back completely clean. I’ll call you back,” Castiel mutters in a shaky voice as he disconnects the call, connecting with Meg’s number instead.

After a few rings she answers, “Clarence this better be important I’m in the middle of something.”

Castiel cuts her off, “Not now Meg, this is of the utmost importance.”

His friend must sense somethings up, her tone shifting to serious as she asks, “What’s wrong?”

“Dean was taken again,” he waits a moment for her to calm from the shock before he continues, “The background you did on Anna, did that come back with any red flags at all? Even something we would normally let slide, I need to know.”

“You think Anna’s involved? She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body…”

“Just check please Meg this could be life or death,” Castiel demands, there’s no could in it.

Every moment Dean spends alone with Michael he could be beating him, permanently removing his love from this world. The very idea breaks him, causing the flood of tears he’d been holding back to roll slowly down his cheeks.

I need you Dean…oh god, please bring him back to me…

Castiel hears typing on the other end of the phone before Meg lets out an ‘aha’ that must mean she found what she was looking for, her mumbled words as she reads out loud confirm his assumption.

After a few moments she speaks, “No, there was nothing directly in the report that popped up but what I just found isn’t in the report…”

“No theatrics Meg just spit it out,” he warns, needing any information that could lead him to Dean right away.

“Anna is technically Miltons cousin,” Gabriel audibly gasps but Meg ignores him to continue, “Her mother married into the family when she was fifteen. She’s always kept her distance, goes by her bio dad’s last name and works a normal job as a nurse clearly but there’s no divorce on file for her mother and no death certificate either. It stands to reason she could manipulate her into doing as Michael asks…”

“Why wasn’t this brought to our attention earlier?” Castiel asks in a low growl, trying his damndest not to take his anger out on Meg.

“I was looking into Anna, not her mother and she told me she had no family. I'm sorry for missing this Cas.” Meg answers, voice gone thick with tears.

Meg’s not the emotional type and hearing her breakdown in this way softens Castiel’s heart.

“…it’s not your fault Meg, I have to call Agent Henricksen back please email me that information so it can be forwarded to him, thank you.”

Castiel hangs up without waiting for a response feeling utterly defeated. He’s the one who asked Anna here in the first place, apparently without enough vetting.

“It’s my…” Castiel can’t even get the words out before Gabriel pins him with a look that could smite God himself.

“No! Absolutely not, you can blame Anna or Michael or f*cking Lucifer all you want but you’re not to blame for any of this Castiel. The way some people in this goddamn society choose to treat omegas is to blame, blame the rich, the president, f*cking bad luck but never yourself.” Gabriel hesitates before adding, “You wouldn’t let me do it and I won’t let you now…”

His brother is right, Gabriel tried to take on the blame with Bart claiming he should have known what was happening but he couldn’t. The same way Castiel had no way to foresee sweet Anna betraying them nor could he have had a clue a brother he has no contact with is somehow entangled with the mob.

Castiel nods, letting Gabriel know he understands as he wipes the tears away and dials Victor. When the agent answers he relays all the information he and Meg just discovered.

“God, we should have found this ourselves. I won’t apologize because frankly it’s worthless but we will get Dean back. Let me coordinate with a few people searching with me, Jody advised she’ll be there in less than ten, just hold tight for me until then.”

With nothing to do but wait, Castiel’s mind starts going into overdrive thinking of all the people he has to call and let them know Dean’s missing again. When his scattered thoughts pull up the images of his family he loses control of his emotions, held together just barely by Gabriel yanking him into his arms across the middle console.

“They’ll find him Cassie…” his brother soothes, “they’ll find him…”


“Turn here then get on the highway,” Michael demands, pushing the gun into his side again for emphasis.

Dean’s hands are shaking so bad the wheel keeps jerking to the left but Michael’s insisted he drive. He can’t imagine this is good for a fresh out of the cast leg but he figures it’s better than a bullet wound as he follows directions and pulls onto the highway.

Michael begins to give his ‘villain monologue’ and Dean’s tempted to tune him out until he mentions Anna.

“…getting her to keep an eye on you was one of my better ideas. Granted it was only supposed to be until I could come and collect you from the hospital but lucky me your dumb alpha offered her a position in his home.” Michael smirks sad*stically, briefly flicking his eyes Dean’s way before focusing back on the road.

“No, you’re lying. Anna wouldn’t do that,” Dean can’t help but blurt out.

“Would and did. You of all people should understand, you’d do anything for your family too.”

The implication is clear and it ramps up the nausea Dean’s been fighting since this ordeal began. Anna’s always been on Michael’s side and she had a front row seat to every second of their lives since leaving Miami.

Dean eeks out the only response he can in a ragged whisper, “Why?”

It seems to throw Michael off a bit, actually being asked what his motivations are for once and from the one person he never expected to question him.

“Mostly because I can,” he responds nonchalantly, wiggling the gun around as he thinks, “But I guess if you had to pin it down on something I’d say, because you can’t.” His tone goes menacing as the acidic scent of angry alpha floods the car, “You can’t leave me, you can’t have another alpha, you can’t escape your duty to me, you just can’t Dean I won’t let you.”

A semi rushes past in the lane next to the Impala coming dangerously close to his mirror, something that wouldn’t be an issue if he could get his hands steadier.

The toxic alpha continues, “Same as Lisa and her obnoxious brat, and Bela, Lilith, oooo and your precious Cain. Honestly my cousin should have known better, no one gets to tell me no and run off into the f*cking sunset…”

Hearing the names of the people he’s already lost to Michael along with the reminder he plans to do the same to him strikes a match to the low simmer of rage that’s been boiling in his stomach for the past thirty minutes. There’s only so much learned passivity a person can fall back into before they reach a breaking point and Dean’s at his. f*ck this.

As Michael continues his rant, Dean manages to get enough of a grip on the wheel where he thinks he can pull off a move he hasn’t done in the Impala since he was sixteen. Baby isn’t just sleek curves, she’s 3,500 lbs of sex on wheels. Dean’s loved her since he could say the word Baby, spent hours under her hood making her purr, knows every inch of her like the back of his f*cking hand. Michael’s given Dean all the weapon he’ll ever need to squash him like the bug he is.

Dean presses his foot on the gas just enough to inch past the semi further down the road getting up to the right speed, ignoring the searing pain in his leg. Taking a moment, he memorizes the images of Cas and Kara in his mind knowing he’s risking never seeing them again.

Sea glass greens, freckles, and a button nose. Always questioning but in a curious way Dean would never want to discourage. Kara’s the best of both of them, even if they just found Cas again.

Love you babygirl.

Ocean blues, plush lips, a head of perpetual sex hair, and an adorable head tilt. Nerdy and awkward one moment and dommy as hell the next but completely okay with giving Dean all the control. His love, his mate, his everything. Forever connected in life and, hopefully not today, death.

Love you, my angel.

Breaking into Michael’s self serving bullsh*t, Dean does his best to distract the alpha while he enacts his half baked plan, “f*ck you, you narcissistic asshole! Actually, I can do whatever the f*ck I want, you wanna know why? Because my true alpha understands how to treat an omega unlike you, oh and he’s much better in bed too, asswipe.” Dean shoots a lascivious wink Michael’s way with a shaky laugh, a lot less confident in what comes next than he’d like to let on.

Michael barely has time to react before Dean’s whipping the wheel, briefly riding up on two tires as Baby spins until she’s facing oncoming traffic in the opposite direction. f*cking flawless. Luckily the person behind them swerves quickly into the next lane, avoiding an immediate collision. Not yet. With only seconds to spare, Dean apologizes to his girl as he slams the passenger side of the Impala into the concrete barrier. The impact knocks Michaels gun from his hand as another jerk of the wheel lands them dead center of the left lane, oncoming traffic lined up perfectly with the front seat. As another semi closes in on them, Michael lets out the most undignified scream he’s ever heard. Dean takes the alpha's momentary distraction to leap into the back seat ignoring the sharp pull in his leg as he completes the maneuver.

Dean closes his eyes trying his best to flatten himself in the back, a strange peace coming over him as he braces for the crash that could remove him from this world far earlier than he desires. His minds eye swirls with patterns of sea glass green and ocean blue.

Love you so much…

As metal screeches the world goes dark…

Chapter 15: From the Ashes...

Chapter Text

It’s been about an hour and still no word back from Victor, Castiel’s more than anxious with everyone else in the room stuck in varying stages of distress.

Jody’s been a huge help in trying to keep them as calm as possible and relaying any updates from Victor. But, as time ticks by with Dean still missing, his hopes that his love will be found unharmed begin to dwindle.

“I just don’t understand how this happened,” Sam growls for the millionth time in the last thirty minutes.

Castiel can’t blame him, his mind is plagued with the same questions with no answers to appease him.

Jody gives about the same response as the last time, “Victor still doesn’t know the full extent of Anna’s involvement, he’s looking into the security company monitoring the cameras and should have something back soon…”

“Papa,” Kara sits next to Castiel on the couch, leaning into his side for support, “is Daddy gonna be okay?” She asks, voice gone soft and shaky with worry for her father.

The question sends Mary into a renewed fit of tears, she gets up leaving the room to avoid Kara seeing her this way. Jess and Meg follow to comfort her, leaving Castiel grappling with how to answer his pup without breaking down himself.

Thankfully Sam jumps in, seeing the open anguish swimming in his eyes, “Sweetie, we’re gonna do our best to make sure he’s okay. Do you remember Agent Henricksen?”

She nods as he continues, “Him and his friends are out looking for your Dad right now and they won’t rest until they find him.” Sam chokes out, voice gone thick with tempered emotion.

Castiel pulls her in for a tight hug, wishing he could do more to ease her fears. Kara’s sniffles alerting him to her silent tears, but she burrows her face into his side so no one can see. Unfortunately he can barely contain his own sorrow but he’s grateful to have Sam and Gabriel here to help share the responsibility of shielding Kara.

As if he read his mind, Gabriel chimes in, “You like candy kiddo?” At Kara’s hesitant nod Gabriel pulls a lollipop seemingly from nowhere, handing it over as she accepts the offer with shaky hands.

“Th-thanks,” the smile offered doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she busies herself with unwrapping the candy.

It breaks his heart to see Kara reverting so quickly to where she was right after they found Dean the first time. The very sunshine behind her eyes that gave her the perfect nickname has set, hopefully to return with the rescue of her father.

“There’s more where that came from, just say the word,” Gabriel responds, awkward finger guns and all.

Sam can’t help but roll his eyes, “All you’re missing is the creeper van…” he laughs but it isn’t as boisterous, there’s sadness soaked in the moment that can't be stifled by light teasing.

“I may not have experience with kids but I know they all love candy, I’m playing to my strengths moose,” Gabriel shrugs, pouting slightly at the call out. “Besides I have a ton of uncle’ing to catch up on…”

Latching onto the distraction, Castiel joins the conversation, “No pups for you and Kali?”

He shakes his head, chuckling lightly, “She said I’m enough of a pup all on my own, she doesn’t need another…”

Bal snorts a small laugh at the admission, clearly trying to temper his amusem*nt.

Castiel offers up a half smile, inner alpha still rolling in despair, but unable to pass up the opportunity to tease his older brother, “I’d have to agree with her on that.”

Gabriel scoffs, brow furrowing with mock offense. Before he can formulate a response Jody’s phone rings.

Every eye in the room locks onto the device as she scrambles to pick it up, answering with a breathless, “Hello?”


Dean feels an intense sense of deja vu as he comes to with a chorus of beeps trilling in the air around him.


“I’ve got to stop waking up like this,” he mumbles past a desert dry throat.

“Dean?” A deep rumble sounds off to his left.

His picture perfect mate comes into view above him, blue eyes dimmed and hair a tangled mess as though he’s had his hands in it all day. Probably has.

“Guess this means it worked,” he chuckles, ending in a cough that shoots pain through his side. Dean adds, “Unless this is some f*cked up waiting room for heaven…”

His body is sore and obviously bruised in places that had previously healed but nothing feels imminently fatal. Looking down Dean notices his leg even survived additional injury, still sans cast thank the gods.

Cas’ beaming smile grows, filled with relief that Dean’s up and talking, “Yes, your very reckless plan worked, assbutt. You could have died!”

“Babe, I was dead either way. At least I woulda gone out in style, my way,” Dean hides behind bravado but he’s relieved to have made it. It would have been his choice but just the thought of not having this rips a hole in his soul as he grasps Cas’ hand in his.

“I much prefer you breathing but I guess I can see your point,” Cas reluctantly nods, brushing a hand through Dean’s hair nervously, “Just don’t ever do anything like that again, please…”

Dean sees the worry and anguish etched into the bags under Cas’ eyes and the set of his jaw. It’s been a rough few months for the entire family and he hates that he’s partially to blame. Not because of anything he did wrong, Dean’s done blaming himself for his past but he underestimated Michael, ultimately putting them all in danger.

The thought reminds Dean he doesn’t yet know if he managed to kill the alpha or not.

“Please tell me that knot head had to be scraped off of the front of that semi,” Dean growls out, filled with a cyclone of rage once again at the audacity.

This ends today, he has to be sure it’s really over.

Cas nods, smile growing brighter by the second as his eyes go deliciously dark, “He lived for, hopefully an extremely agonizing, twenty minutes after the accident according to the medics at the scene. He’s dead Dean, you saved yourself and the lives of countless others…”

It’s funny, now that he’s heard the words, Dean doesn’t exactly know how to feel. He waits, sure a flood of joy, relief, vindication, something to indicate this dramatic shift in his reality will come over him. Michael’s been a looming threat over his life for over ten years and now he’s vanished like a puff of smoke in the wind, it almost feels anticlimactic. The alpha’s gone like last weeks trash. Good f*cking riddance.

“How did he get out?” He asks, trying to piece together what led to Michael showing up on their doorstep in the first place. “And more importantly, how badly did I f*ck up my Baby?”

Cas hesitates, trying to hide his reluctance to tell Dean but he knows the alpha too well now.

“What is it?” He demands, unfortunately his timing isn’t the best as a young alpha in a lab coat waltzes into the room.

“Oh, he’s awake,” the…teen? says as he picks up the clipboard at the end of the hospital bed.

Dean glances over at Cas wondering what twilight zone he’s walked into but his alpha doesn’t seem phased or confused.

No one moves to introduce the newcomer so Dean blurts out, “What’s with Doogie Howser over here?”

“Dean!” Cas immediately admonishes, flush creeping across his cheeks in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, Alfie.”

“What?? He’s gotta be fifteen, there’s no way you’re licensed to treat patients, dude,” Dean grumbles, arms crossed across his chest as he pouts petulantly.

He didn’t survive a Michael Bay level car crash to be given subpar treatment at the hospital. Hospitals kill more people than car accidents, a fact Sammy should have never divulged to his paranoid older brother.

Alfie puffs up, taking Dean’s assessment as an insult, replying, “Hey! I just turned twenty five for your information, I just look very young for my age…”

Dean snipes back, laugh dripping with sarcasm as he responds, “Your age being a high school sophom*ore?”

“Dean…” Cas warns again, this time a flicker of annoyance crosses his face.

Not wanting to stress Cas and realizing he’s being a brat, Dean raises both hands up in surrender ignoring the twinge in his sore muscles, “Okay…okay I believe you.”

Alfie’s shoulders relax but he still keeps both eyes on the kid just in case, mumbling to Cas, “There’s no way he’s legal drinking age…”

His mate stifles a chuckle shushing him as Dr. Alfie gets ready to give his full report of Dean’s injuries, though he’s sure at this point there can’t be many. He feels worse for wear, but alive and free.

Alfie rolls his eyes, loosening up as he realizes Dean’s not being malicious, “Okay, if you’re done, I’d like to go over your chart,” he continues after Dean nods, “You have some minor bruising and lacerations on your face, arms, and legs from the impact of the tractor trailer. You were smart to get into the backseat but it’s pure luck you’re not hurt worse, Dean.”

Cas’ grip on his hand tightens before relaxing, further confirming Dean’s concerns about the alpha.

“I’m fine, Cas,” Dean takes a moment to remind him, inner omega purring as Cas relaxes at the words and his touch.

Alfie continues once their focus is back on him, “The TBI from your last hospital visit hasn’t worsened but you may experience more pronounced symptoms for the next few days. It’s not permanent but Cas did mention you don’t like the shaking and memory loss so I did want to warn you what to expect.”

Dean groans, mourning the loss of all the progress he’d made prior to today. He’d kill Michael for this sh*t if he hadn’t already done so, quite thoroughly.

“It shouldn’t last more than a few days, if you notice any of these changes for more than a week or they worsen let us know but I don’t predict that being a cause for concern. I want to impress upon you how badly this could have gone, Dean.” Alfie pins him with a stern glare, softening into one of wonderment, “The angel on your shoulder must have big plans for you…”

Dean sneaks a peek over at the angel in question, who’s once again blushing like mad, “Something like that…”


Dean’s being held for observation for 48 hours, extended from the usual 24 because of his existing brain injury. He’s not complaining as long as everyone he loves can visit.

That’s exactly why he can’t wipe the broad smile from his face now, cheeks burning from being spread wide for so long. Dean’s surrounded by his mom, little brother, pup, and their extended family and friends. As soon as his mom’s eyes landed on him Dean broke down, unable to hold back the tide of fear he’d held deep down that he’d never see any of them again. At least not in this lifetime.

“It’s okay, honey,” his mom soothes even as she drips tears down his neck. “He’s dead, it’s okay. You’re safe now, we’ve got you…”

Kara pipes up with a question once they’ve both settled down, “Is it bad that I’m happy?” She asks, uncertainty coloring her words.

Almost everyone in the room hesitates, knowing how they feel on the matter but not necessarily wanting to tell a child it’s okay to celebrate someones death, whether you like them or not.

Dean’s f*cking ecstatic but he’s trying to raise a decent human being here.

“It’s complicated, Sunshine,” he begins to answer, still unsure what the hell to say but winging it, “Michael was a very bad man and he did some really horrible things to us and other people. We don’t necessarily celebrate his death but we won’t mourn him either, does that make sense?”

“Kinda like when Old Man Turner’s mean dog died? I was glad he couldn’t scare me anymore but I felt bad that Old Man Turner lost his friend…” Kara shares, with the wisdom of someone far older.

“Exactly, Michael’s family will mourn him, we’re just glad he can’t hurt you or your daddy anymore,” Cas chimes in, wrapping an arm around Dean’s shoulders.

Kara nods, already distracted by the pack of cookies Gabriel just ‘snuck’ to her. Dean winks at him thankfully, wanting desperately to change the subject.

Unfortunately, Victor comes sweeping into the room looking like he lost a fight with a brick wall but with a determined set to his frame.

Victor greets everyone in the room before asking, “How are you feeling, Dean?”

“Been better, I’m sure you have something important to tell us though,” Dean answers, gesturing for his friend to get on with it.

Michael may be dead but there’s still a mountain of unanswered questions left in his wake.

“How much has Cas told you?” Victor asks, nodding as he confirms he’s been left mostly in the dark.

The alpha spends the next ten minutes going over what he’s already told the rest of the group.

Dean’s head is spinning with the news, “So he was telling the truth? Anna was a mole?”

Victor nods grimly, “Yes, she folded as soon as we got her into custody. Her mother threatened her into accepting but she’s been sending information to him faithfully since you left Miami. Including the address of the house, your schedules and…” he hesitates before continuing, “a fake home security system. The business she referred you to is run by her cousin Uriel, it’s a front they use to spy on people they have interest in, people like you.”

Slowly, the high Dean had built up from being alive and free of Michael begins to dwindle. This convoluted web of betrayal and familial hatred he’s found himself in the middle of is too much. He left home with dreams of finding something bigger than himself, but this wasn’t what he meant.

“And Lucifer? What is his involvement in all this?” Cas asks, shooting a glance over to Gabriel.

Victor looks away, one of his major tells that what he’s about to say ain’t exactly good, “Lucifer hasn’t admitted directly to knowing anything and neither has Amara, they’re smart enough to keep themselves out of jail. But, our informant made it clear nothing happens in that family without Amara’s say so…”

Gabriel mumbles, barely above a whisper, “So he is involved then…”

Dean wants to curl up in a ball and disappear, but Cas is just as stricken to hear of his older brothers involvement. The hurt from his past is breaking away at the mask he’s trying to put up for Dean’s sake but he’s Cas’ mate, he can see past it to where the alpha’s rubbed raw and angry.

Dean knows the feeling well.

“Yes, according to an informant, Lucifer wasn’t directly involved. But, when Michael approached him mentioning Cas was in possession of an omega that ‘belonged to him’,” Victor consults his notepad as he continues speaking, “Lucifer told Michael ‘if there’s a problem with Castiel that needs fixing, get Bart. He knows just how to handle my little brother’s…rebellious streak…’ I uh, “he pauses, struggling to find the words, “I’m obligated to inform you that Bart was the mole in the FBI…” Victor admits, tone laced with regret.

Dean’s too caught up on the words ‘possession’ and ‘belonged’ like he’s a set of luggage not a f*cking human being. He doesn’t get to stay in his thoughts for long as the room fills with a lightning storm of angry alpha, quickly stamped down by his mate.

But, Dean doesn’t want him bottling up his emotions, he can handle it, “You have every f*cking right to be f*cking livid right now, babe. Just say the word and we’ll track that f*cker down,” thinking better of his words in present company, he retracts his statement, “Ignore that last part, Victor…”

The alpha waves his apology away, “No, trust me Dean. I’m right there with you, these people are f*cking scum.”

They both seem to remember Kara’s in the room, obliviously munching away on her snack and scrolling TikTok.

Dean awkwardly tries to save himself, “That came out wrong, I’m just saying I support you…”

“Nice try, Daddy,” Kara peeks up, winking adorably before returning to her phone.

It helps to ease the tension a bit in the room, calming Cas back down enough to go on with Victor’s debrief.

“Bartholomew Harrington graduated from Quantico five years ago, he displayed enough integrity and loyalty to work his way up fairly quickly. It’s easier to hide when you don’t give anyone a reason to look in the first place,” Victor shares, the thought chilling Dean to the bone considering his own experience.

Victor continues, “Lucifer kept in contact with him through the years just in case he ever needed a favor so when Michael called that’s who he recommended. He’s one sick son of…”glancing over at Kara he pivots quickly, “a gun and I pray we get something on him soon but until then we have Lucifer's ‘word’ that he isn’t actively involved in any criminal activity targeting you or your family. We’ll keep an eye on them but it passes the sniff test for us, for now.” He pauses, leaning forward with his next words, “That’s my professional assessment, personally I don’t trust Lucifer further than I can throw him and we’ll be all hands on deck until he makes a mistake. They always do.”

Dean shares a look with Cas who glances over at Gabriel as he shifts his eyes to Sam. Within seconds the unspoken agreement to handle Lucifer themselves is solidified. It may not be today, hell it probably won’t even be this year but he’s going down, painfully.

“And what will the consequences be for Bart?” Jess asks from the other side of the room.

Victor can’t hold back a smirk as he answers, “Bart was killed in the line of duty, he pulled his weapon on the suspect after he fled but, unfortunately Michael shot first.”

Dean’s pretty sure that isn’t quite how things went considering his friends appearance, so he mouths ‘thank you’ to Victor, his responding ‘you’re welcome’ telling him all he needs to know.

Cas almost collapses like a puppet with no strings as Dean holds him close, it’s not lost on him both their abusers died bloody deaths today. “We’re finally free, angel…"

Chapter 16: ...Hope Will Arise


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Castiel folds the last of Dean’s shirts, placing it neatly into the duffle bag perched on the end of the hospital bed. Alfie approved Dean’s release, almost a week later than anticipated but he truly wanted to be sure there was no additional brain trauma to be concerned with. Dean may find the doctor’s age questionable but Castiel’s just grateful for the wonderful care he’s taken in regards to Dean’s treatment thus far.

“Don’t forget the slipper socks,” Dean pipes up from the bed, gesturing to the complimentary socks the hospital provided lying at the end of the bed. He’s been hoarding them, the nurses so amused by now that they just hand over extra pairs when he asks.

Castiel smirks, taking the newest pair and adding it to the other three in the bag, “How do you know they aren’t just adding these to the bill?”

Dean shrugs, “Then my adoring mate will pay said bill, it’ll be like you bought me four pairs of the comfiest socks ever. However shall I repay you?” he finishes, aiming a saucy wink Castiel’s way.

His inner alpha bays and howls at the implication, wanting nothing more than to let Dean make good on the promise in his moss greens.

Their flirting is cut short by Alfie’s entrance into the room, “Almost time to release you, Dean. I just need your signature on a few forms and you’ll be all set.”

Alfie hands over a clipboard to Dean, jovial smile plastered on his face as he waits. Dean takes a moment to read over what he’s signing, an automatic response when you’re surrounded by lawyers almost everyday. Once he confirms he isn’t signing his soul away, he graces the paper with the messy scrawl of his signature and hands them back over to the doctor.

“Alright, I hope to never see you again, Dean,” Alfie blanches after he runs his own words back, “I mean in regards to injury, you’ve been a pleasure our first encounter not withstanding.”

“Don’t worry, Alfie, I knew what you meant. Nice meeting you too, kid. But I hope to never be in here again,” Dean agrees, reaching out to shake Alfie’s hand before he leaves the room.

“Ready to get out of here?” Castiel asks, zipping the duffle bag shut after checking to make sure everything’s accounted for.

Dean answers without hesitation, “Hell yeah, I miss home and while having heated blankets on demand is nice I miss our bed and having you in it.” He waggles his eyebrows lasciviously causing Castiel to bark a laugh at his mates one track mind today.

“You’re not cleared for ‘vigourous activity’ for at least another two days, Dean,” Castiel warns, trying to avoid mutual disappointment when they reach home.

Dean sighs heavily, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance, “Finnneee, but you’re no fun…”

“I promise I’ll be more fun than you can handle, 48 hours from now when you’re cleared for said ‘fun’,” Castiel chuckles at the affronted look on Dean’s face.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, babe,” Dean jokes, bright smile breaking out on his face as his eyes light up with unconstrained mirth.

Castiel was worried the events of the past week would drag Dean all the way back to the beginning of his recovery but aside from a slight uptick in his night terrors he’s taken the bulk of it in stride. They have a tentative increase in appointments scheduled with Dr. Tran just to be sure but Castiel’s hopeful about the outcome if Dean’s current state of mind is anything to go by.

The deaths of both Michael and Bart more than likely have a lot to do with his current mood. The main perpetrators in their torture are gone, dead and soon to be buried. For his part, Castiel was overcome with a wave of relief at the news that this specter that floated above all the good things he had in life had finally been removed permanently from the board.

“Hey, what’s rattling around in that beautiful mind of yours? Your face is doing a thing and I don’t like it,” Dean demands, lips forming a pout as he glares sternly with his arms crossed.

Castiel sighs, wanting to keep these thoughts from Dean to avoid stressing him, but needing to obey his omega’s request for honesty more, “I uhm…I was just thinking how glad I am Michael and Bart are dead. But, how much I wish Lucifer and Amara weren’t still out there…he’s my brother but he’s a f*cking monster…”

Dean reaches out, clasping the hand resting atop his bag, “I can’t disagree with you there and I have tons of ideas on how to handle them but for right now, lets enjoy the fact that the main assholes after us are headed straight to hell where they belong…”

Castiel nods, pulling himself together for the moment so he can be of support to Dean. They can plan what comes next once Dean’s had some time to rest, for now he hopes Lucifer and Amara aren’t dumb enough to make a move on them with the FBI on high alert.

“You’re right, Dean,” Castiel acquiesces, offering his arm so Dean can stand and get dressed.

“Let’s go home,” He responds, accepting the clothes Castiel hands off to him after a brief brush of lips.

The contact soothes his distressed inner alpha enough for him to finish his task, allowing them to leave the hospital less than ten minutes later to a chorus of well wishes from the nurses and doctors Dean managed to charm during his stay.

Unfortunately, laying eyes on Castiel’s Tesla once they reach the parking lot reignites Dean’s melancholy over the absence of Baby.

Heading him off at the pass, Castiel strokes his hand as they pull away, reassuring his mate, “We’ll look into what it takes to fix her as soon as possible…”

Dean looks up, brows knitted until understanding dawns, “Still getting used to someone else practically knowing my every thought. Just miss having my own wheels, it was nice driving Baby again up until I had to crash her…”

Castiel nods, turning on his signal to get into the left lane as he responds, “Focus on the silver lining, like Dr. Tran suggested…”

Dean sighs heavily, still not used to the technique as he searches for the glimmer of good amongst the bad news, “She’s smashed up pretty good but not totaled beyond repair…and thanks to my dad I have all the knowledge I need to fix her. Plus having something to do with my time can’t hurt…”

“And…I could stand to learn a few things about cars,” Castiel admits, pitching his idea since it seems like the right time, “I could help, if you don’t mind showing me the ropes…”

Dean’s eyes immediately go soft, adoration seeping into his scent as he answers, “Of course I don’t mind, sweetheart.”

That settled, they travel the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence.


Castiel scheduled Dean’s welcome home party a few days later, wanting to allow him time to rest before having everyone over.

Meg and Bal should be arriving shortly to help him set up. Castiel feels bad asking them for yet another favor after having left the majority of his responsibilities at the office to his friends but they’ve been understanding of his need to be with Dean and Kara during this time. Castiel hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom in months but he has every intention of returning to work once things settle down at home.

As though summoned, the doorbell rings to announce his friends arrival. He checks the new cameras they had installed, by a trustworthy company recommend by Victor. Seeing Meg’s bored visage and Bal’s apparently hungover form standing miserably at the front door, he rushes to let them in.

“Bout time lover boy,” Meg snarks playfully, walking past him and into the house with a familiarity only someone close to him would have. “Where’s Deano?”

“Resting so keep it down,” Castiel admonishes, allowing Bal to pass and locking the door securely behind them. “He’s moved upstairs into the master bedroom now that his leg’s feeling better but I don’t want to disturb him.”

Nodding in understanding, Meg plops onto the couch next to Bal, “No worries, Clarence. I won’t wake up your precious unicorn.” She smirks at his eye roll.

Ignoring both of their antics, Castiel assigns tasks to get the ball rolling for the gathering. Meg is on food duty and Bal, to his utmost disdain, is on cleanup duty making sure the living room and dining room are presentable for their guests.

“This is your family, Cassie,” Bal grumbles as he wipes down the table, “They don’t give a flying f*ck if your house is messy…”

Castiel blushes, already aware he’s going a bit overboard but he wants things to be perfect for Dean, “When you’re finished with that, take out the trash please.” Ignoring his friends continued complaints, Castiel heads upstairs to check on Kara.

They had a session with Dr. Tran earlier and he wants to speak with Kara before their guests arrive. Stopping in front of her bedroom door, he knocks lightly just in case she’s napping like her dad. At her muffled, “Come in,” he turns the knob, entering her room.

“Hey Papa, what’s up?” Kara asks, hunched over a drawing at her desk. She has real talent and he hopes it takes her far.

“Just wanted to check on you,” Castiel answers, cracking the door behind him as he pads his way over to her bed and takes a seat, “What are you drawing?”

“I know Dr. Tran was technically talking to Daddy, but…I think I may want to go to art school when I’m old enough. I googled and that means I’ll need a portfolio and a ton of other stuff so…”

Castiel understands immediately and his pride in his not so little pup soars, “You’re getting quite the head start.”

Kara won’t be 11 for another month and she’s already considering her plans post high school. She’s got ambition, a trait Castiel knows came from Dean but he’d like to think his genetics had a say as well.

She shrugs, flushing slightly, “Like the Doc told Dad, there’s no time like the present.”

“You are right, my dear.” Castiel acknowledges, staying for a few minutes to watch her sketch almost perfect lines creating the face of a girl that looks suspiciously like Charlie in comic book style. Amazing.

After a few moments more, he announces his departure with a kiss to her forehead. She giggles pretending to squirm away but really leaning into the peck. He’s glad to see he won’t have to miss out on this easy affection with his pup, she’s not too old yet for her papa to dote on and that sends Castiel’s heart soaring.

“I look forward to seeing the finished product,” he adds, ruffling her hair lightly as he heads back out into the hall, closing the door gently behind him.

Castiel’s ecstatic to see the session today was fruitful after all. Dr. Tran focused on Kara’s feelings post kidnapping and, surprisingly, she admitted she feels safer now even more so than she did prior to Michael showing up. Dr. Tran pointed out this was most likely because the threat of Michael coming back has been lifted, they all agreed.

The remainder of the session was spent trying to help Dean determine what he may want to do with his life now that Michael’s no longer his figurative monster under the bed. The promise of an unspoken threat to take away all he holds dear, now permanently vanquished. Dean hadn’t had any immediate ideas on what comes next for him but he promised to consider a few things before their next session. Castiel’s overjoyed to see Kara’s positive outlook on her own dreams springing forth from the conversation.

He can’t wait to see what thoughts Dean has both about Kara’s goals, and his own once he lands on something worthwhile. They tossed a few options back and forth on the car ride home but Dean was too tired to continue once they arrived, heading upstairs for a nap right away. It wasn’t surprising, Alfie let them know he’ll need more rest as his brain continues to repair itself.

Castiel’s still deep in thought as he walks back downstairs and into the chaos that is Bal and Meg left alone for too long.

“You’re folding that wrong,” Meg groans, watching Bal attempt to fold the throw blanket they keep on the couch.

“How exactly is it possible to fold a blanket wrong, Meg?” Bal asks, rolling his eyes as he continues to in fact fold the blanket incorrectly.

Dean likes it longwise not in a perfect square so it can be draped ‘artfully’, his words not Cas’, over the back and across the left arm of the couch. Meg looks to him for backup but he breezes past his friends and their tedious spat. Castiel’s unwilling to wipe the smile off his face in order to referee their bickering, he’s too excited witnessing the subtle signs of healing in his family.

Instead, Castiel ignores them both quite effectively in favor of taking the long forgotten trash out himself.

Michael didn’t win, and it’s only a matter of time before Lucifer and Amara fall as well.


Dean jolts awake from the best sleep he’s had in days. It’s great to be back on his memory foam and finally in the master bedroom instead of on the first floor. He can hear voices downstairs, more than likely Bal and Meg helping to set up for the party. He can just barely hear Meg telling Bal to ‘fix the damn blanket already and stop fooling around’ when their voices lower again to a level he can’t make out.

Thank’s for waking me up, assholes.

He’s about to get up and investigate the ruckus when his phone rings, checking the display and seeing it’s his favorite redhead he picks up without hesitation.

“Hey Charles, haven’t heard from you in awhile,” Dean greets, only allowing slight disapproval into his tone knowing it’s not entirely her fault.

“This from the guy who gave me the assignment in the first place,” Charlie snorts, practically making the accompanying eye roll audible.

He chuckles at her sass, responding, “I know, it was a huge ask. Got any info for us yet?”

“Actually yes, with the help Vic gave letting me into their systems I was able to uncover something BIG,” Charlie answers, unable to keep the erratic excitement out of her tone.

Vic didn’t leave them empty handed after his debrief in the hospital. When Dean mentioned he had a friend he trusted back in Florida that could pretty much hack anything and find info on almost anyone, Vic willingly handed over the keys to the castle. Charlie’s now in possession of all she needs to search the FBI database along with her own sources and find out all they need to know to take down Lucifer and Amara.

With Dean still sidelined due to his TBI they figured this is the best time to gather intel, put together a team they trust, and decide how to execute a plan that won’t land them all in jail.

“Hit me,” he says playfully.

“You got it, handmaiden,” Charlie responds through a light chuckle, the familiar back and forth makes Dean miss his friend even more.

Charlie, Benny, Andrea, and the twins are the only parts of Miami he misses. Cas promised to drive him down once everything settles. Dean’s made it clear he will never in this lifetime drive the computer disguised as a car his alpha insists on owning. When Baby’s all better he can make the trip on his own but for now phone calls, texts, and FaceTimes will have to suffice.

Dean snorts, “Must you?”

“Every chance I get…” Charlie answers warmly, though her tone drifts briefly into sadness at the reminder of what she almost lost.

Dean’s gotten used to these moments with his family. The long pauses in conversations, eyes covered in a blanket of remorse when they look his way, lengthy hugs steadily increasing in frequency. It’s suffocating at times, but he understands the need to remind themselves he’s here, alive and relatively in one piece.

“Lucky you got all the chances in the world now, huh?” He asks softly, hoping his reassurance is enough.

Charlie immediately bounces back, brushing over the comment and returning to the original topic while expertly pulling a true Winchester by avoiding the chick flick moment. He’ll let it slide since she seems to have recovered her previous mood.

“Cas isn’t the only secret baby daddy in the Novak family tree,” she spills excitedly. Brushing over his overdramatic gasp, she continues, “Lucifer had a relationship with an omega when he was around 18, Cas would have been like 7 so no surprise he doesn’t know. The omega, Kelly Kline, fled town shortly after finding out she was pregnant and Lucifer wasn’t able to locate her, until he mated Amara shortly after Cas left home for college. She helped Lucifer track down Kelly and her son, Jack, who was 16 at the time. Kelly…” Charlie hesitates, suddenly sounding unsure of sharing what she found.

Dean pushes, “Just tell me Char, at this point nothing this family does surprises me. I think it’s safe to say I have the in-laws from hell…”

Charlie forges ahead, barely acknowledging the joke so he knows it must be bad, “Kelly was found dead that year and Jack disappeared off the map. He never went back to school, they have him listed as a drop out actually but he was too bright to just vanish like that. No ones seen him since but he hasn’t been reported missing. My best guess is Lucifer took him, probably wanted him to take over the ‘family business’ once he found out he presented alpha. Jack should be around 24 now and I think he might be your way out after Ruby gets you in…”

So far they only have the skeleton of a plan but the FBI’s informant, Ruby, has agreed to help them take down Lucifer. The alpha has a veritable harem of omegas he keeps around and Ruby used to be one of them before Lucifer kicked her out for sleeping with another alpha, her thirst for revenge will be his downfall.

Dean’s over the moon at the hint of something useful, finally, “If you weren’t however many miles away I’d kiss you Charlie, this is good…”

Charlie butts in before he finishes his sentence, “Shouldn’t we be a little more concerned that we’re planning a literal,” her voice drops to a whisper, “murder? And shouldn’t I be calling you on a burner phone?”

“One, no we’re ending what they started and b. No clue, isn’t that more your area of expertise?” Dean asks, trying his best to keep the ‘duh’ out of his voice but failing miserably.

Almost as though she just remembered who she is Charlie snorts, “Nah, we’re good I’ll take care of it.”

Shaking his head Dean offers a better response to her question, “Look, Kara’s going to present soon and no matter what designation she is I don’t want her thinking the world she spent ten years in is the norm. This has to end with Lucifer and Amara and it sounds like Jack is our best bet of doing that.”

They spend a few more minutes catching up and strategizing before Dean begins to feel warm, warmer than he should with the a/c blasting. He’s not even under the covers anymore, having kicked them off in the middle of the call.


“Hey, Charles I think I’m gonna go, feeling a little weird,” he admits, starting to understand what may be going on.

Worst f*cking timing ever…

“Okay, I’ll text you if I find anything else,” Charlie promises before ending the call.

Dean tries to decide how to best handle this, his heat’s starting up and their entire family is showing up in less than an hour for his welcome home party.

Sliding down to Cas’ contact he hits call, waiting impatiently until his alpha picks up, “What is it love?”

Dean’s not sure how to put this delicately so he just blurts it out, “My heat’s starting, tell Meg and Bal they don’t have to go home but they can’t stay here…oh and ask them to drop Kara off at Mom’s…”

He waits for the words to sink in for his alpha and finally it clicks, “Ohhhh uhm…”

It’s as far as he gets before he hears a muffled annoyed ‘Hey!’ And Meg hops on the phone, “We’ll take the kid while you ravage Clarence.”

Dean blushes slightly at the implication before thanking her profusely, the call ends to the sounds of their friends giggles at the latest mishap in the Winchester-Novak household.

“At least we have plenty of food,” he mumbles to himself, listening out for any sign of his alpha.

Not even a minute later, Cas blows through their bedroom door bringing a storm cloud of arousal with him, “I asked them to spread the word not to come over…for awhile…” he trails off, enraptured by the sight before him.

Dean nods as he slowly divests himself of the only article of clothing he wore to bed, throwing his boxers across the room as he lays himself out invitingly across the sheets beckoning his alpha closer.

Cas advances on Dean taking the time to peel himself out of his shirt and jeans, tenting his boxers as he crawls up the bed towards him. Dean’s met instantly with an intense wave of deja vu as the heat in the room dials up, much like the night they met now that he knows it was Cas all along.

As Cas reaches out to lovingly caress his cheek, a familiar warmth spreads out from the touch but this time it encompasses his entire body not just his mating gland. The intensity is almost enough to spontaneously throw him over the edge. As it is, the sensation causes his slick to gush out in sticky sweet waves, hole throbbing as his inner omega wails at the emptiness begging for his alpha’s co*ck.

f*ck, what is that,” Dean finds himself whining, barely resisting the urge to grind up into Cas’ thigh as he remains hovering over but not quite touching Dean.


Cas hums, “I don’t know but I like it…” dipping down to finally press his plush lips onto Dean’s. The kiss intensifies the electric feeling between them by a million, his awareness picking up on the scent of alpha in rut.

Just like last time.

Pausing, Dean gently pushes back on Cas’ muscled chest so they can lock eyes, “If we do this like we planned, we’re coming out on the other side with another pup no ifs ands or buts about it. Are you sure you’re okay with that considering all the other sh*t we got goin’ on?”

Without hesitation Cas responds, “Yes, Dean. I love Kara with all of my heart. Of course I want more pups with you, that’s not something I have to think about…”

Accepting his answer Dean removes his hand, helping his alpha take care of the last barrier between them as he slides his boxers down exposing his delectable hip bones. Cas seals his promise with a deep, passionate kiss. The slide of his lips like the first bloom of flowers in spring, a salty cool breeze on a sweltering hot day at the beach, and a syrupy stack of pancakes on an easy Sunday morning.

Put simply, it’s perfection.

“In that case, ready to breed me Alpha?” Dean purrs with a sultry wink, knowing exactly what he’s doing.

Cas growls lowly, eyes immediately flashing alpha red as he leans in nose to nose with Dean, “Say it again…”

Dean pushes up closing the distance, lips barely brushing, “Breed me, alpha…” he breathes out in a hushed whisper, feeding into the tension growing between them.

“As you wish, my omega,” Cas invades his mouth, expertly searching out all the places that make him whine into the kiss as his hand wanders down Dean’s body.

With a flick to his nipple and a caress to his thigh, Cas stokes the fire threatening to consume him. It’s not the frenzy Dean would have expected his chosen words to trigger, but the intensity and love laced within his alphas every move makes up for it. It’s clear Cas is still being careful of Dean’s injuries even now in the throws of rut surrounded by Dean’s heat scent.

That thought alone makes it easy to murmur, “Love you so much,” clutching to maintain his hold on Cas as he lays soft kisses on Dean’s neck, licking and sucking on his mating gland.

A promise of what’s to come.

“Love you, in this life and the next,” Cas whispers as he nips at his ear, licking the shell before moving on with his reintroduction to all of his omega’s body.

“Need you, alpha,” Dean whines, writhing underneath the hard flesh above him. His hole leaks slick on the bed underneath him, empty and begging for his alpha’s knot.

Dean delves deeper into the abyss as the pleasure turns to a driving want and his body continues to drench the bed with slick, pinned underneath his alpha. He greedily accepts every kiss Cas claims him with as his fingers continue to rhythmically pump in and out of his hole.

In a mirror of their first time, Cas growls in his smoky rumble, “I’ve got you” kissing him deeply as he removes his fingers and steadies his length at Dean’s entrance. Dean’s trembling with want, ready to be fully claimed by his alpha where everyone can see.

He gasps out in relief as Cas pushes in, not stopping until he’s buried to the hilt inside Dean’s slick heat. The feeling is indescribable, complete and unfulfilled at the same time. Sated yet unsatisfied in one breath.

Dean needs, “More, Cas. Please…” he purrs, meeting every thrust as Cas builds up a slow and sweet rhythm.

Twin moans of pleasure bubble up their throats as their connection intensifies by the second. Dean’s closer than he’d like to be, but they have more than enough time to remind themselves how good this part can be.

One time over eleven years ago isn’t enough, Dean’s always going to, “Want all of you alpha…” he whispers on a sigh, arching his back as Cas expertly thrusts into him nailing his prostate each time as he anchors his hips to the bed.

Someone’s learned a few new tricks

f*ck, harder, Cas,” Dean demands, wrapping his bowlegs around Cas’ back needing all the skin to skin contact he can get.

The change in angle shoots lightning down his spine and has him seeing colors, bursts of light flashing across his vision.

Ahhh…so good babe.” Dean moans, turning into a whining mess under Cas’ ministrations.

They’re both lost to the passion of their connection, hands sliding across sweaty skin, lips brushing in barely there kisses mostly exchanging air as moans of pleasure travel between them.

“Can’t…your head,” Castiel finally grunts out, clearly struggling with wanting to give Dean everything he wants but needing to protect him. The statement’s punctuated by sighs and the slap of skin against skin filling the room around them. His eventual compromise, slower and deeper thrusts hitting an itch Dean didn’t know needed scratching.

“Cascascascas, f*ck!” He shouts, falling apart in his alpha’s arms.

Dean’s org*sm hits almost simultaneously with Cas’, knocking every other thought that isn’t mateminematemine out of his brain.

His alpa’s knot catches on Dean’s rim once, twice, three times before locking in place. Cas pumps him full as Dean spurts copiously between them. He’s blinded by stars, vision going white as his ears ring when he feels the sharp sting of Cas’ bite on his mating gland. Dean remembers just barely to do the same, triggering a second release from his mate. He focuses his efforts on licking the blood away from the bite proudly displayed on Cas’ neck as they both come down from the intense mating, still locked together in bliss.

Dr. Pam was right, there’s no sudden click of their bond solidifying because it already was solid, unshakeable even if hidden. These bites are just for them, a symbol of their undying connection and love for each other, a promise to choose one another in this life and the next.

A vow of forever.


Unrelated but related, every time I go to write, Beautiful Things by Benson Boone is pretty much stuck in my head so it's the unofficial theme song for this fic I guess. Go listen to it if you haven't it's got a destiel vibe for sure.

Chapter 17: Hammurabi's Code

Chapter Text

Two Months Later

“We didn’t quite think this through all the way did we?” Dean asks, watching Cas pack a bag while he’s resting in bed after a horrible bout of morning sickness. “It wasn’t this bad with Kara, and now you’ll be gone…”

Cas is leaving in the morning with Sam, and Gabe to finally enact the plan to take down Lucifer and Amara for good.

Cas scoffs, mimicking him in a ridiculous whine, “You seemed pretty sure with your demand to ‘breed me alpha’.”

“First off, I don’t sound like that,” Dean warns playfully with a raised eyebrow, blushing as he continues “That’s…that’s just what you say, okay?”

“Well, I stand by what I said. You, Kara, and more little ones is exactly what I want. And we’re about to take care of the one person that could threaten our happiness. I’ll feel better knowing you’re here safe…” Cas admits, rattling off the same reasoning Dean’s already heard a dozen times.

“You don’t have to explain, I get it. I’m just bummed about being here while everyone I care about is off risking their lives…” he mutters, scent souring and eyes downcast as his emotions get the best of him.

Cas softens, walking over to sit down next to Dean and taking his hand, “I think you’ve done enough risking your own for a lifetime, let us handle this one…”

Dean nods stubbornly, knowing his alpha is right. Staying here with Charlie is necessary for his and their unborn pups safety so he’ll just have to suck it up.

“No pregnant omegas at potential crime scenes, got it,” Dean tries to joke, but the wavering of his tone reveals his true feelings.

“Oh, Dean,” Cas soothes, wrapping him in a strong embrace. “We’ll be okay, Ketch may be an assbutt but he’s a damn good shot and Ruby’s going to get us past the security guards as safely as possible.”

“I know,” he mumbles, wiping a few stray tears on Cas’ bare shoulder making the alpha squirm as Dean finally laughs before adding, “Just make sure you come back to me in one piece…”

“I’ll do my best, love,” Cas instantly answers, pulling back and sealing it with a kiss.

Once the moment has passed and Dean’s back on sure footing, Cas returns to packing up his clothes for the trip.

“Are you sure about this ‘cover story’ Victor thought up?” Cas asks, rolling his undershirts before putting them in his duffle bag. Space saving nerd.

Dean shrugs, “Seems believable to me. Kara’s gonna be with Ma for the weekend, Charlie’s coming here for ‘bonding’ time since we haven’t seen each other in months. You, Gabe, and Sam are taking your new friend Arthur on a much needed guys trip to Florida after a bad breakup. No holes to poke as far as I can see.”

Cas nods, piling a few pairs of socks on top of his undershirts. Watching the process isn’t really helping to keep Dean’s mood buoyed.

“Oh, and I’m having everyone over for brunch on Sunday. Gotta keep up the ‘chill weekend’ appearance,” Dean adds with an exaggerated wink.

“A relaxing weekend just like any other,” Cas agrees, moving on to his toiletries.

In reality, the small group will be infiltrating the Milton compound in Naples to fulfill a silent promise they made to each other months ago in a hospital room.


A knock at the door startles Dean out of his renewed worries the next morning.

“Handmaiden!!!!” Charlie squeals as soon as the front door opens.

Dean can’t erase the smile from his face even with his internal cringe at the nickname, “My Queen, how was the flight?”

“Better than the Uber ride over here,” she answers, pulling her suitcase through the door behind her as Dean gestures for her to come in. “The creep kept staring at me in the rear view…ughhh.” She visibly shakes herself off, stopping in the entryway.

After making sure the bag won’t fall over, Dean finds himself wrapped in his best friends arms.

He can’t help but murmur, “Missed you” into her scarlet hair as he enjoys having her close enough to hug instead of thousands of miles away.

Charlie’s arms tighten before relaxing, “Missed you too, dude.”

She pulls away, searching behind him, “Where’s Kara?”

“Ma already picked her up but she’ll be back with her on Sunday for brunch,” Dean answers, leading the way into the living room. “I figured this is where you can put all your tech wizard things and Ketch loaned us some stuff too, it’s over there,” Dean explains, gesturing to the pile of cables and who knows what else Ketch dropped off the day before.

“How do you know this guy again?” Charlie asks suspiciously, on alert for any new faces around her family.

“Gabe knows him,” he corrects, “I have no idea how but he says Ketch owes him a favor and we can trust him. He’s an asshole but he’s useful,” Dean shrugs, “Plus Vic checked him out and he isn’t a secret mole or any of that Harriet the Spy sh*t we’ve been dealing with…”

“You have an art for lacing casual conversation with the most random pop culture references, this is why I love you ya goober,” Charlie snorts a laugh as she paws through the equipment stacked in the corner. “Ohhhh this is good…”

“Told you he was useful,” Dean shrugs again, taking a seat on the couch. He scoots his ginger ale and saltines to the side so Charlie has room to work.

Charlie turns, noticing his ‘snack’, eyes softening as she asks, “Do you wanna lay down? You can’t really help with setting all this up anyway…”

“No,” Dean immediately protests, “I should be good now, it’s intense but thankfully only in the mornings. I’d rather be down here keeping you company than up there ruminating all day.”

Charlie arches her brow, “If anything changes I’m sending you to bed.”

“You’re not the boss of me,” he whines petulantly, secretly grateful for her concern.

“I am this weekend, buddy,” Charlie smirks, turning back to get everything in order and operable.

Cas comes trailing down the stairs moments later looking like sex on legs as usual. Dean’s pregnancy hormones are already doing a whammy on his libido. Luckily, Charlie’s renewed squealing, this time for Cas, breaks him out of the trance before he starts to embarrass himself. His eyes drop to the bag Cas is holding and that smashes any remains of lust that built up in his belly.

His inner omega wails at the thought of their alpha leaving his pregnant mate practically alone for days.

Drama queen…

“Uhmmm…Dean, are you alright?” Cas asks, face scrunched up from the assault of moldy oranges and sour cream filling the air rapidly.

Goddamnit,” he can’t help but curse, “I’m fine, I swear…”

“Well obviously not, what’s wrong?” Charlie asks, coming to his side.

Dean waves her away, “No it’s just the hormones, I’m good. Scout’s honor.”

“You weren’t a scout, Dean,” Cas deadpans and damn him for remembering every tiny detail of Dean’s life.

But also swoon because Cas actually listens. The thought seems to appease his swirling insides as the offensive scent clears up and dissipates.

His inner omega is stuck in a loop of goodmategoodmategoodmate, conveniently relegating their previous complaints to the background.

“Told ya I was fine, now come kiss me goodbye handsome,” Dean stands, beckoning Cas closer before he loses his nerve and asks him to stay.

Cas seems to grip him a whole lot longer and a little tighter before finally releasing his hold on Dean, peppering his face with kisses making the omega break out in reluctant laughter.

“You, take care of my pups,” he says to Dean, placing his hand on his slight bump before turning to Charlie, “and you take care of my omega.”

“Blessings on your journey, good sir,” Charlie responds in a pretty impressive accent with a curtsy, “I’ll hold down the fort until your return.”

Cas shakes his head in amusem*nt before turning back to Dean, sapphire eyes pinning him as he declares, “I love you.”

“Love you too, now get outta here before you miss your flight,” Dean responds through a shaky smile, putting on a brave face as Cas walks out the front door with a somber wave.


“Cas just texted the group chat, they’ve arrived,” Dean yells to Charlie from the kitchen.

Of course his text just said their plane landed and they hoped to go to a restaurant later, solidifying their cover, but Dean knows what he really means.

The plan is in motion.

“I’m in that same chat dodo you don’t have to tell me,” Charlie teases from the couch, watching the surveillance the FBI has on the Milton’s on one of her monitors. “So far everything’s still all clear over here.”

“Ok so run me through it again…” Dean’s anxiety is ramping up, thoughts running over every possible way this could go to sh*t.

Charlie sighs before explaining once again, “I disable the alarm from here so they can get in, hopefully undetected. Sam’s going to stay outside the house to keep watch while Ruby leads everyone else to the least populated areas of the house to avoid security. If my intel is correct, and it damn sure should be, Lucifer and Amara go to bed around 11 most nights. Once they have their guard down, it’ll be too late. Cas, Ketch, and Gabe will already be hiding, waiting for them to go to sleep. Knife here, gunshot there, bing bang boom murder suicide and bob’s your uncle. Got it?” Charlie asks, breathless from rattling it all off again.

Dean whooshes out a shaky breath, “Yeah…got it. Don’t love it but I got it.”

“There’s no such thing as a foolproof plan, Winchester,” Charlie sagely replies, turning her focus back on the monitor in front of her. “We gotta work with what we got."

“Not helpful, Charles,” Dean groans, busying himself with cleaning up from lunch so he can ignore the feeling of impending doom growing in his gut.


So far, the first half of the plan has gone flawlessly and Castiel couldn’t be more thankful. Charlie cut off the security system giving them immediate access to the property without tipping anyone off. Sam’s outside waiting as a lookout and Ruby was able to guide them past the security guards on the main level and up the back staircase to Lucifer and Amara’s master suite.

Now’s where things get tricky and infinitely more damaging if anything goes amiss.

“Coast should be clear, it’s now or never,” Ketch pipes up with a tinge of obnoxious excitement from behind him.

Rolling his eyes Castiel pushes through the doors into his brother’s bedroom without a backward glance or acknowledgement to the other alpha.

If all goes to plan they’ll be leaving here murderers, that isn’t something to celebrate. Ever since the plane landed he’s had tear filled verdant eyes haunting his thoughts, but he steadily reminds himself any price is worth paying to keep his family safe.

The room is sparsely decorated but Castiel could care less about the decor, swiftly making a path for the most obvious hiding place, the closet. Ketch and Gabriel squeeze in with him like sardines and he prays it’s not long til 11.

Thankfully, less than twenty minutes later he hears Lucifer’s unmistakable cackle of a laugh as he approaches his bedroom with a woman, Amara, giggling along with him.

The pair enter the bedroom, making him immediately aware of a key piece of information. Thoughtlessly, Castiel whips the closet door open and yells, “You hypocrite!”

To Lucifer’s credit he’s taken aback for a moment or two at the sudden appearance of his younger brothers and a mystery man in his bedroom.

“Well f*ck me sideways is that you, Cassie? Gabe?” Lucifer’s jaw drops in a mockery of delight at their presence. Amara simmers at his side, eyes darting dangerously back and forth between the three interlopers. “Who’s your buddy?”

Castiel glances at Ketch to see he’s got his gun steadily aimed at the two. Good at least one of them stuck with the plan, Gabriel’s just as thrown off as Castiel at the myriad of scents coalescing in the space.

It didn’t truly hit him until they walked in together, the stale scents in the room alone too merged to pinpoint what was what, but the alpha coming off of Amara in waves is unmistakable now that the woman’s standing in front of him in the flesh.

“You treated me like sh*t for years because you thought I was an omega, then you all shunned me for ruining your deal with Bart and having ‘dirty’ alpha/alpha attractions yet here you are…”

Gabriel shakes himself out of his own shock, “Mom and Dad are chill with this?” He squeaks out, gesturing between the two alphas.

“Oh no, they’re crazy just like every member of their church, Gabe.” Lucifer shakes his head, turning back to Castiel, “Hold on, you thought alllll these years I treated you that way because I’m a bigot? Hell no Cassie, there’s nothing wrong with a little alpha on alpha lovin’ if that’s what gets your panties wet.” Lucifer chuckles, waggling his eyebrows with a smirk that turns Castiel’s stomach.

He spins to face Amara’s darkly delighted grin before turning back to them, features gone ice cold, “Nah, I just never really liked you, or Gabriel for that matter. Raphael was fine until he got too mouthy but I took care of that…well Bart did…” Lucifer confesses, raising his hands in the air as if to say ‘my bad’.

Lucifer seems surprised when the mention of Bart does absolutely nothing to shake Castiel.

Months of therapy, try it asshole.

“If you’re expecting me to cower in fear over the mere mention of Bart’s name you can save it. It’s time you face judgement for all the people you’ve harmed, especially the omegas you’ve hurt.”

“What omegas have I hurt? All my omegas are well taken care of,” he pauses, sad*stic smile creeping across his features, “unless they stray from the path…let me guess Ruby brought you here?”

Their silence gives him his answer, Amara growls behind him, “Told you I was right about that bitch…”

Lucifer rolls his eyes, “Amara caught Ruby sleeping around, she didn’t want her in the house anymore and what can I say? Happy wife happy life, bitch had to go.”

“This isn’t a social call, Lucifer,” Castiel snaps, taking one step forward.

His older brother gives him an assessing look before turning to Amara, declaring, “Don’t worry, once we’re done with…them…I’ll have her permanently taken care of as well, baby.”

Amara crosses her arms in defiance, “No, I will take care of it, you already f*cked it up once…”

Neither of you are going anywhere,” Ketch reminds them, waving his gun back and forth between the two alphas before landing on Amara. “Gabe.”

Gabriel snaps to attention as Castiel gets his mind straight enough to pull his own borrowed gun on Lucifer, holding it steady like Ketch showed him and giving Gabriel time to tie Amara up. She struggles but Gabriel’s stronger than he looks and quickly subdues her.

“Get away from me you tiny little imp,” Amara screeches before Gabriel gags her, scrambling back to Castiel’s side once he finishes.

“Ohhhh you boys are gonna pay for this,” Lucifer promises through clenched teeth as Ketch puts his gun away briefly to secure him as well.

“Do you mean like Kelly ‘paid’ for trying to keep her child away from a monster like you?” Castiel demands, gun shaking as he’s overcome with rage at the man in front of him. “Like every omega ‘paid’ that you helped Michael take advantage of? No, it’s your turn now…”

His hands are shaking wildly but Castiel is laser focused, until Gabriel places his hand over his, taking the firearm from his trembling grasp. He willingly takes Castiel’s place, assuming the position guarding Lucifer.

“I got this little brother,” Gabriel promises firmly.

There’s no use arguing, Castiel can see it in his golden hazel eyes as it dawns on him this probably was the plan all along. Making sure Castiel’s hands stay as clean as possible, what Gabriel’s been asking him to do from the beginning. They’re way off the reservation for legal but maybe he doesn’t have to be the one pulling the trigger.

Castiel recognized his slight hesitation in anticipation of completing the final act, something he couldn’t come back from. This isn’t the same as Dean fighting for his life, it hit him in that moment that this would be stone cold murder born of vengeance. Necessary or not he can’t break the law so egregiously and still continue to uphold those same laws in a courtroom. Examining their plan again he realizes Sam being outside was by design as well, keeping him completely away from the main crime scene. Sneaky f*ckers.

His thoughts are shaken as he’s pulled to focus back on the present moment by a gunshot ringing out in the air, signaling his brothers departure from this earthly plane.

Castiel gets himself together enough to execute the rest of the plan and get them away safely, he can freak out afterwards. Ketch stabbed Amara several times in the abdomen, she’s bleeding out on the bed. He turns from the sight, not wanting it seared into his memory but already well aware it will be. Lucifer sits slumped over on the floor at the edge of the bed, bleeding out of a new hole in his head courtesy of Gabriel.

His eyes no longer glint with malevolence, having greyed over with the veil of death.

Castiel swears he can hear a chorus of angels celebrating the end of this demons reign.

“Come on, this is the ‘run before you get caught’ part of the night,” Gabriel whispers harshly, grabbing Castiel’s arm as they book it dazedly out of the room and back down the hall.

They make it halfway down the stairs only to be met with a golden haired, blue eyed young man holding a gun in a very shaky hold.


Ketch raises his weapon when the alpha turns just enough for Castiel to finally see the resemblance, “Wait! You’re Jack, aren’t you?” He asks hurriedly, keeping an ear out for guards as he waits.

The man, Jack, hesitantly nods his head, gun still trained on all three alphas, “I heard a gunshot…who are you?”

Castiel nudges Gabriel who nudges him back refusing to take the question, sighing heavily as precious minutes tick by he responds with the truth, “We’re your uncles…Lucifer’s brothers…”

Jack’s face lights up, “I have uncles? Dad always said you were dead…”

Gabriel snorts darkly, “Of course he would, no your dear old dad only managed to kill one of us before we offed him sooooo…we’re trying to escape the scene of a crime could ya move kid?”

“Gabriel!” Castiel warns his brother, “Sorry, Jack…your father…”

“He was an abusive asshole just like my mom warned me and I’m glad he’s dead,” Jack declares, swiftly putting the safety back on his gun before lowering it. “You can go, I won’t stop you. I’ll tell the police I found him…”

“Seriously?? You’re alright kid,” Gabriel intones as he wiggles past Jack, patting him on the shoulder on his way by.

“Just to be clear, your father turned his anger at the FBI investigation on your stepmother, blaming her for not controlling her psychotic nephew. You heard them arguing about it before bed. You heard the shot but they were both already gone by the time you found them, got it?” Ketch relays, waiting for Jack to nod in understanding.

He’s impressed Ketch was able to put that together on the fly, maybe he underestimated the Brit.

Castiel kneads his brow in exasperation at the entire situation before quickly shoving his business card in Jacks hand with a hurried ‘call when this all dies down’ as they run off into the night, grabbing Sam with plans to drop Ruby off along the way.

Shooting off a text to his omega, Castiel finally allows himself to unclench in the safety of the backseat, coming down from the nights events.

Castiel: Dinner was good, we should try the same restaurant the next time we visit.

After texting their code for ‘it’s handled’, Castiel pockets his phone waiting for Dean’s reply.

“We did it, we actually f*cking did it,” He finally gasps, astounded at how it all seemingly worked out. “Jack and Charlie still have some work to do but it’s done…”

“I love it when a good plan comes together,” Gabriel jokes from the front seat to collective groans from the rest of the car.

“See, now you ruined it…” Castiel deadpans as the banter continues all the way back to the hotel where they plan to enjoy the rest of their ‘guys trip’ in peace and relaxation.


“It’s done, he’s okay,” Dean sighs out in relief after opening Cas’ last text.

“Told you,” Charlie mocks in a singsong tone from her perch on the couch. “Not to mention I literally just watched them walk out five minutes ago…”

“Seriously, Charles?” Dean rolls his eyes, settling in next to his friend to finish the latest episode of Dr. Sexy in peace now that he knows his alpha is safe. “I missed doing this, why can’t you move here?”

Charlie gets quiet, then, “Well I wasn’t gonna say anything but…”

Dean turns, mouth gaping open in shock, “You’re kidding…”

“Nope, I should be all moved into my new place well before you pop those pups,” Charlie explains excitedly. “You’re gonna need all the help you can get with triplets.”

“Ughh, don’t remind me…” Dean groans, burying his face in his friends neck.

“Don’t worry handmaiden, we got this,” Charlie promises.

Chapter 18: Mission Accomplished


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Six Months Later

Dean’s trying his damndest not to go downstairs and peek but preparations are well underway for his first real pup shower, to say he’s excited would be an understatement. He thinks the pups are picking up on his mood if all their wriggling around is any indication.

“Huey, Dewey, and Louie are kicking up a storm in here,” Dean chuckles, glancing over at Cas from the other side of the room as he tries to choose a pair of socks.

Dean’s mom enlisted the rest of the family in planning the shower, the only caveat being it’s supposed to be a surprise for both of them so Cas is sequestered upstairs as well. Dean walks, he refuses to admit he waddles like Cas claims, over and points to the blue pair with buzzing bees to Cas’ immediate approval. Having solved that problem Dean walks, absolutely does not waddle, back over to the bed to take a much needed seat.

Who knew hauling around three extra people, tiny though they may be, would be such a killer on his back.

His gorgeous alpha absentmindedly replies in a befuddled tone, pulling the socks on at the end of the bed, “Dean, we’re not naming our pups after cartoon ducks…”

Mr. Literal strikes again.

Dean huffs a laugh, “Duh, just helps me keep track of ‘em.” He admits. He’s said it before but, “this definitely isn’t what I had in mind when I said I wanted your bite…”

“Well, start with an omega in heat and an alpha in spontaneous rut. Add no protection and you get a pup, Dean.” Cas explains, failing to hide his smug smirk as it threatens to curl his lips.

“Yeah, I was thinking one like we talked about, not a whole damn litter…no offense pups, you know I adore you,” Dean finishes as an aside to his belly, caressing it gently as one of the pups pushes a foot into his hand.

It’s not the pups fault.

“I love the three of you so much…” Cas gushes like the sap he turned out to be, coming to kneel next to him as he places his warm hand over Dean’s, “and your Daddy and older sister.” He adds, lips turning up into a soft smile as his aqua eyes glitter with unshed tears, rending Dean speechless. “Since we found out what happened, I’ve had this stupid sense of guilt because I missed everything with Kara…” He admits brokenly, Dean starts to interrupt, wanting to remind his alpha yet again that wasn’t his fault, but Cas shushes him effectively with a soft kiss.

It calms them both down considerably as he continues speaking, “I know circ*mstances were out of our control but it doesn’t change the way I feel about it. It’s going to take time to work through those emotions, but being here with you, Kara, and our ‘litter’ as you so crassly put it helps more than you know,” he chuckles, before turning his cerulean eyes on Dean in a soul shaking gaze, “I love you, Dean. I’d rather not miss a second of this experience…”

If Dean were the Grinch, his heart would be growing damn near three sizes and he just knows his heart eyes are on a million, “Love you too, babe. In life, death, and whatever the hell comes next.” He finally chokes out as he wonders who the f*ck could be cutting an onion in their bedroom.

Cas’ eyes brighten at the words but Dean can’t just let the moment be what it is, his traitorous brain latches on to a phrase his alpha uttered and before he knows it the song’s coming out of his mouth to Cas’ bewilderment, “I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep cuz I’ll miss you baby,” Dean points at Cas dramatically as he sings off key on purpose just to grate on his alpha’s nerves, “and I don’t wanna miss a thing…come on sing with me baby…cuz even when I dream of you…”

Cas makes no moves to appease his omega, simply glaring at him in that smoldering way he has until lightning strikes Dean in the form of an idea, “Tyler!”

Cas’ brow furrows in confusion, “Yes…” he answers with a questioning upwards inflection, rattling off, “Steven Tyler lead singer of Aerosmith…is this some kind of weird pop quiz?”

Dean grunts in exasperation, explaining himself in what he hopes is a clearer way, “No, the name Tyler. For one of the pups…”

They’re headed into the homestretch without having decided on a single name. Dean was ready to just say f*ck it ‘we’ll know it when we see them’ but he’s had a stroke of genius, now he just needs Cas’ agreement.

Fingers crossed.

Unfortunately, his alpha immediately shakes his head, deflating Dean’s balloon a little, “We’re not naming our pup after Steven Tyler. Hard pass.”

Dean groans, dropping his face into his hands, “You can’t just ‘hard pass’ every suggestion, Cas. And for the record I’ve always liked that name, the song just reminded me.”

Cas seems to take a moment to consider this brand new information, rolling the name around in his mind as he repeats it out loud “Tyler Winchester-Novak…” before finally agreeing, “Okay…yeah I think I like it.” Smile gone beaming and gummy with eye crinkles and all.


Cas’ smile falters briefly, hesitating before blurting out, “I actually had a thought as well for a possible name…”

Dean gestures for him to continue, curious to know what the name is. Cas hasn’t had many crazy name ideas but there’s a first time for everything.

He forges on, features taking on a dreamy quality as Cas recounts what led to his suggestion, “I was out on my run the other day and I stopped in that park around the corner. The bumblebees were out in abundance with their fat, fuzzy little bodies and it made me smile, reminded me why I love summer so much. Hence my eventual conclusion that we should name our little girl pup Summer.”

Dean absolutely melts at the meaning behind the name choice, musing, “I love it…knowing you you probably tried to figure out how to name one of them bumblebee, ya weirdo.”

He shakes his head, laughing at the suspiciously guilty look that crosses Cas’ face. Fondness blooms in his heart for his strange little alpha.

“The thought may have preceded the final conclusion but it isn’t a practical name so, Summer it is,” he flushes before they both break out in full body giggles.

It sets off the Goof Troop once again and they watch as one distinct hand, a foot, and what could be a leg or arm presses against his belly under his worn band tee.

“Freaks me out every time,” Dean shivers jokingly, chuckling at Cas’ clear fascination. “Looks like we’re having an octopus or…face hugger…” his light laughter continues, trailing off naturally.

“John said it was his favorite part, let him know you were okay in there,” Cas responds, too deep in his attentions on Dean’s belly to realize what a gem he just dropped on his omega.

“Dad talked to you about that?” Dean asks in a hushed whisper, shocked at the sudden revelation.

What else does he know?

Cas looks up, mouth forming a confused frown when he notes the change in Dean, “Yes, mostly when he really missed you…I think he shared the stories he wished he could share with you,” he only hesitates a moment before adding, “So if there’s anything you want to know there’s a chance one of us can tell you, don’t be afraid to ask.”

Dean’s floored at the unexpected news, but it solidifies a thought he’d had floating in his mind for the last few months of the pregnancy, “What do…what do you think about naming the last pup John II? For Dad?”

Cas is nodding before the words are even out of his mouth, eyes as bright as a cloudless sky as he responds in an awed whisper, “That’s the perfect way to honor him, Dean.”

Dean lets out a whoosh of air on a shaky breath as tears, not sad but happy, roll down his cheeks. It’s as though something unclenches inside him, but it’s a good release. Cas reaches up to swipe each tear away as soon as they escape until Dean captures his hands, holding them firmly in his own for support.

“Figures he’d have a backup plan for me not returning his calls,” Dean works through the brief wave of guilt that tries to flood the moment, pushing it away and focusing on the good, “but why didn’t one of you say something sooner?” He asks, unable to keep the hurt from lacing through his tone.

Who knows what precious information they’re holding onto. If he finds out one of these assholes had a special cure for nausea from his dad all this time heads will roll. Dean’s pulled from his meandering thoughts of possible homicide by his alpha’s contrite response.

“You’re right, I should have said something months ago but we’ve been all over the place since…” he cuts off knowing Dean will get what he’s not saying, “and preparing to add three extra littles to the house, Kara’s birthday, plus Jack moving in after the investigation was closed.” He sighs heavily, running his hand over his face before continuing, "In the beginning Sam and I knew you weren’t ready and I guess it snuck up on us how far you’ve come, Dean. Because you have…and I’m so proud of you, I don’t think I say that enough…” he trails off, eyes downcast and deep in thought.

Dean shakes his head, lifting Cas’ chin to meet his gaze, “You don’t have to say it, I have eyes Cas. You guys were right, I wasn’t ready but…I think I am now. Soon as this shower’s done and dusted we should talk.”

Cas nods, warmth returning to his countenance, “It’s a date,” he agrees, eyes shooting briefly to the door where they can both hear murmurs and whispers from the gathering below, "I have no clue what they’re doing down there but I hope it’s a better experience than your first.”

Dean’s grateful for the sentiment, having admitted to Cas the embarrassing truth, the first shower was more of an extravagant party for Michael to flaunt his new omega. Full of strangers he didn’t know who weren’t really there to celebrate the upcoming entrance of Kara into the world. Dean felt so alone that day, adrift, and unwanted. Well, that’s not quite right. He was wanted but not for the right reasons, today is a different story entirely.

“It’s already better, you’re here with me,” Dean responds without hesitation, loving how his alpha’s eyes glow with unrestrained love and it’s all for him.

The moment is broken by his mom, finally texting for them to come down. Thankfully, Dean’s already dressed and, after resolving the sock debacle, Cas is ready to go as well.

“Let’s see what our family’s done…” Cas jokes, grabbing Dean’s hand to help him walk not waddle safely down the stairs.


The shower’s winding down, he’s just considering grabbing another sparkling water for Dean when Castiel hears a steady knock at the door. After he checks the cameras he almost falls over in shock.

“Hey, you okay,” Sam asks, brow furrowing in concern noticing the swift change in Castiel’s scent as he spots his friends grimace.

“My parents are at the front door…” he responds, well aware of how robotic the words sound as they come out.

“What?!” Sam’s reaction causes Dean to perk up, eyes shooting in their direction as Gabriel takes notice as well.

He tries to wave them off, not wanting this issue to spread further but Dean’s waddling his way over ignoring him as usual. The omega tends to do what he wants, but Castiel wouldn’t have him any other way.

Gabriel makes it over first, “What’s up brotato?” He asks, trying to hide his concern behind middle school humor as usual.

Sam stifles a laugh, schooling his features as Dean makes it to his side but it gives him the wrong impression anyway.

“What did you do, Sam?” He demands, emerald eyes fixed suspiciously on his brother.

Sam whips his head in Dean’s direction, clearly shocked at being blamed, “Me? Why would it be me?” He whines to Gabriels amusem*nt.

“He’s told me stories, Sam…” Dean warns, grass green eyes bouncing between the two.

Admittedly Castiel wishes this were just one of Sam’s ridiculous pranks but as he looks, his parents are still stationed at their front door, waiting quite presumptuously to be let in.

Sam scoffs, “I didn’t prank him this time,” adding in a hushed whisper, “his parents, well I guess also your in laws, are at the door…”

Gabriel releases an undignified squeal garnering Kali’s attention from across the room, he signals to her everything’s fine as he asks, “Mother and Father are here?”

In lieu of a response, Castiel shows him the camera feeds for the front door. The elder Novak’s are standing on the porch with what looks like wrapped gifts covered in baby bears and rattles. Forced smiles surveying their surroundings with barely masked disdain.

“How did they even know where we live? Or that the shower was today, we barely knew the shower was today,” Dean asks, pointing out the obvious.

“I’d like to know the same,” Castiel admits, making a split second decision he adds, “let’s go ask,” through clenched teeth. His initial shock is falling away, steadily replaced by anger at disrupting a day of happiness for their family.

The four of them slip out of the party, mostly unnoticed, to confront his parents at the front door.

When the door swings open, Naomi is the first to speak, “Castiel! I barely recognize you, look at our boy Chuck…” she gushes, placing her hand over her heart as if she has one.

Too stunned to speak, Castiel’s forced to listen to his father’s response, “You’ve grown into a fine alpha, son. We’re very, very proud. Is this your omega?” He asks, gesturing to Dean who edges slightly closer to his side.

Castiel moves in between Chuck and Dean, knowing he made the right move as Dean relaxes behind him. Under these circ*mstances, he’s not surprised. Once again they have strangers on their doorstep with unclear intentions.

Time to get some clarity.

Castiel ignores Chucks questions, asking one of his own, “Why are you here and more importantly how do you know where we live?”

The question seems to take his parents aback for a moment, clearly thinking it would be easier to sweet talk their way inside.

“We’ve kept an eye over the years..our children may have strayed from the church but you’re still our children.” Naomi explains in a huff, as though their hatred and bigoted beliefs didn’t push all of them away in the first place.

“That doesn’t explain how you knew to bring gifts to a shower you weren’t invited to…” Gabriel chimes in from behind Castiel.

Chuck’s eyebrow twitches, his only tell thus far, “Nice to see you too, Gabriel,” he spits out, unconvincing as ever. “You posted the invitation on social media, if you must know your mother follows you under another…”

Castiel groans internally blocking out the rest of his response, Gabriel tagged him in an invite before Mary even had the chance to tell them about this surprise shower herself. It didn’t have the address on it, but if they already had those details, it did have the date and time.

Just enough information to land his parents on his doorstep right at the end of what was shaping up to be a perfect day.

Castiel begins to let them down easy, not wanting to stress Dean any further than they already have, “Look, we appreciate the gifts and you taking the time to come over but…”

“You’re not even letting us in?” Naomi whines, eyes going stormy, “We came all this way after seeing you’re finally settling down. Being a proper alpha with an omega to care for you and pups to carry on your legacy. It doesn’t matter that the oldest isn’t really yours of course. The point is you finally dropped your less desirable attractions…”

Excuse me?” Dean growls out from behind him at the clear dig, cutting his mothers words off. “What the f*ck did you just say, bitch?”

“There’s no call for language like that, Castiel control your omega,” Chuck warns in a brusque tone before continuing his mate’s train of thought, “We weren’t going to bring up that unsavory tidbit, it’s something we can look past. Especially now that you’re in a proper mating. We just really want the chance to get to know our grandpups.”

The emphasis on our and proper mating has his blood boiling as he gears up to inform them to kindly f*ck off his front porch and take their gifts with them.

His love mutters behind him, “If only they knew what we got up to before this belly got too big…’proper mating'…hah!” The statement almost makes him lose it in an entirely different way throwing him into memories of Dean taking him roughly. Discreetly, he purrs, “Naughty omega,” to a visibly flushing Dean.

They’ll be picking that up later.

Castiel readies himself once again to ask them to leave, but before he gets the chance to utter a word Mary speaks up from behind him. He turns to see half of the party gathered at their backs supporting them.

Well, sh*t.

Jack pops up from behind Mary with a wave and a goofy smile directed his way. Castiel calls it admiration for an uncle he thought he didn’t have, Dean calls it hero worship. Whatever it is, Jack’s a sweet kid and Castiel wishes this wasn’t his first introduction to the rest of their ‘family’.

“To be clear, Kara will never be your grandpup,” Mary says through a sneer the likes of which Castiel’s never seen on her delicate features. It sends a chill down his spine and boosts his respect for the alpha, always ready and willing to protect her pack. “But for the record, Kara is your grandpup, biologically she is Cas’ child. Maybe if you weren’t such sh*t parents you’d know what’s going on in his life.”

Naomi splutters indignantly before hissing, “And who are you to speak to us like this?”

I’m the person who stepped in after you abandoned him,” Mary shouts, eyes alight with fire. “You’re upsetting my sons and their pup. Not to mention everyone else who was actually invited here to celebrate with us. So, please leave it's the last time I’m gonna ask nicely.”

Chuck growls taking a single step forward, his progress immediately blocked by Castiel, daring him before he backs away like the coward he is pulling a reluctant Naomi along with him.

His inner alpha groans in annoyance at losing the chance to tearteartearteartear the evil alpha apart.

Maybe next time…

“Buhbye now,” Gabriel smirks from behind Castiel, now that the tension is easing he can’t help but snort a small laugh at his idiot brothers antics.

“I always thought seeing them again would be…I guess I don’t know what I thought it would be.” Castiel realizes, continuing to speak his thoughts aloud, “But, having lived through the reality, I know I’m not the one losing in this situation and neither are you Gabriel,” Castiel pulls his brother into an impromptu hug, squeezing the smaller man before releasing him and giving Mary the same treatment.

“Thank you,” he says after pulling away, hoping the sincerity comes through in his tone.

Mary’s eyes threaten to spill over as she speaks, “…I was just doing my job as a mother and you don’t owe those two another second of your time.”

Dean waddles over, relief evident in his scent, “Yeah, thanks Ma. Saved me from having to kick someones ass…”

Mary huffs a small laugh, “You’re hardly in any condition to kick anyone’s ass, Dean. Now, let’s not let them ruin the rest of the day. Come on we still have two more games to play…”

She leads everyone back to the living room like the pied piper of party guests leaving Dean and Castiel alone in the entryway.

After making sure the door is closed and locked behind him, Castiel leans heavily against it, “It’s literally always something,” he says through a mirthless chuckle.

Dean moves in as close as he can with the sizable bump between them, anchoring himself with his hands behind Castiel’s neck, foreheads resting against one another, “Kinda seems that way, doesn’t it? But we’re not in this alone…we can get through anything together, right?” He asks, caressing the hairs at the nape of his neck, it’s soothing, causing Castiel’s eyes to drop closed.

The totality of that statement hits him in waves, they’ve already been through so much together so his answer comes easily, “Right…”

No other words are needed as lips meet in a sweet slide of a kiss, soon deepening with the beginning tendrils of passion stoking the flame Dean lit earlier, only parting when shouts come from the living room asking what’s taking so long. Charlie’s loud heckling that they better still have clothes on brings them back, though slightly mortified at their now disheveled appearance, to the party.

Castiel follows Dean, taking their seats between Kara and Sam, noting one very important detail as he scans the room. They’re surrounded by laughter, family, and love.

Dean’s words from those first few days in the hospital so many months ago echo briefly in his mind, before he knew he was Kara’s papa, before he knew he’d always been Dean’s mate…

“So what you’re saying is we should rescue the lonely alpha like he rescued us, sweetpea?” Dean asks, voice thick with unshed tears as his eyes shine with gratitude.

“Yup.” She responds, popping the p, asking, “Do you want us to come live with you, Cas?” Turning to face him with endless hope in her eyes.

Nuzzling into Dean’s neck, he whispers so low only he can hear, “Mission accomplished, my love.”


Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read, comment, and kudos! Come bug me on insta that's usually where I am when I'm not plotting my next fic, thanks for reading!

Shadowed Truths - subzeroflame1216 - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.