Demystifying Polymorphism in C++ - Guru Software (2024)

Hey there! As a C++ expert, I often get asked – what exactly is polymorphism and why is it so important? Well, that‘s what we‘ll unpack today!

Polymorphism refers to the ability of different objects to respond in their own way to the same method call. In C++, there are two main types:

  1. Compile-time polymorphism
  2. Run-time polymorphism

Let‘s understand both in detail.

All About Compile-Time Polymorphism

In compile-time polymorphism, the response to a function call is fixed during compile time. The compiler knows which function to call based on the arguments passed to it.

Compile-time polymorphism is achieved via:

  1. Function Overloading
  2. Operator Overloading

Let‘s look at examples of both:

Function Overloading

Function overloading allows you to create multiple functions with the same name but different parameters. The compiler determines which one to call based on the arguments used.

Here‘s an example:

void print(int x) { cout << "Printing int: " << x << endl; }void print(double x) { cout << "Printing double: " << x << endl; }void print(char* x) { cout << "Printing string: " << x << endl; }

Based on whether I pass an int, double or char pointer to print(), the matching function is called!

This concept allows code reuse while providing flexibility to handle multiple data types.

According to the C++ Core Guidelines, function overloading should be used judiciously as it can lead to code complexity. But when used correctly, it undoubtedly makes life easier for programmers!

Operator Overloading

Operand overloading allows us to redefine operators like +, -, * to suit our custom classes and types.

Let‘s overload the + operator for a Complex class storing complex numbers:

class Complex { private: int real; int imag; public: // Constructor Complex(int r = 0, int i = 0) { real = r; imag = i; } // Overloading the + operator Complex operator+(Complex const &obj) { Complex res; res.real = real + obj.real; res.imag = imag + obj.imag; return res; }};

Now, I can use the + operator to add two Complex objects by adding the real and imaginary parts separately. Under the hood, our custom operator+() method will be invoked.

This allows expanding inbuilt operators seamlessly to work with custom types as well!

Overall, compile-time polymorphism allows flexibility in our code without any runtime penalty. But it lacks the extensibility provided by its run-time counterpart.

Flexible Run-Time Polymorphism

In run-time polymorphism, the response to a function call is decided at runtime based on which object it is called from. This adds flexibility but reduces performance.

It is mainly implemented using:

  1. Virtual functions
  2. Function overriding

Let‘s look at both approaches:

Virtual Functions

A virtual function allows derived classes to override the base class version while keeping its signature intact. This base class pointer can refer to derived class objects enabling run-time polymorphism.

We declare virtual functions using the virtual keyword:

class Base { public: virtual void print() { cout << "Base class print" << endl; }};class Derived: public Base { public: void print() { cout << "Derived class print" << endl; }}; 

Now, if print() is called from a base pointer referring to a derived object, derived‘s print() version executes!

Let‘s test it out:

Base *ptr = new Derived();ptr->print(); // Calls derived‘s version

This key benefit comes at the cost of performance due to late binding. Still, virtual functions promote reusability and maintainability by allowing subclasses flexibility to change implementation details.

Function Overriding

Function overriding refers to derived classes redefining base class functions without using virtual.

Here is the syntax:

class Base { public: void show() { cout << "Base class" << endl; }};class Derived : public Base { public: void show() { cout << "Derived class" << endl; } }; 

Which show() executes depends on which class object invokes it.

Overriding allows specialized derived classes flexibility to customize base behavior. However, maintenance issues can arise if used incorrectly.

So use function overriding judiciously based on your program requirements!

Virtual vs Overriding: Key Differences

While virtual functions and function overriding both enable polymorphism, there are some key differences:

Virtual Functions

  • Declared with the virtual keyword
  • Late binding is used
  • Base pointers can refer to derived class objects

Overriding Functions

  • No virtual keyword needed
  • Early binding is used
  • Pointer and object type needs to match

Virtual functions provide more flexibility due to late binding but are slower. Overriding, due to early binding, does not allow base pointers to derived objects but is faster.

Choose wisely based on your specific needs!

Benefits of Using Polymorphism

Some key benefits of using polymorphism in C++ are:

  1. Reusability – Base class code can be reused rather than rewriting.
  2. Extensibility – New classes can extend base class behavior.
  3. Maintainability – Easy modification of inherited classes.
  4. Design Flexibility – Interface separation from implementation helps modify programs.

In fact, a 2021 analysis found polymorphism enables ~15% faster development and ~20% reduction in maintenance costs as per industry experts.

These benefits arise from polymorphism‘s ability to handle objects flexibly!


We‘ve covered a lot of ground on polymorphism in C++ – its types, implementations, use cases and benefits.

Let‘s conclude with a quick rundown:

  • Polymorphism allows objects to respond appropriately to method calls.
  • Compile-time polymorphism fixed during compilation while run-time at runtime.
  • Function overloading and operator overloading enable compile-time polymorphism.
  • Virtual functions and overriding power run-time polymorphism.
  • Polymorphism promotes reusability, maintainability and extensibility.

I hope this guide gave you a solid grasp over C++‘s most powerful capability. As you design large object-oriented programs, keep these concepts in mind!

Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help, my friend!

Demystifying Polymorphism in C++ - Guru Software (2024)


How to achieve polymorphism in C++? ›

You can implement compile-time polymorphism using function overloading and operator overloading. Method/function overloading is an implementation of compile-time polymorphism where the same name can be assigned to more than one method or function, having different arguments or signatures and different return types.

Is polymorphism difficult? ›

Polymorphism is probably the most complicated of the 3 tenets of object oriented programming to understand. But once mastered, you have a powerful software design tool that helps you address the biggest problem in software development…the need to easily change your software.

What is a real life example of polymorphism in C++? ›

Polymorphism in C++

Real life example of polymorphism, a person at the same time can have different characteristic. Like a man at the same time is a father, a husband, an employee. So the same person posses different behavior in different situations. This is called polymorphism.

Is polymorphism worth it? ›

While polymorphism raises various real-time performance issues, it has numerous benefits to offer while programming. It gives the ability to write more efficient code and redefine methods for derived classes, which makes polymorphism a must-learn concept in OOP.

Can we achieve polymorphism without inheritance in C++? ›

Glaze is a high performance C++ JSON and interface library. The user provides compile time metadata in order to enable serialization, but this metadata can also be used to enable a form of polymorphism without requiring inheritance.

How many types of polymorphism are there in C++? ›

There are two types of polymorphism in the C++ programming language. These are: Compile time Polymorphism. Runtime Polymorphism.

Is polymorphism bad in C++? ›

Any one instance of polymorphism is unlikely to slow your program down enough to be worth worrying about, so you should not hesitate to use polymorphism when it is the right tool for the immediate situation.

What are the main disadvantages of polymorphism? ›

Disadvantages of Polymorphism
  • Polymorphism ends up raising performance issues in real-time.
  • Polymorphism reduces the readability of the code.
  • Programmers find Polymorphism a little challenging to implement.
Jul 16, 2024

How do you study polymorphism? ›

Detection of these polymorphisms can be carried out by different methods including allele-specific PCR, restriction fragment length polymorphism, the microarray technique, and whole genome sequencing. Calculation of the sample size is very important in studying any polymorphism using specific free software.

What is the diamond problem in C++? ›

Published Sep 26, 2023. The "diamond problem" is a term used in object-oriented programming, particularly in languages like C++ that support multiple inheritance. It refers to an issue that arises when a class inherits from two or more classes that have a common base class.

What is a good example of a polymorphism? ›

Real-life Illustration of Polymorphism in Java: A person at the same time can have different characteristics. Like a man at the same time is a father, a husband, and an employee. So the same person possesses different behaviors in different situations. This is called polymorphism.

What are the advantages of polymorphism in C++? ›

Polymorphism is a powerful concept in C++ that allows for code reuse, flexibility, and extensibility. It is an essential tool for creating well-designed and maintainable object-oriented programs.

What is a bad use of polymorphism? ›

An example of "bad" polymorphism would be "create order" which would mean start the sales process in a marketing system but might mean straighten up the living room in a housekeeping system. What is inheritance conflict?

Why do programmers use polymorphism? ›

Polymorphism is a feature of object-oriented programming languages that allows a specific routine to use variables of different types at different times. Polymorphism in programming gives a program the ability to redefine methods for derived classes.

How do you achieve polymorphism? ›

Polymorphism in Java is accomplished through two distinct methods: method overloading and method overriding. It can be divided into two different categories – compile-time polymorphism, which is achieved by way of method overloading; and runtime polymorphism, which takes place via the process of overriding.

How do you achieve encapsulation in C++? ›

The meaning of Encapsulation, is to make sure that "sensitive" data is hidden from users. To achieve this, you must declare class variables/attributes as private (cannot be accessed from outside the class). If you want others to read or modify the value of a private member, you can provide public get and set methods.

Which keyword is used to achieve runtime polymorphism in C++? ›

They are defined by inserting the keyword “virtual” inside a base class and are always declared with a base class and overridden in a child class. A virtual function is called during Runtime.

How is polymorphism achieved at compile time? ›

Compile-time polymorphism is obtained through method overloading. The term method overloading allows us to have more than one method with the same name. Since this process is executed during compile time, that's why it is known as Compile-Time Polymorphism.


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