Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

DAYTON DAILY NEWS THE WEAWER Showers, continued mild to-night, tomorrow; low 45; high 60. Increasingly cloudy, mild today; high 63. W-tr Map on I'm- FINAL EDITION 42 Pages Vol. 88, No. 193 Price 10 Cents Dayton, Ohio, Monday, March 1, 1965 Second CUM Ptd at Dnyton.

Ohio Selma Negroes Return To Voter Signup Line fi Jjjjj! 9kn jdHj NEWS REEL Kettering boys losing base-ball in snowbank. 50 White Applicants Waiting Ahead of Them SELMA, Mar. 1 W)--Scores of Negroes re Page Manor pre-schooler flying kite, one telling the other to lower it because a jet plane was heading toward it. turned to the courthouse in Selma today to try again to register as voters, but they found approximately 50 white. Sir year old trying to work tooth loose, saying needs 10 cents for kite.

applicants in line ahead of them. Similar right-to-vote drives were under way simultaneously- Martin Luther King pm- in five neighboring counties for' poses that Mack nationalist er- the first of two registration days tremiei groups and other Segro this month. trganLsationt tit down at peace table. Story, pictures, Pag 18. BESIDES Negroes who turned1 out at the Dallas county oourt-lSpmjl nad -mity nuni(yrs as.i Vi " by board of regis ST, I "'itrars acting under Federal court MRS.

LYONS HALTS SPINNING RD. TRAFFIC AS CHILDREN GET SAFELY ACROSS THE STREET She's On Duty for 20 Minutes Each Day Although She Has No Authority. Staff Photo by Ryan Sanders and in Wilcox. The prospective new voters at order. The numbers were given; to more than 2,000 who had put! their names on a waiting list i while the board was not in ses- sion.

U.S. Envoy Target Of Jakarta Mob Home Plastered With Signs Rapping Malcolm Slaying SCHOOL CROSSING THE FIRST numbers called 1 today were those applicants who. failed to respond when their turn! came up at a board meeting! Feb. 15. And among those who: Mom Bends Law To Guard Kids B57 Air Strikes Halted in Mekong Four S.

Vietnamese Killed, 15 Wounded In Signals Mixup; Copters Still in Action MOTHER, 2 CHILDREN DIE OF GAS POISONING Mother, two of her five children die of gas poisoning from faulty furnace. Page 23. STI'DENTS AT Oberlin college will end one hunger strike in protest of U.S. participation in the Vietnam war and start a second. Page 2.

A YOl'TH RROKK out of thp Celina jail by tricking his guards but was back 15 minutes later when police found him at the home of his brother. Page 23. failed to respond two weeks ago.j sia Mar 1 the first 50 or so were white tm oaJfcUrf they had priority today. 1 demonstrators i a the Waiting behind them when the grounds of U.S. Ambassador hrwrrl itc nrfiro at- a Howard R.

Jones residence yes- By RALPH MORROW, Daily News Staff Writer For 20 minutes eacli school morning. Mrs. John F. Lyons stands in the middle of busy Spinning Rd. in Mad River Twp.

helping youngsters cross an intersection. Negroni terday and plastered anti-Amcii- 100 iHI Dully Wire SrrvltM were more than 3Air.OT Vinf Ma 1 p7 some of whom stood outside in a ean signs on me nouse, m. uctS can signs on in front of it. i n-umiii, luoi uj i i onirics cigciiUDt drill the Communist Viet (Jong have been halted in a Mekong Mrs. Lyons, a self-appointed OXFORD WOMAN, Mrs.

EuRene Albaugh, operates business from vast, noisy garage. Julie Leader, Page 28. Jones and his wife were inside iL AMdani'A a tin I'P ilOi nnmna crn no at nrnon civ wppkk yw I'iutin mi" tw four South Vietnamese troops and wounded 15. aco was Dr. Martin Luther King; harmed.

No damage was cwne Officers said the error resulted LIFE IN NATION'S capital holds its share of headaches for Shirley Freeman, secretary to Congressman Rodney M. Love. Walter Rybeck, Page 24. who visited the West. Coast! to the house.

during the past several days. LEADERg of the crowd said KING'S workers have been they were protesting the assassi-nMlbk. nation of Malcolm X. They THE TRAFFIC light is out. said on official of the Montgomery county engineer's office.

But. a walkway may be created to permit the children to walk some 1,000 feel north from Marblehead of Burkhardt where there is a traffic light. rtay Armstrong, i hief deputy engineer, said, "We have looked Lt, Gen. Nguyen Khanh, South Vietnam's exstrong-man, arrives in Rome amid Communist threats of demonstrations. Page 10.

OTHER FEATURES IN TODAY'S NEWS: from poor liaison between ground and aiv units. Under the system of communication between ground advisers and planes, it takes about three minutes to call off an air strike, they said. blamed the U.S. government for will he a turnout of hundreds of his murder. Amusem*nts 30 Ask and Answer 28 Barry Goldwater 20 Business News 31 Editorials 20.

Live Within Your Maggie Fitzgibbons Obituary No' at vnior rrvritrflfinni Negroes ,11,.,.. J. i u- ,4.,, Camera News 18, Ralph McGill 21 GOVERNMENT forces with 'Vth. offices in mostly rural counties "Tw Yes U.S. helicopter support continued sa'd many of thfe a of Belt nstrators read Malco.m Yes.

a ground-sea-air offensive In poace manlfcsto dld not of Alabamas Black No, Yankee Go Home, delta area ISO miles southeast know natucc of wnat they "We want a number that can't Crush America." of Saigon. A large Communist WPre s'gnmS" and that the gov- be numbered." was the way the For about 45 minutes 1he into it, but due to Hie close proximity of the light at Burk-hirdl we have not approved a light at Marblehead." However, said Armstrong, Turn to MOTHER. Page III, CM, I Classified Comics 40. 41 Crossword Puzzle 41 Dear Abby 25 Deaths. Funerals 12 Dr.

Alvarez Says 17 seams to Me 27 Sports 14-17 Star Gazer 40 Television 41 Uncle Ray 30 Women's Pages 24-28 W1U suu" me "ev r- ees? seima ae" stood outside the residence shout-organizers. scribed the plans last night at a ing anu.American 8i0gans and force was believed to have been operating in the area. There were no reports of dam- traffic policeman, says she realizes she's breaking the law. "I know I have no authority," she said. "But I believe that sometimes you have to break the law to protect your, children." THE EAST-WEST street involved is Marblehead east of Spinning, coming out of Sa-ville Estates, which becomes Duquesne west of Spinning.

Mrs. Lyons, of 807 Gleneagle Dr. and the mother of three school-age children and two pre-schoolers, said she has been guarding the intersection "Since we started our campaign last September or October." The "campaign" is to get a traffic light at the intersection so that children may more safely cross the busy highway on their way from Saville Estates to St. Helen's school. MILD OtTLOOK Lamb Going mm singing anti-Amencan songs.

QUAT SAID a sharp distinction should be made between these A mass rally was told by ace to the Viet Cong, but gov THEN THEY pushed open the a i ii iMini' iiiiiit iiri" i ri lit- rinmeni imces came under movements and recent statements h. hruthpri asirip coiinues, uownaes, rnai ne wl- neay monar lire mis morninc hv Hu i hist eaders a so pa mo Two soldiers were killed and 18. for peace. noT-mailv uard 57 others wounded. 1 1 ILIJ lllll Ul-Vliusr ill liu ois iw nwr- frm nf whito reaci.ed the porch of the resi- Ban on Movies Must Allow For Review, Court Rules have called for a cease-fire." men carrying shotguns.

dence and milled about. Jones admitted three representatives of the demonsu'ators The B57's and Vietnamese air force Skyraidcrs had been pound-ing the area for five days, but it was difficult to assess the THE PREACHER, the Rev. Quat said. "What they are talking about is an entirely different thing." 1-JUPi-The Supreme court in the litigation that the WASHINGTON, Mar. ruled unanimously today that state censorship of movies was proper for exhibition arv ttfeir must he lased on a iruarantee of nromnt judicial and would nave becn i'cense runs, including one maior hiast H.

L. Harrison, 32. said he left who submitted a petition that in-his Mount Carmel Baptist church eluded the usual condemnation of in the Gordonville community of s. policies in Vietnam and the Lowndes because "I can't fight world, while folks and black folks at the same time." AN ANTI-RIOT mobile brigade was called out but it took 45 -IACKSON, MISS. A federal minutes to reach the ambassa-judge has set new hearmgs for dor residence.

They dispersed liar. 8 on suits that brought the demonstrators. review of on films. submitted. that could have been a muni- The court declared invalid a an appeal by Ronald L.

Freed- Freedman was fined $25 after lions depot. Maryland law requiring that man, manager of the Rex theater public showins of the picture. films le submitted to a censor in Baltimore. In a test case, he The average license for approved iny KO operation was m.hii. i.j films Minimii't fniiw launcnefi Saturday when two STUDENT Questions For Marina What kind of person is Marina Oswald, widow of the accused assassin of President uwttiu wri.fl ltuuiiv.

II IIH1 llini IHB mm IIIHIIJ llldl lilt wu. nattHiions or paratroops wre stale law violates the guarantee oi Appeals upneia me line ana of freedom of expression in the decided the law was constitu- William J. Brennan school desegregation to three SimjIar mob actjon agajnst areas of Mississippi last fall to Jones. residence occud about review "stairstep plans. flown to the front in 137 helicopters.

It was the biggest lift of the war. wrote the court's opinion, rie- foriaral rwhturinn's first amonri- tional elarinc lhal the Maryland scheme, ment. Th. mt rfnn INDIANOI.A, MISS. Demonstrations involving groups of "fails to provide adequate safe-j Maryland is one of four stales today a Texas constituUonal pro- Vietnamese junk fleet sand guards against undue inhibition having film censorship boards, vision allowing members of the navv uunit' were operating off the of protected expression." The others ai-e Virginia, New aimed forces to vote only in the "caioy coai York and Kansas.

The court was county in which they resided Vietnamese planes sank what Today's Chuckle Some of the world's greatest deeds have been accomplished by two types of men those who were smart enough to know it could be done, and those too dumb to know it couldn't. To Showers March's weather came in like a lamb today and it's going to continue lamb-like or mild tomorrow, but with a few spring showers. Intermittent rain is expected to set in tonight and may continue through Wednesday, according to the weatherman. TEMI'KI! TURKS will stay on the warm side with a low of IS due tonight and a high of 60 tomorrow. It will xt ill be mild on Wednesday with the mercury expected in the mid-50s.

Justice William O. Douglas, joined by Justice Hugo Black, in told that many large rities also when they joined up. The provi- may have been a camouflaged about 75 persons were staged yesterday by civil rights work- ers at Indianola and Batesvillej to protest earlier arrests. Two; white men and a Negro were jailed at Batesvile on charges of fighting. have such boards, so thai 50 to sion has kept some soldiers resid- vessel -n Mini ii.

in i i from a lunrunK munitions i i i pr. kt Kennedy? How did her fellow students at the University of ichigan react to the presence on campus of the rurred with Stewart but would mr wnam. lion has some censorship of have gone further. I movies. THE DECISION wai giv en on THE PIIX)T of a light South "I do not believe any ten of an appeal by Army Sgt.

Herbert Vietqamese plane said he had censorship no matter how FREE DM AN refused to submit N. Carrington who said he has been fired upon as he flew over speedy or prolonged it may be- for review and licensing a movMe been a resident of El Paso for what appeared to be a boat is permissible," said Black. vears and intends to make It his camounaged with foliage in a I JST iifci" HI niMrnn, urn iiiil i ii r. permanent home. He entered the ove in the Mekong delata prov- Marina service while a resident of Bes- mce of Kern Hoa, 80 mUes balfiW FOUR TRUCKS DAMAGED nemer, and has been denied saigon.

the right to vote in Texas. He said there were about 30 Justice Potter Stewart delivered men on deck and sampans going the 7-1 decision. Justice John M. bck nd frih to shore. Harlan wrote the dissenting op in- Two weeks ago Vietnamese Ion.

Chief Justice Earl Warren fighters sank a ship carrying a did not participate in the case, large cargo of arms and ammu-T. off the coast of central Theme of New Series: Babies Want to Read Babies not only can learn to read but thay want to. What's more, says Glenn Doman, director of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential at Philadelphia, they should learn to read. This revolutionary and controversial view is brought out in one of the most exciting books to stir up modern educators and parents. "There has never been an adult scientist half so curious at is any child between the ages of 18 months and four years," Doman says.

"Teach Your Baby to Read" will be published as a series beginning next Sunday. Boys' Game of Bump Produces $600 Lump young Russian-born woman? How does she manage to communicate with others? What are the rumors that surround her 7 These are the questions Mary Lou Pointner, Daily News staffer, aslied on the campus at Ann Arbor. The result of her probing interviews a It a i exciting reading for the women's pages Tuesday. Jacob Named Vietnam. The possibility of Increased action by U.S.

Navy patrol ships' against vessels running guns from' North Vietnam to guerrillas in Ihe south increased following the new American white pair o.i Dayco Chief; the war. THE DOCUMENT issued by the State department said a North 'PICKED REST PIECES' Dividend Set Dayco Corp. directors today assigned the title of chief execu- liu nffir In it Vietnamese "maritime infiltration group" has been sending jT 1 LVi XmfLm MfkW WW km MmmBk i Elizabeth Taylor Robbed Of $50,000 in Jewelry ert B. Jacob and declared both weapons, supplies and Red agents i common and preferred dividends. Increasing numbers.

A Fi eedlander, who was Hanoi continues to ignore the idesignaled chief executive officer to of militant resolve ema-in I960 following manv years as ritHhg from Washington, Commu-presideni and then chairman, nlst North Vietnam faces the risk recommended to the board that of destructive air and sea attacks these duties be transferred to the in Important war-making in-mesideni slallatlons within its borders. a By HARRY KENNEDY IR. Dally News KtaH Writer Officials today estimated damage at between $600 and 11,000 after four young boys, 10, 11, 13, and 17, were caught playing "bumping cars" with trucks in a rental agency parking lot yesterday. James Hoffman, general manager of the truck leasing division of the Hertz 410 Keowee said four trucks wei-e damaged. He said five others had been enlered because ihe keys wera in the an' position.

HE LAID ihe boys entered the parking lot by climbing ever or crawling under a fence. "We did it because we just didn't have nothing else to do," the 13-ycar-old reported calmly. He was sitting in a raw of chaira with the others in the detective headquarters it the safety building. OWE OF the youngsters wore a bright red veat. The oldest boy wore thick glasses and snoka very viowiy.

"I did it because the other bova did it," said the youngest. "It wasn't my Idea," This Is the nub of the message contained In the 61-page illustrated white paper. FREEDLANDBB continues as chairman of the board and chairman of Payee's executive committee. The change came at the IN YOKOSI KA, Japan, Vice boaid meeting, follow ing adm, Roy L. Johnson turned over the annual shareholder meeting command of the U.S.

7th Fleet to at which first quarter results vice Adm. Paul B. Bhckburn, were reported. declaring that the fleet is at Dayco's directors declared a 'w peak of readiness because of dividend of 10 cents on common 'he Vietnam war. shares for the quarter ended ntmOK Phait Huy Quat Apr 30.

This is the second 10-! t(lflnv rrnrwprf 1,1. cmvernment's wardroom in her hotel suite where she is staying with her husband. Welsh born actor Richard Burton. "THE WARDROHK a broken into and all the boxes) were opened," Miss Taylor said "The robbery has made ma very sad because some of the pieces belonged to my great-grandmother," Miss Taylor added. She said that the jewelry was insured.

The actress said she could not give a full listing of what waa stolen until she checked with her secretary who was in Parla. She estimated the toss at $30,000. DUBLIN, Mar. 1 (UPI) -Film actress Elizabeth Taylor today said she was robbed of $50,000 worth of Jewelry from her hotel apartment. She disclosed thet theft as she flew to Parla to attend the funeral of her chauffer's son who was killed in an accident in France last week.

"Whoever stole the jewelry knew a lot about it," Miss Taylor said. "They only picked the best pieces." MIIR SAID she discovered the loss last night but added "I think It waa stolen while I was watt In r.n-is for a fe days last week" on another it She snld she kept htr jewelry In a number of jewd boxes which were locked up in a rent payment since common dlvi-; JIM HOFFMAN EXAMINES TRUCK DAMAGE Humping Costly. Staff Photo hy Ryan Handera pledge to continue the anti-Communist struggle as long as the Viet Cong continue to oiieratc. Qual called a news conference primarily to dispel rumors that a negotiated deal might lie in progress. He denounced all "peace move- dends were resumed last December after a four-year lapse.

Directors also declared a quarterly dividend of 90 cents on Class A preferred shares. Roth the common and preferred dividends are payable Apr. to holders of record Apr. 9, two others were walk-in bread trucks. The manager said four slml lar break-ins have occurred over the past six months.

After the third request for a reason why. the 13-yearold said they were havirtf HOFFMAN said one of the trucks waa a moving van and TAYMTR Dublin Apartment Looted.

Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.